Western Red Cedar Smudge by Mariah Windsong


Western Red Cedar Smudge by Mariah Windsong

EUR 14.99

Western Red Cedar Smudge energy system is the essence of smoke from Western Red Cedar bark

also known as Thuja Plicata or Thuja Occidentalis

Smudging is the use for smoke for the sacred purpose of sanctifyng objectos clearing away negativity.This is perfect for people new to attunements

Western Red Cedar Smudge is effective without the physical cedar bark being burnt for sacred purifyng of your energy fields spaces ,and objects

Cedar Smudge is great for times when physical smoke is not allowed to be burned or you simply don 't haveWestern Red Cedar supplies on hand

There is also the added benefit of being able to use it even if you or someone in the vicinity is allergic to cedar wood or has sensitivies to cedar smudge

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