My Soul Lineage Genetic Integration Master by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value
EUR 30.00
My Soul Lineage Genetic Integration assist to remedy te maladies that arise ,when a person has been in another embodiment and its genetics are is incompatible with this human bodily form .
Often this conflict between the type of physical bosy form that your soul was accustomed to presenting in and the human physical body results in excessive allergies ,autoimmune ,connective tissue ,hormonal and fertility issues .
Sometimes it doesn ' t pay much attention to these codes.At other times your spirit energy is strongly laden with these codes and your physical body reads them as instruction rather than historical imprints
When the genetic codes and information from your soul' s previous incarnations are received as real as your physical DNA there can be some complications and adverse symptoms
So for example let us say that you ,in a previous existence had a more bird -like body .Your soul energy remenbers your divine expression being more bird .like than humanoid.
In this way ,being in a human body may seem foreign.Additionally your soul may try to express in a more bird -like fashion,signaling to any pre-historic bird genes that your now human body may have within it ,and dormant to awaken .
I think you can see how such signaling could be counter - indication for a happy human body
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