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Kidneys and Bladder Care by Mariah Windsong


Kidneys and Bladder Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 26.99

Price $ 29.99

Your one attunement to Kidneys and Bladder Care you are gaining access to several other energy functions which provide more focused care for very specific areas of your kidneys and bladder so that you may offset the effects of disease or injury. Anyone may use this energy system who is attuned, but only Reiki or Seichim Master Teachers may pass this attunement to others.

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Skin Care by Mariah Windsong


Skin Care by Mariah Windsong

EUR 19.99

Skin Care is designed to support your skin 's health and promote healthy skin cell regeneration

Derma Clear assists your skin 's acne clearance

Functions are included to inhibit abnormal skin cells and enhance the regerenation of healthy skin cells

Functions for skin resiliency here too..

Histamine Blocker Field reduces your skin 's tendency to over react to irritants such as bug bites

The itch and redness of allergy responses such as hives are also reduced with the use of Histamine Blocker Fieeld

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Lung Care by Mariah Windsong


Lung Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 26.99

26,99 $

Lung Care encourages healing while raising your blood oxygen levels

Lung Care Level 1 is a energy of :Elecampane Essence ,Mullein Essence and Optimal Blood Oxygen Concentration function

Lung Care Level 2 brings you the Bloodroot Deva Empowerment and authorizes you to pass Lung Care attunements on others people if you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher

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Digestive Care by Mariah Windsong


Digestive Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 31.00

31 $

Digestive Care energy system is designed to assist you and your body to have an efficient and comfortable digestive system

Digestion of solid and liquid foods is important Digestion of the information resulting from situations in your life ,and your positioning to them is another factor in your digstive system health and comfort

Digestive Care contains a Digestive Shakti who brings assistance targeted at specific areas and purposes and these energy functions

Aloe Vera Healer ,Villi Healing Session and Gut Instinct Trust Ray Villi are the finger like protrusions on the inner lining of your intestines

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Blood Care Level 1 and 2 by Mariah Windsong


Blood Care Level 1 and 2 by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

Blood Care cleanses your blood and removes genetic maladies in your bloood's DNA

Other functions include Paternal and Maternal Genetic Weakness Flushes

That is to attend to concerns arising from your mother and father' s sides of the family genetic line going back 7 generations

Any previous forms your spirit has been in can bring genetic incompatibilities that can also be flushed away

You can also be infused with the genetic strengths you may have had in other incarnations that are beneficial to you now in this lifetime ,while in this physical body

Blood of Life Infusion has arrived from the Creator Goddess manifestation just as She individuates from Eternal Sacred Source

My Blood is an energy function for anyone who has received a blood trasnfusion and assists to transform the foreign blood into yours

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Excess Fat Care by Mariah Windsong


Excess Fat Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

25 $

Is a simple and comprehensive energy sytem comprised of a flush and Shakti to help your body reduce excess fat

Care is required to escort out of the body any toxins your cells release as fat is reduced

Metabolizer Shakti assist your body to reduce excess fat in your body 's cells by a natural metabolic process

Your body's cells hold memories in your fat deposits

Cell Memory Flush is designed to energetically flush away old emotions released as your body 's excess fat is metabolized

Anyone may receive Excess Fat Care and reagin a healthy figure

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Nerve Care by Maria Windsong


Nerve Care by Maria Windsong

EUR 16.99

Nerve Care provides you with healing and revitalizing energies delivered perfectly to you by CARE Team

Care means :Calling all Responsive Eternals ,and so you have many Eternal Light Beings arriving to you when you activate Nerve Care energy system

They scan your nervous sytem to determine its need then send gentle and effective energies to the right areas

Nerve Care may be felt as a warmth and ripple through your nerves

You will also receive Myelin Health energies that promote regeneration and maintenance for the Myelin Sheath that insulates your nerves

Nerves conduct the messages from our brain to various body parts so that we can move our muscles

Other nerves transmit the feelings of sensations from where they occur ,back to our brain so we can feel both pleasure and pain

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Tooth Care by Mariah Windsong


Tooth Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

28 $

Tooth Care is a comprehensive energy sytem for the care of all parts of your teeth and gums

Gum Health Enhancement ,Enamel Protector and Tooth Root Repair Shakti are included

I' ve channelled Ethereal Hydrocodone so you may use less of the physical pain medicine for relief

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Womb Care by Mariah Windsong


Womb Care by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Womb Care is a comprehensive energy sytem that brings you the CARE of all responsive eternal beings whose speciality it is to attend to the healing and wholeness of your body ' s reproductive sytem

Womb Care includes the energies of Cramp Pain Release for your monthly ease and confort

Women or men can receive an attunement to Womb Care

If you are a man ,you may want to be attuned so that you can activate these energies for a woman in your life who wants more healing on all levels

An attunement is a dose of energy frequencies that match the energy of this energy system in general ,and each function or attunement specifically

Once you have received that dose of energy your body and spirit will recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal Sacred Source that is the energy stream of this particular energy system

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Heartache Healer by Mariah Windsong


Heartache Healer by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Heartache Healer is an energy system comprised of 3 Levels

After you receive your attunements it is recommended that you activate the energies and participate consciously with a guided meditation to enhance benefits

Heartache Healer energy system 's atttunement provides you the permission and autorithy to call upon and activate all of the energies associated with this energy system

After your attunement with strong intention to receive these energies they will arrive to you in a similar way that Reiki or other Divine energy streams do

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Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 22.00

Your Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber tests and regenerates your body 's capillary and cellular tissue liquid pressure and resiliency

Anyone may accept an attunement but only Reiki or Seichim Master may pass this system onward to other people

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Exhaust Fumes Detoxifier Shakti by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

For Reiki Master

Vapors or fumes from oil ,gas ,automobiles and other engines are toxic to breathe

Sometimes you may not realize that you are breathing these for at times they are odorless and colorless.Most of the time you will notice when you are behind a car that is stinky

Or you ilnotice the scent in fuel oil or gas that is added so that you can detect it .This energy system brings you assistance to help detoxify and heal from the adverse effects of exhaust fumes

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Nadi Care by Mariah Windsong


Nadi Care by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Prerequisite Reiki Master

Nadi Strands are subtle energy pathways in your body that feed energy to your chakras. Nadi Care moves Divine non-polarized light through your nadis, cleansing, awakening and replenishing them.

Nadi Care is a Divine Energy System that any sincere seeker can use.

Care means: Calling all Responsive Eternals.

There are Eternal Beings of Light who respond to our call, and assist our body and being.

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Prolific Sales Activator by Mariah Windsong


Prolific Sales Activator by Mariah Windsong

EUR 15.99

Is a strong activator of sales for you and the business you are associated with

The Prolific energy that fuels this attunement is a proven activator to attract sales for you

Prolific Sales Activator motivates people who can benefit from your services or products

Prolific Sales Activator creates positive actions by those who are qualified to buy your products or services to secure the sale

Motivates people who can benefit from your services or products

Qualified prospects will be activated to make the positive decision to secure the sale by signing the contract or sending the funds to complete the sale

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Sovereignty Empowerment by Mariah Windsong


Sovereignty Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Sovereignty Empowerment assists you to make decision confidently ,gives you the energetic positioning of making those decisions free of other people 's control to influence your choice.

Helps you gracefully accept other people 's advice and to know if it isn 't beneficial to you.

Thus you will be making the best decision in each now moment without anyone else's energies or desire to control you tunning upon your being or your mind.

Sovereignty Empowerment enhances your beneficial connections with other people while freeing you energetically of their own worries and fears

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My Soul Lineage Genetic Integration Master by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 30.00

My Soul Lineage Genetic Integration assist to remedy te maladies that arise ,when a person has been in another embodiment and its genetics are is incompatible with this human bodily form .

Often this conflict between the type of physical bosy form that your soul was accustomed to presenting in and the human physical body results in excessive allergies ,autoimmune ,connective tissue ,hormonal and fertility issues .

Sometimes it doesn ' t pay much attention to these codes.At other times your spirit energy is strongly laden with these codes and your physical body reads them as instruction rather than historical imprints

When the genetic codes and information from your soul' s previous incarnations are received as real as your physical DNA there can be some complications and adverse symptoms

So for example let us say that you ,in a previous existence had a more bird -like body .Your soul energy remenbers your divine expression being more bird .like than humanoid.

In this way ,being in a human body may seem foreign.Additionally your soul may try to express in a more bird -like fashion,signaling to any pre-historic bird genes that your now human body may have within it ,and dormant to awaken .

I think you can see how such signaling could be counter - indication for a happy human body

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Inner Body Protector by Mariah Windsong


Inner Body Protector by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Your Inner Body Protector -with Bentonite Sealant - arrives to you from Eternal Sacred Source to

provide protection from unwanted people and energies arriving to you from the inner planes .

There are many inner planes of exstence

In the microcosm of life within you there are many doorways to other places and spaces

Inner Body Protector adds concealment to your inner doorways .

Bentonite Sealant is the spiritual energy of bentonite clay and fills any etheric holes or weak areas in the lining of your inner body

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River Sleep Enhancement by Mariah Windsong


River Sleep Enhancement by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99

21,99 $

River Sleep Enhancement brings you a just right dose of flowing river energy that enhances your natural ability to enter the sleep state and remain asllep longer.

River Sleep is helpful when activated within a half hour of the time you will be reclined and ready to sleep

River Sleep Enhancement uses both energetic movement and the spiritual energies of rivers.Rivers have a very specific role both on our planet and in our conscious and subconscious minds.Mental Clutter Clearing and Peaceful Mental Landscape Trust Empowerment are also included in your one River Sleep Enhancement attunement.

These two powerful functions are essential spiritual tools.They have been brought forth to provide you with an easy ways to clear your mind of mental clutter and to give you the trust necessary to allow peace to settle into your mental landascape.

Self Forgiveness Ray encourages you to accept your self and open to Peace.Rive Sleep Enhancement fosters a restful replenishing sleep

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Yellow Dock Empowerment by Mariah Windsong


Yellow Dock Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Yellow Dock Empowerment gives you theright to call upon and receive the energy flow from the Yellow Dock Plant Spirit the Yellow Dock Flower Essence and the Yellow Dock Root Essence .

These spiritual energies increase circulation for your hands ,feet and internal organs.

There are many diseases that impede a person 's natural circulation and reduced circulation is also a side of effect of certain medicine people take regulary.

The Yellow Dock Flower Essence increase confidence in your life.

Brings you many of the same benefits that physical supplementation with the herbal root powder would:Toxin removal from your liver and building blood.If you already supplement your diet with

Yellow Dock Root tea or capsules of the dried root ,this Yellow Dock Root Essence will help your body absorb and utilize the physical herb better

Working with the Yellow Dock Plant Spirit provides you with the ability to receive any gift the plant wishes to help you with in your life ,not simply its areas of expertise that it has already show me.

It will work individuallity with you for maximum benefit in each area of your life that you ask for help

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Flow Care by Mariah Windsong


Flow Care by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99


Flow Care is part of the Lymphatic System Care series

The fluid in your cells is usually absorbed by tissue cells or the blood before it flow out of tissue .

Everyday a little bit of interstitial fluid containing proteins and other big stuff ,gest left behind.

The lymph system is the only way that liquid is going to get out of your cells.

If even a little bit was to stay in there ,edema occurs ,the swelling of cells due to too much liquid containing waste products ,within them.

This leads to tissue destruction and eventually death.

Thus you can see the importance of the lymphatic system to health .The lympathic system run parallel to your veins in many areas ,and diverts off on its own ,in other areas of your body .The lymphatic system begins in the intercellular space of soft tissue in your body and moves outward from there ....

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