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Histamine Blocher Field by Mariah Windsong

Histamine Blocher Field by Mariah Windsong

EUR 14.99

Histamine Blocker Field and Particulare Screen provide a reduction of histamine and allergy response of airborne irritants and allergens

Histamine Blocker Field allows people to spend more time in places that they normally would not be able to tolerate ,due to their sinus reactions to airborne pollens ,particulates and other irritants

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Financial Fear Flush by Mariah Windsong


Financial Fear Flush by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Financial Fear Flush is an energy function that specifically targets any fears you haveabout your financial well being and having all you need

Financial Fear Flush is great to activate with intention whenever you notice a worry ,concern or fear about money pass through your mind

It is important to flush away the fears that cause money to drain away

Whenyou fear that you don'thave enough money ,even the money you have seems to disappear before it has done all that it needed to for you

Once your fears about money and your financial situacion have been flushed away your confidence about your financial matters will build and be secure

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Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Any thoughts or intentions from people or wants tocontrol you shall be deflected and either transmuted in the Violet of Transmutation or amplified upon their return from whence they came

Any healing intentions from others that simply are not in your highest joyful good shall be deflected and transmuted for Earth .For example a frequency you are not ready for or energies that although well-intended ,might cause unbalance within you.

Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector works everywhere and every -when.Any part ,aspect ,speck imprint,memory ,thought,consciousness,footprint or protection of you that is or shall be.

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Chromacolor Fire Body by Mariah Windsong


Chromacolor Fire Body by Mariah Windsong -- Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

28 $

Chromacolor Fire Body is comprised of chromocolored fire letters.After you 've accepted your attunement ,you have access to call upon this garment of chromo colored light to supprt your body

Fire letters are multi and inter-dimensional active communication from Eternal Sacred Source to you.

This means that you will have a continuing line of communication and support between you ,your soul and Eternal Sacred Sourceevery time you wear this garment .Fire letters are often considered to be thoughts from the Divine which contain instructions for your physicality to be raised

Fire letters can be in the form of sacred language full thought forms which are not distorted by time ,space or lower energies of control and perversion.In this way ,your Chromacolor Fire Body can protect and uplift you always

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Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer by Mariah Windsong


Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

25 $

Bizarre Belief Bouncer arrives to bounce away other people 's versions of reality that are not right for you .This is especilally helpful for people who have been around others who are not only passionate about their beliefs,but determined to " win you over " to their way of believing.Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer is very useful for people who have been "brainwashed" by individuals or groups .Even when back in your own community ,such experiences can linger in the recesses of your mind and require bouncing

Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer energy system assists you to release yourself from beliefs that are not in alignment with your inner self ,your higher self ,and soul.This "bouncer" is very effective at sorting and sifting through the currently held " as true " beliefs and bouncing away the ones that are not beneficial to you

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Quarz Crystal Archive Key Awakening by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that ' match' the energies of this Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening.

Once you have received that dose of energy ,your body and spirit will recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal Sacred Source that the energy stream of this particular energy system

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Strategic Skills Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Levels 1 - 2

Strategic SkillsEmpowerment attunement and energy system contains the energy functions of Strategic Knowledge Ray ,Strategic Wisdom Ray ,Strategic Intuition Ray and Strategic Protection Field

Strategic Skills give you the advantage in business ,gaming,academia and competitions

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Craniosacral Care by Mariah Windsong


Craniosacral Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

28 $

Receive your Craniosacral Care Sessions

Craniosacral Care Attunement attunes you to the energies of Ethereal Craniosacral Energy Specialists

THis means that you have the authorityor access to ask for a Craniosacral Care session to be performed on you by the Beings of Light whose speciality it is to do this treatment for you .It will be done perfectly for you ,exactly as is proper at this time in accord with your Higher Self and Source

Once your attuned to Craniosacral Care and ready to recline and request a session you may request a complete session or a 15 minute session.Depending on the breadth of your needs a complete session could be long

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Descension Integration by Mariah Windsong


Descension Integration by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Descension Integration is designed to help those parts of you that descended from your soul any time after birth to integrate with you seamlessly.

At various times throughout our lives ,more of who we are arrive from our soul.Most of the time ,these descensions don,t have a personality that contrasts with the parts of you that are already here in this body

Sometimes a soul part arrives with likes and dislikes as well as ademeanor that is different than what you are accustomed to

integrating these various aspects of you can be a challenge .Integration often requires direction in order for it to happen .That is to say that integration is not necessarily automatic after a part of your soul arrives to you that has not been in this body previously .It can be rather disconcerting to feel two ways about something rather than beingof asingle mind on any topic

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Western Red Cedar Smudge by Mariah Windsong


Western Red Cedar Smudge by Mariah Windsong

EUR 14.99

Western Red Cedar Smudge energy system is the essence of smoke from Western Red Cedar bark

also known as Thuja Plicata or Thuja Occidentalis

Smudging is the use for smoke for the sacred purpose of sanctifyng objectos clearing away negativity.This is perfect for people new to attunements

Western Red Cedar Smudge is effective without the physical cedar bark being burnt for sacred purifyng of your energy fields spaces ,and objects

Cedar Smudge is great for times when physical smoke is not allowed to be burned or you simply don 't haveWestern Red Cedar supplies on hand

There is also the added benefit of being able to use it even if you or someone in the vicinity is allergic to cedar wood or has sensitivies to cedar smudge

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Higher Self Will Alignment by Mariah Wildsong

EUR 16.99

Higher Self Will Alignment assists to bring your higher self 's will into alignment with your conscious choices and prorities here in this reality

You ,that is to say ,your personality and beingness here in this body have made choices .You have grown and made decision in your life

You have priorities which may differ from what your higher self would choose

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Crystal Being Therapy by Mariah Windsong


Crystal Being Therapy by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99

21,99 $

Crystal Being Therapy is therapy for you ,administered by various Crystal Beings of the Silicate group of minerals.I a told that the Silicate Crystal Beings have a much wider range of energy skills has previously been recorded

Many ethereal crysytal systems specify various uses for each crystal.They do indeed assist as many talented energy system founderrs have detailed for you in other systems ,however ,without extensive study of various chennelled works ,invariably you will not know all of their benefits

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Spiritual Course Composition Initiation by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 60.00

60 $

Spiritual Course Composition Initiation is for people who are already a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher

That level of expertise as foundation is required to make the most of this initiation and the teaching within it

Level 1 Learn how to teach techniques on a series of educational topics while simultaneously

attending to the individual needs of each participant

There 's instruction in the pratices that will ease the anchoring of energies to here,while composing pure and effective courses

Level 2 containts guidance about teaching the spiritual courses you ' ve channelled in person to students .Group and 1 on 1 class advice

Level 3 teaches you how to compose a " call in at your convenience " session for aclient or student that addresses their individual needs or concerns

Level 4 conferms upon you the ability to pass this energy system on to others

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Light Concentration Increase Rays by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99

21,99 $

Verdant and Powerful ,Light Concentration Increase Rays sustain biological life with the Eternal Divine Blueprint of evolved creation

Light Concentration Increase Rays open your body 's sentient awareness and DNA to understand Divine instruction and teach your body 's how to use certain chromo -color concentrations of Light as fuel for eternal life

Light Concentration Increase Rays constantly increase your capacity to hold an ever more concentraded quality of Light which brings with it more assistance and unity with the Light beyond the Light of our local universe

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Connective Tissue Service by Mariah Windsong


Connective Tissue Service by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Consists of:

Inflammation Reduction Ray

Muscle Mender Ray

Tikkun Shakti

Dissolver Shakti

Ethereal Fascia Massage

Trigger Point Treatment

Healthy Tissue Enhancement

Optimal Bone Density Field with Ideal Calcium Concentration

Bone Marrow Vitality

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Cognitive Upgrade by Mariah Windsong


Cognitive Upgrade byMariah Windsong  - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

28,00 $

with Light body Integration in Level 2

Cognitive Upgrade is a delightful energythat helps your brain and mind make sense of more of the information you receive when in your spiritual journeys

it also helps you to function better here in this reality ,while you are integrating spiritual downloads and divine codes of enlightenment

Lightbody Integration assists you and your pysical body to activate the divine instructions you receive from beyond this reality

This may change the molecular composition of your body in such a way that enables it to make use of and literally embody more of your soul and Eternal Sacred Source

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Force Factor Five Fear Flush by Mariah Windsong- Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 29.99


A powerful spiritual energy flush fueled by the flux of elementals

Continued use of Force Factor Five will increase your confidence in life and ability to access various forces of nature and Divinity for your sustenance.

Force Factor Five Fear Flush consists of these forces:

Wind ,gasses,Spirit of Eternal Sacred Source ,sacred smoke ,Breath of Life ,mist.

Fire ,chemical reactions ,Eternal Living Flame.Alchemy

Fluid flux factors ,liquids,Living Water,Blood,milk,honey ,magma

Solid Earthen Foundation ,mineral ,rocks,Source of Stillness,Celestial Stones:tektites and meteorites,blueprints of creation

Force of gravity and electromagnetism and atmospheric pressure flux

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Pure Perpetual Potency by Mariah Windsong


Pure Perpetual Potency by Mariah Windsong

EUR 19.99

Pure Potency usesperpetual Master Number Sequences to raise you energy frequency.You may also use this as an amplifyng tool for any other energy system you are attuned to ,while working on youself or others

Great for manifesting wealth too,for you get accustomed to thinking bigger numbers

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Labradorite Sphere by Mariah Windsong


Labradorite Sphere by Mariah Windsong

EUR 19.99

Labradorite Sphere reduce headaches and eases pressure .

Labradorite'sspiritual energy forms a sphere around your body's energy fields to dispel negativity ,thus relieving the mental and emotional bodies of anxiety.

Labradorite Sphere assists you to drop awaypatterns that have been holding you back from embracing your true self.It creates balance at a cellular level ,promoting acceptance within your body to allow the changes you require to stepmore fully into your life's purpose and Divine Function here on Earth.

Labradorite Sphere is very adaptive and works with your Higher Self and Source to bring you the spiritual qualities of Labradorite stone that are most needed for you at this time

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Liquid Love by Mariah Windsong


Liquid Love by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Liquid Love attunement gives you ease of access to the stream of love that most resonates for you ,from Teternal Source and Earth ,through your soul.

Each person responds to slightly different varieties of love ,Liquide LOve brings you the stream of love you need and are open to .Some people think fondly of a person ,others think of land ,a pet Angels ,God or a Goddess.

One reason why there are so many religions is the need that must be filled,to access love that feel most right to each person .A love that transcends the here and now and can cleanse us,fill us and hold us

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