Zapharel Erbium Ray by Ramon Martinez Lopez



by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 343  year 2016 

Zapharel Erbium Ray will start energetic changes and clearings that over time

will bring harmony and peace in relationships with others – both in romantic

relationships and friendships and working relationships. Issues carried during

this lifetime and previous lifetimes will be healed and cleared and you will feel

less laden and more at ease with those closest to you

Zapharel is a member of the Seraphim which is closest to Source of spiritual light.

This ray can be more easily able to clear blocks and restore our energy to work in harmony with all around us.

So often people feel intense energy for healing themselves and others to become a pure and strong channel of energy.

Erbium ray Activates the energy in your heart to manifest love desires and increases love frequencies

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR  343

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