
year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

The Callanish Stones have enigmatic ancient charm and amazing Powers.

The stone circle in the Isle of Lewis Scotland is made up of megaliths arranged in the shape of a cross, at the center of which is a circle of stones dating back to around 5000 years or more.

Working with these energies are useful for any who wants to connect to an amazing and ancient energies that contain strong healing and protective powers, that can guide and assist you in your spiritual awakening path, daily meditation, extrasensory perceptions, Spiritual Gifts development and much more.

They are great ancient energies that can assist you in any spiritual practices, ritual activity, white magic, healing sessions, etc.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.
