Catuaba Elixir by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

year 2017  EUR 13.99

The Catuaba is a small tree ,We find it in the Brazil, in the Amazon rainforest.

It is often called by other names, depending on your location: Tatuaba, Pau de Reposta , Caramuru and more

The plant has a very long history in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac.

Its remarkable properties are described in the songs of the Tupi Indians of Brazil who were the first to discover the qualities of Catuaba, centuries ago. Indigenous and local peoples have used for generations

Although the plant has been used mostly in South America as aphrodisiac, it would seem that the Catuaba has other beneficial properties that could cure or prevent virus infections and depression. It can also be used as a painkiller and to combat fatigue.

According to the popular custom of the' Amazon natives, the Catuaba gives energy to people suffering from chronic fatigue, helps fight insomnia, improve sleep and helps you to focus attention.

Catuaba is an aphrodisiac for both women and men, as it increases the interest and sexual potency in both sexes because it has a direct effect on the nervous system and facilitates the lifting of inhibitions on the part of both

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