teresa rubiolo (61)


 Prehistoric stones and crystals ,Quartz, rock crystal, titanium, tourmaline, muscovite and zircon are just some of the many precious crystals and stones allied to our health and beauty that planet earth has made available to us. Their detoxifying and healing properties are able to stimulate metabolism and reactivate energy, tone the skin, stimulate circulation and eliminate excess acids and much more!

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

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Essence of Ancient Crystals and Healing Stones - Mystical Elixir by Scion


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 year 2024

These mystical healing powers are a panacea for the brain, they can are useful to preventing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's and improving cognitive functions, especially memory and more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis. You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

Boosts Brain Activity - Mystical Healing Flow by Scion



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 year 2024

Stimulates The Production of antibodies! These mystical healing powers they can strengthens the immune defenses and may also they can have a protective effect against cancer risk ,for example for a cancers forms that they can affects plasma cells which originate in the bone marrow and are central to the immune system and more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

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Against Cancer Risk - Protective Mystical Flow by Scion

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year 2024

It is important to have a healthy and robust skeleton, these healing powers can be of support in helping calcium and the phosphorus to fix in the bones and strengthen them, increase muscle tone, avoid the risk of fractures and prevent osteoporosis and more

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Osteoporosis and Fractures Prevent - Mystical Balm by Scion


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year 2024

These mystical powers can promote mental and physical relaxation and bring greater balance into your life.

They help to get in touch with the Higher Self, they can help to increase spiritual awareness to have a clearer vision even in the most difficult circumstances and to be able to face and overcome all kinds of blockages and obstacles with greater clarity, firmness and determination, coming out on winner every time.

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Spiritual Awareness Increase - Mystical Touch by Scion


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year 2024

The powerful energies contained in this mystical elixir have a powerful detoxifying effect on the liver and can help lower cholesterol levels, are an excellent support to help slow down the body's senescence, stimulate the adrenal cortex and brain activity, and increase memory and concentration and much more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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Increased Memory and Concentration - Scion' s Mystical Elixir

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year 2024

These energies can be of great help in regulating the levels of the hormones responsible for our state of serenity or stress, adrenaline and serotonin.

They are particularly useful for treating stress and its manifestations, such as anxiety, agitation, irritability, nervousness and especially insomnia, which are manifestations of the same illness/cause

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of these disorder and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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Adrenaline and Serotonin Balance - Stress Relief Mystical Flow by Scion





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year 2024

These sacred and powerful energies are great to use in your reiki sessions , your healing Rituals or other spiritual practices for you or your customers for neutralising unwanted external influences, for to boost the healing powers and more. They can as great boost ,they make us feel more clear-headed and able to face all kinds of challenges, promote concentration, help transform old mental patterns, increase the body's defences, physical strength, endurance and are useful

They can help and support in many disease healing ,have a pain-relieving effect, they can improve blood circulation and they can support to prevent anaemia, are useful against fever and inflammation in general, for respiratory problems, including laryngitis, they can facilitate digestion, to calm stomach cramps and much more. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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Spiritual Practices - Enhancement of Mystical Healing Powers - by Scion



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11694737481?profile=RESIZE_400xyear 2024

Fibromyalgia is today the second most common rheumatic disease after arthrosis, the symptoms vary and can cause widespread pain, burning or muscle stiffness of varying intensity, usually in the shoulders, back, lumbar area and buttocks. The causes of this pathology are not yet well known, it is assumed that it can be triggered by several factors, it could be related to chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, depression, a genetic predisposition, alterations in serotonin and noradrenaline receptors and more.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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Fibromyalgia Symptoms - Mystical Healing Flow by Scion


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year 2024

These sacred powers help us to get out of wrong situations that are not suitable for us, not to use the wrong patterns already adopted in the past, to externalize problems in time before they are too big to overcome



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Overcoming Wrong Patterns - Mystical Potion - by Scion



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year 2024

The purpose of these sacred powerful energies is to purify our aura of a part of the past that has become a useless burden for us, they can help us to understand that even though we often do not realize it, we ourselves create the situations that bring us joy or pain.

They are here to help, to foster understanding and the ability of people to evolve and act for to create itself a life full of joy and happiness


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Source of Joy and Happiness - Mystical Flow by Scion



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year 2023 - 50 euro

Sceptical people are full of doubts and fears, they are distrustful and suspicious of others, they are eternally indecisive, more pessimistic than optimistic, they do not expect anything good from those around them and also for this reason they do not like to expose themselves, they often tend to put off what they have to do for fear of not making the right choice, of being cheated or manipulated with the possibility that something bad may happen to them or their family.


These energies can help these people to be more open, less pessimistic, less mistrustful, less paranoid, help them to break out of their emotional and behavior al prison so that they can return to enjoy life without unfounded fears or apprehension.

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Removal of Skepticism and Paranoia - Mystical Elixir by Scion



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 year 2023 - 50 euro 

Romantic people are often dreamers, creative and sometimes extravagant people who love eccentricity and all that is out of the ordinary, they seek the unusual and beautiful in all shapes and colours.

They have a strong emotional depth, are very intuitive, have very high empathic capacities verging on telepathy, but they often carry a sense of melancholy, tend to feel inadequate, do not live the routine well, have difficulty living in the present and tend to live in the past or dream of a future full of intense emotions that they find difficult to realise at the moment.

These energies help you to eliminate melancholy, the sense of inadequacy, depression, the difficulties of living in the present, they help you to remain in the here and now in order to realize the future of your dreams.

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I Make my Dreams Come True Here and Now - Mystical Essence - by Scion



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year 2023 - 50 euro

Sometimes we wonder whether we are on the right path in life or whether we are going in the wrong direction.

These energies can help us in being able to grasp and interpret the signals/messages that the Universe often sends us.

Those signals, if only we listen to them, clearly show us the way, the important thing is to pay attention to them, to begin to trust our inner voice, to pay attention to all those sensations that we all have.

These powers support and help you to take charge of the situation with more confidence in your own means and abilities and you will no longer find yourself walking in the wrong direction continuing to blame bad luck etc. Now even if things don't immediately go the way you want or imagine they will, you are walking the right path for you and the moment you are living.

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Signals of the Universe - Mystical Essence by Scion



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year 2023 - 50 euro 

If you have spent time and energy trying to plan your future, thinking about what you are going to do tomorrow, where you can go on holiday, whether it is possible to improve your economic position by changing jobs, thinking about starting a family, or other and suddenly it happens that due to unforeseeable external factors, things do not proceed as you had planned and your daily life and your plans are turned upside down, these energies can help you and make a difference in how you can deal with the unexpected, because our attitude in facing and mastering the situation makes all the difference, They can help you to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities, to take stock of the situation - of where you are now and where you want to get to and re-build because whatever happens you have the ability to start again and complete your projects Never forget that YOU have the capacity to do it. .

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Ability to Start Again and Complete any Projects by Scion



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I Consciously Create my New Reality by Scion


year 2023 - 50 euro

We all have the ability to understand what we really need but most of us do not know how to access our inner world to explore our Self and be able to consciously create/change our reality Often received upbringing or negative personal experiences can distance us from knowing who we really are and living our true life experience Our suffering can arise from attachment, working with these powers can help us to enter our inner space in a compassionate way and to access our deepest wisdom, to make us realize that our personal reality can be a product of our mind, that we can create and experience what we imagine, we just need to understand our mind and ask ourselves what we really want in order to consciously change our reality If we want our external reality to change, we have to understand what limits us, what our fears are and find the courage to step out of our comfort zone where we can find new possibilities and consequently create a new reality in tune with our true desires.

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I Consciously Create my New Reality by Scion



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year 2023 - 50 euro

If you are realizing that you are caged in your past and maybe regretting it, you are not living in the here and now, you are not making progress because you are still stuck there.

These powerful energies can help us understand that we cannot live in regret by creating our present and our future with the filters of the past,


They teach us that the past must not interfere with our present because it does not allow us to appreciate the present and that only by letting go of our past can we create the basis for living our future in balance, stability and prosperity in every area of our lives.

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I appreciate the present and create my future - Prosperity Stream by Scion





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Dramatic Experiences Mystical Shield by Scion



year 2023 - 50 euro

Sometimes in our relationships with others we make the mistake of always being available and always answering yes only to please other people because we have been instilled with the idea that in order not to be considered selfish we must put the needs of others before our own, but the energy we expend on those around us is at the expense of caring for ourselves and we can find ourselves drained both emotionally and physically.


There must be a limit to everything, it is time to define rules and impose them on others, I would not call this selfishness but a healthy self-esteem and self-love .


These energies they can support in prevent us from experiencing irreparable dramas ,they can help us free ourselves from egoist people ,toxic relationships built on top of imbalances, we can regain possession of our space, our time, regain trust and love for ourselves and the joy of living,


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Dramatic Experiences Mystical Shield by Scion



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year 2023 - 50 EURO

Being able to sincerely forgive ourselves and others frees us from stagnant energies and emotions, anger and sadness that if held back can lead to even serious illnesses.

Working with these mystical energies helps us to accept the fact that negative emotions can be triggered within us, helps us to transform them and also teaches us to manifest unconditional love, understood as generosity and the ability to give without always expecting something in return with the certainty that the universe will reflexively give us everything we need in abundance.

If we always expect something in return we demonstrate attachment stemming from our ego that needs reassurance because we lack trust in universal law.

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Forgiveness and Unconditional Love Mystical Potion by Scion



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 12306172288?profile=RESIZE_400xyear 2023  - 50 euro

Manifest our True Reality !

Sometimes we live with problems that can stem from our wounded pride, sense of shame, frustration and guilt about the reality we live in, they are painful aspects of us that we would like to continue to ignore because they bring us pain, fear, anger and more, but these powerful energies can support us and help us to understand and dissolve any resistance that blocks our true reality

Working with these energies can help us to understand and dissolve all forms of counter-intentions and resistances so that we can become masters of ourselves again and our energy can be directed with full intention and conviction towards what we really want to manifest.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

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Personal Fulfillment Mystical Essence by Scion



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