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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Great mystical powers useful for working through karmic issues that have caused blockages emotional, spiritual and physical, for releasing from the old negative energies, cleansing and healing you of any forms of negative karma.


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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These powerful mystical energies they can bring a very great luck in your life!

At first they work on the third eye and the crown chakra, once clarity is beginning to be restored and the awareness is amplified, in the field of manifestation and the attraction you can access a bridge between the world of spirit and the world in the physical realm and you could actually take control of your life and change the outcome! 

The abundance is unlimited!

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

The absolute winner does not admit limitations, restrictions or conditions !

Are Mystical energies that attracts money and success in any areas, bring business success and financial, great rising business incomes, love, health, wealth, abundance, luxury and more.

They bring great mental strength that if you want may have the ability to influence others to get what you want even from a distance, they bring a mystical highly attractive charisma, a hypnotic mystical gaze, a winning mentality and absolute power!

Act now, aim your goal, and attack!

You are the absolute winner!

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Starry Sky Magical Powers - by Scion


year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

These are powerful mystical /magical energies, using these magical powers of the starry sky promotes communication with both the physical and spiritual worlds.

You can connect you with the highest magical beings and to increase your occult knowledge, are exceptional powers of psychic protection, a high protection during your astral experiences, you can strengthen your magical rituals, your sacred ceremonies, healing sessions and any spiritual practice.

Moreover working with these great powers can assist your ideas into materialize quickly, enhances creative expression, emotional balance, they can strengthens any friendship forms and more.

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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

For you these higher powers, they can are a Master, your therapist, a wonderful counsellor, a higher guide and more, it's just up to you!

Working with these great powers can leave you speechless, they can you" taking your breathe "away and before you have a chance to assimilate what just happened they strikes you, they lights you, cleanses, clears and turn on your inner power working for your highest good.

Working with these great powers intensifies psychic dreams and stimulates the faculty of premonitions and more, they can surprises you time and time again, and just when you think you’ve seen it all, other " thunder and lightning" they can strikes again and surprise!

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

You are a Warrior, you are a winner!

Remember always that nothing can bring you down and that you emerge always strengthened after each storm!

Are great energies at high vibration to aid you on journey of your self discovery and your personal power.

These energies helps one see things as they really are, though you sometime wish do not to see them really is vital understand!

Are very powerful energies, of great support to make you feel good about yourself, they works for increase your self esteem, to removing negative emotions like resentment or grief and to have a positive vision on life, feelings of well being and positive emotional state states.

They works also for protect your aura from any unwanted evil energies, they also protects you from any people that wants "steal "your energy or damage you or your business in any ways.

Remember,you are invincible, working with these great powers also brings you mysterious magical abilities and everything you don't need will bounce!

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Sexy Bomb - Magical Touch - by Scion


year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Are a incredibly powerful, magical, erotic energies!

Working with these magical powers brings you a great sex appeal and a unique ability to seduce your partners, as a sexy goddess, a very sex bomb!

These magical powers contain a powerful aphrodisiac, a "magic "of sexual attraction, are a very bomb for love relationships, contain the magical powers of the sexy goddess, of the mermaid and the femme fatale seductress and charmer and more all rolled into one.

These magical powers they brings you the chance to experiment the sexual ecstasy practicing sex in a way erotic wild, playful and full of fun as you had never done.

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Icy Diamonds Waterfall by Scion


year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Are a high frequency energies, great powers of spiritual awakening reminding us that we are Divine beings.

These powers emanates a strong and comforting vibration, they clears negative energy from your aura away and brings hope and positivity, balance and stability in your life.

These powers can helps you to attune to your highest potential, stimulates your mind and will so that you can receive inspiration and you can transform your visions into manifestation.

They brings a fresh charge and new energy into your body, mind and spirit, stimulates one’s overall sense of well being, you can to feel the flow refreshing and revitalizing through your body and energy field, emotionally these powers also have a cleansing influence useful to alleviate stress, anxiety, irritability, depression and more. 

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year 2020  -  19,99 euro 

These are very sacred powers,are powerful healing energies that also contain powers that lead you the courage for live new adventure, face up to long journeys and great change with infinite possibilities and outcomes, now is the time to let go and to follow flow!

If you now allow these sacred energies to aid to keep you connected with either, to the mother earth and the Divine Source you will never again feel afraid and you will never again feel alone.

These are great sacred powers useful for protection and guidance in do you travels, be physically that spiritually, they can also very useful for astral travelling where is it you can see other realities and dimensions in complete safety and much more!!

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White Gold Elixir - by Scion


year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These are powers energizing and also are grounding, are a very good healing energies and brings balance to all parts of the body, support the balancing of yin-yang energy, they can aid in depression cases and much more.

Every time that any forms of outside influences they can disturbing you ,for bring calmness of mind and relieve your distress, you can work with these wonderful powers and let the powerful vibrations of these great energies seep into your aura and they calm you.

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Golden Opportunity Essence - by Scion


year 2020  - 19,99  euro 

If you wish to make a great change in your life working with these higher powers can creates extraordinary opportunities pushing the right people and circumstance into the right place and time, supporting you and streamline your life until it is as you want.

These powers they can breaking down old patterns and removing them and to reshape and restructure your life the way you want it to be, but of course it is up to you to decide if grab the new opportunities or not!

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these wonderful powers aid us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses.

These great powers teaches us patience and the control over our emotions and are a great support for to find look within for the answers we seek.

If you are ready they can also are useful for " connecting to past lives lessons "and much more. 

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These are great sacred energies that contain great intuitive powers and clairvoyant gifts, powers that they can also seeing into the past, present and future.

They are high spiritual powers that they can providing great insight and wisdom to all those who seek their aid and support in this moment of great changes.

The human habitants of the earth in the name of progress instead of enjoying a peaceful existence full of prosperity in harmony with themselves and with nature preferred the exploitation, the wild consumption of the planet's natural resources, abuse of space, destruction of natural habitats of animals, the pollution,  the wars between peoples and more.

Perhaps not everybody have yet clearly understood it but we must prepare for what will happen in our future!

The signs are there, they just have to be understood and taken seriously!

Even if evident the changes are gradual, maybe we don't notice them or we don't want to notice them own because they happen gradually and hopefully they " the effects "don't concern much the current generations accustomed to consumerism unrestrained.

These energies help us understand that we live in a moment of great global upheaval and we have to prepare for something new, we have big changes to face, we must just understand it and take it seriously in order not to find us unprepared!

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these strong energies for attract a high prosperity and abundance achievement in all your business and to attract a great trust between you and your customers.

They brings you a new powerful energies to improve the business ,are a support for to discover the best way to success, they aid to drive it out all the negative emotions That impede the progress and the good development of your business.

Use these powers to your working tools; computer, phone, webstore, business car, company office, warehouse, shop and more.

These powers also gives strong protection for your business from malicious intent and all sorts of negative intervention in your business by enemies, unfair competitors and more.

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these energies aid you to adapt better to any situations, to move faster or slower in some situation and special events or in particular relationships and situations of your life.

Are useful to remove any mental illusions and limitations and they aid to accept to the current reality of your life, they raise your vitality and support the necessary renewals and changes in your business or in your love life.

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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

Are energies that contain high frequencies of luck and prosperity, very useful particularly any time when you are going to start a new business form or a new job.

Are powerful energies useful for to remove the fears and any form of anxiety and immediately feeling into a calm condition, they can raises your self esteem and aid you to be open more mind in dealing with new people, they can strength up your bravery for dealing even the most difficult situation and any kind of difficulties in your business.

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Coral Ring Enchanted Powers by Scion


year 2020 -  19,99 euro

Remove your unnecessary chains Now!

Working with these great powers it frees you from any chains or unnecessary social obligation, from any form of addiction or bad habit, addictions to false loves, any disguised enemies from false friendships or more will quickly vanish from your life.

These energies releases of you any mental tension and remove all unwanted thoughts, your mind opens to beauty and love and you will be inspired to step forward.

Are very helpful in removing any blocked energy from negative sexual experiences of the past and they support you in your new love relationships and aid to you be more confident in expressing your feelings and passion.

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Are high energies that represents our divine nature and the divine power, are energies of purification and transmutation and much more.

Working with these powerful energies your prayers are elevated for the highest good, are very useful energies to help you manifest your desires and strengthen your intentions.

After receiving the attunement you also are attuned to all properties' natural of gold, incense and myrrh.

These powers they have many uses, they can be used as part of your daily rituals, they help you to increase the intensity of your intention when calling or sent in new attunements or in healing sessions or other and in any magic / spiritual ritual or practice etc..

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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

All energies is transforming, evolving and changing!

These are useful powers for all those following the light path and are in search of knowledge to progress in their spiritual growth.

Working with these wonderful powers that contain the universal knowledge and guidance enables us to make extraordinary leaps in our spiritual growth.

Are highly spiritual powers that can carry the gift of inner vision and great psychic powers and also giving us the inspiration and confidence to have a friendly feeling towards everyone we meet.

These powers provide protection to the auric field they contain a very high and pure vibrational energy highly useful for healing sessions, they can heals the mind, body and spirit on all levels. 

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Magical Pearly Vortex - by Scion



year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these great powers raise your self confidence, bring you a sharp survival instinct and a new forces and renewed energy.

They can neutralize any bad emotion, to encourages breaking of bad habits or any dependency, remove the prejudice or over indulgence.

They can encourages to make a quick decisions and promotes a big changes, push you to move ahead, they facilitate your effort to upgrade the quality of your life and finally live a better future.

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