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Magickal & Spiritual Essence Flow - by Scion Manual in English or in German or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

High magical energies, a powerful cleaning tool!

It awakens you to your true spiritual essence.

Expel negative spirits, satanic powers, demons, negative thought forms and much more to bring more awareness, balance and harmony into your life.

Magic energy and its high frequency effectively decompose negative energies

As your physical and subtle bodies move more and more in the direction of common orientation, they will be more aware of each other, thus improving your health at all levels.

Balance and align all the chakras and increase the flow of energy throughout your being.

More information about your true purpose in life.

Improve the effectiveness of other therapeutic or magical techniques and much more

Use intuitively

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Mystical Blessings of Business Prosperity - by Scion - Manual in English or in Italian
EUR 19.99

year 2018

These Mystical blessing energies will flow in your life for bring a deep inner transformation and expansion of consciousness useful to achieve your self-realization.

Are great energies for to reprogramming the mind and stimulates you to be a winner in all areas of your life.

Working with these energies will infuse positive energy in order to stimulates and encourages you to have the behavior and habits of a winner and a tycoon of the Business.

Unlock your full potentials and destroy any forms of mental barriers because the mental barriers is holding you from being a money magnet.

Work now with these energies for to give you ability to create great success in your life and living in abundance and prosperity.

Develop your intuition ,strengthens your motivation ,your optimism , the courage and your spirit for to challenges , all of this united at stimulated and renovated business skills will lead you to reach success in your business and to maintain in all your business great monetary success.

These great mystical energies of prosperity are a great aid also for to take start a new business ando r at help you get out of old debt before from first start a other business.

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Multidimensional Healing Light Shower - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 19.99  year 2018

If you have been led to this method then it is on your path and your soul is ready to receive these multidimensional healing.

These high energies have a multidimensional healing effect on your whole being, no matter from what moment or incarnation your energy imbalance arrives and what they are all the causes of energy imbalances they will now are resolved intentionally and permanently.

Let yourself be to cuddle by these high energies that always work and only for your highest good!

Working with these energies you will have the wonderful opportunity to take a multidimensional healing light shower, go into the deepest silence in the calm of yourself and experience the bliss of your being.

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Warrior Magic Powers - by Scion



Warrior Magic Powers - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Work with these energies and you will become a powerful opponent now!

Show everyone people who have always underestimated you will who you really are now!

These high magic powers of the warrior contain very old and mystical knowledge,they have magical powers you have access to ,warn you of dangers and all thatbelong to the dark side can not touch you.

These powers and mystical and occult knowledge ,high personal power ,mental and physical strength, strategic skills ,inner powers awakened and strength of the psyche that you receive working with these energies they are very useful for the aid you to recognize dangers quick and timely ,for the defense and full protection for you or your clients.

These magickal energies are extremely flexible and also are very well suited for defense you of bullying or stalkers situations, unfair competitors and much more.

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Alpha Male & Virility Elixir - by Scion



Alpha Male & Virility Elixir - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

The alpha male has a powerful aura ,is charismatic and has leadership skills .

These energies are wonderful of to Increase your personal alpha vibrations ,are a source of energetic healing and give you high powers.

Work with these energies for emanate an air of leadership ,enjoy the respect of others as you skillfully do your work and are a leader in your social or spiritual community.

Regain your masculine stamina and confidence ,increase the health and virility ,overcome stress by re-igniting your sexual appetite and ability,also great for reverse any sexual dysfunction that was due to stress or nervousness.

They may assist you in cause a suitable mate to notice be sexually attracted to you , for to emanate masculine sensual energy ,to gain sexual energy in such a way that is attractive to the person you want with to for lovemaking , know the pleasures of virility ,attract a woman and keep her happy, enjoy the feeling of your spouse being proud of you !

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Angels of the Sun Mystical Elixir - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these mystical energies represent the power of will, the main direction and focus . they will help us to lead with respect and authority and to influence other people when in the right direction.

Many Angels have been associated as Angels of the Sun
including Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Zerachiel, Arithiel, Galgatiel, Gazardia, Korshid and Och-Metraton.

These mystical energies will you for brings protection in the all professions or all positions of authority,brings ambition, trust, strength, leadership, vitality, loyalty, honor ,success, wealth,etc..

Also are useful for any situations related to entertainment and the pleasures of body and mind !

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Magickal Full Elixir - by Scion



Magickal Full Elixir - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

This It's one of the most powerful systems I've channeled and is a great system for professional magicians.

Use this magickal powers intuitively and everything in your life is possible.

These high magickal and vibrant refreshing energies bursting in of you and available for your all needs is brought to you in this Full Elixir you need only to activate it after your attunement and think of the project or healing topic or other you want propelled/quickened !

It is also a defense and cleansing system that frees from persistent black magic with ease and also works strongly, as a preventive measure. generates enormous will and perseverance, attracts magical and psychic abilities, success, love, money, happiness, etc.

Create a powerful mystical and magically charged aura for prepared optimally to make magical rituals, the rituals performed with an aura so charged will be more effective

It gives magical power to your voice and your gaze for becomes a master of magical influence, you can gain respect and reverence and much more.

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Credit & Currency Green Elixir by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99   year 2018

Working with these energies remove the blocks that exist in anyone had who has experience financial disappointment. useful to keep you from repeating a mistake when it limits what opportunities can enter your reality,removes emotional resistance from previous experiences while aligning you with your optimal financial flow.

Amplifies your ability to attract into your life the opportunities and to have a fuller flow of good credit and monetary currency.

In this electronic age there are many different ways that monetary value can be traded ,these energies are useful for to maximize a person’s ability to trade value for the daily life necessities , both credit and currency are beneficial available for to use for items, travel, housing , food and more.

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Inadequacy Feelings Cleansing & Remove - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

When a person chooses to allow another to dictate what they can and can’t do in a social situation, in family or your work their ability to be fully in each moment declines.

Feelings of inadequacy are some of the most insidious feelings of all, are feelings that can strip away joy and confidence and the immune system is adversely affected by emotional imprints of unworthiness, work with these energies for to flush away those imprints of being less than other people.

When a person they feel less than other people , is stressed and such stress is the leading cause of a person’s immune system being weakened. these energies also are useful to help you increase your self confidence, thus rebuilding your health and life in many ways working to flush the fears of not being good enough.remove inadequacy about one's body features ,the echo of people's words about you ,the fears of being judged and found lacking in some way and see of scenarios where you were rejected and more.

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Magickal Magnetic Glittering Sphere - by Scion

EUR 19.99   year 2018

Highly magickal energy system !

These mystical and magickal cosmic energies have enormous properties,but only if you really know what you want you will also know how to work and become proficient in the whole specter of the effects of these energies.

These energies they do what you program them ,strongest magical power is released to change what you want to change in your life.

Working with these great energies helps also clean the spaces from ghosts and carry out exorcism séances , they connects the occult operator soul with the upper and the lower world, turning him into a guide between the worlds and more.

These energies can also be used from the Occult Operator for creating a safe run passage into the other world for the soul of a deceased.

If you have already a good occult knowledge, protected from these powerful energies can contact ghosts etc.and need not fear that he might be enslaved by them.

One can only become proficient in the whole specter of the effects of these energies only if already he / she possesses appropriate knowledge in the sphere of occult world , magic and witchcraft.

Also you can clean your own karma, neutralizing your own magic actions in the past but later ending the work do not forget to visualize a new situation instead the old one .

I do not recommend it to beginners also because though these great energies protects from all the negative,themselves sometime can be harmed by his / her own fear, excitement, dislike etc..and then for this reason sometime in their rituals do not reach always all the desired goals .

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Explosion of Magickal Winning Powers - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

These great magickal energies have the power to make you are invincible.

Use without fear these great powers against any enemies, envious ones, adversaries and all their systems specifically create and sent
for to destroy you.

The only ones who have to worry now are your enemies for what they have unjustly directed against you whether through attacks of black magic, psychological attacks, negative spirits of any kind, curses, demonic forces etc.

Working with these great magickal energies provides you total protection and are especially useful for awakening and strengthening your magical powers to work with magical energy systems and destroy the magical powers of your enemies, opponents, etc.

The negative energies and every block that the black magic has sent to you is destroyed and everything that is weakened in you is strengthened and also it will bring back you what has been unjustly removed or stuck you, such as your success, your money, love, well-being, strength and health, etc.

Really useful energies for you and your customers, they are a great help in any magic ritual.

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Mystical Transformation and Efficiency Increase - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these energies propels you out of your cocoon ,are mystical energies that propels you forth out and they shows each part of you how to emerge into the light of your life and step into its rightful place perfectly and easily,you are transformed and ready to fully live the life you wish to live .

As your tranformation happens and efficiency increases you look at situations differently and your memory improves for the topics you need right now.

Working with these energies aide are resolving problems and situations you see insurmountable. as difficulty deciding what to in your any day and feeling of not enough time for the urgent stuff .

Now you find yourself powering through tasks more efficiently. distractions have less of a pull on you.and your mind puzzles out problems more efficiently.

You have efficient solutions for any situations ,your life improves ,your find that you have more time for you,for your family and friends ,for spiritual pursuits or entertainment and your efficiency improves even in regards to how you for your body care and more.

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Mental and Spiritual Purity Restore - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

If you have had a sexual experience with someone and later felt dirty afterwards or if you have talked with someone and you feeling energetically dirty, these mystical energies are useful for you, to be instantly remove any energetic slime

They are mystical energies powerful ,wonderful for your mental and spiritual purity,for remover any energetic slime that we received through all the disgusting things we hear and see or also from people we must be near for short or long periods of time. sexual slime ,gossip slime and more

Also they helps to adapt quickly in any new environment and our new living conditions, helps to strength and maintaining the love relationships recharge the declining passion increasing the sexual desire and also are very good energies for increasing self -esteem and self attractiveness to become well-respected in the workplace and in social life.

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Gratitude Attitude and Abundance Manifesting - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

These energies are wonderful for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies,they work to purify and release you from any dark energies and filling you of with white light ,a great light that illuminates and clears your aura to allow healing that you have need now.

Working with these energies aid to allow one to open to Gratitude in all areas of life, these powers can be used to show gratitude, give thanks, show appreciation, be grateful, finding the miracles and the sacred in each moment in giving and receiving help from other,enhances the feeling of gratitude and showing love each and every moment ad much more.

Using these energies also are a good treatment to negative thought, negative feelings, envy, worry ,irritation etc..during or after the healing session you have may experience a sudden release of deeply hidden emotions or only feel incredibly loved ,happy ,grateful and at peace on yourself.

Gratitude and appreciation are a very important attitude to shows appreciation for what you have in your life and living the life with fully abundance,when we focus on something negative consciously or unconsciously you attract negativity , these energies contain the power to create and manifest through focusing on what we want now.

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Personal Conditions and Environmental Changes Elixir by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

If does you not get accustomed to the new conditions the performance whether physical and mental declines ,if instead a person acclimates to the new conditions, be they environmental or interpersonal they are able to maintain or increase their performance in all areas of their life.

Sometime some people do not even realize why they feel unbalanced and can they acclimate only after some time and is the gap in time between the changed and the time that they have good acclimatized that can be very bad .

Working with these energies helps for to accept, acclimatized and settle well at any change in your life whether it is climate of high altitude or a new environment or new climate if you travel for any reason and are not familiar with the environment or any other condition in the life , to changes in work ,at change home or change in your relationships,financial and social situation etc.

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Mystical Fire of Health and Longevity - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Working with these wonderful energies brings health and longevity for you and your clients.

Create a strong connection with the universal powers, expands your consciousness and increases your awareness .

These powerful energies accelerates your cells regeneration , slow down the aging of your body and brings you a youthful appearance ,you will have a greater vitality.they strengthens your body immune systems,you will feel your body becoming healthier and stronger,your physic force and stamina they increase significantly and you will quickly recovered after doing any activities or sports that has drain your energies.

Brings you the ability to gives multidimensional healing to yourself and others to aid heals physical or metaphysical diseases and restore all parts of the body to their optimal functions.

It may also awakening and developing any psychic and magickal abilities within you, if you are ready are great energies to heals any diseases from black magick attacks or psychic attacks.

They are energies very helpful to maintain your overall health,may also stimulates your motivation to take better care of your body ,to have sufficient rest and the nourishment you needs.

You will be motivated to stay away from unhealthy food choices and any dependency that can damage and weaken your body.

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Money & Fortune Enchantment - by Scion


Money & Fortune Enchantment - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Are great Magickal energies for to attract much more money and luck , maintain your good fortune and find opportunity wherever .

They are effective to removes all blockages in any sides of your life,you will have a life that always full of blessings ,positivity and good luck that flowing to you.

Working with these magickal energies keeps away you any forms of bad-luck, you radiates your enchantment energy for to attract abundance of any kind,will creating wealth and prosperity, and helps you in earning more lots of money .

Use these magickal energies intuitively and in your life also brings love ,health and abundance in any other material form , enables you to achieve whatever you dream faster, you are always become lucky and you have great force and positivity to facing the life etc.

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Independence Inner Motivation Essence - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

If the amount of time that spends with you a friend, a mate , or work colleagues or another person changes and you f do not know what to do and you are confused and must fill in the time you used to spend with them , even though you have a long list for of things to do to spend your time ,you feel lost , these energies of independence they are very useful for you , give you an internal motivation for doing things on your own.

If you feel sad about a situation,for anyone missing in your life,
a loved one passes or your pet passes away or you must give your pet away due to changed life situation or you need to stay away from people that are not good for you ,these energies can be useful for any people in these situations.

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Good Relations with Everything and Everyone - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these energies enhances yours relationships, dropping away interferences ,misunderstandings and any other misunderstanding in your relationships of love, your family and in work or friendship relationships.

These energies are a symbol of generosity, sincerity, and affection, great for preserves friendships and can make new friends.

They also assists to understand ,to accept and to improve your relate we have with your pets, money, the your body ,new trends new food ,new technology,the globality and all that can concerns you

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Holy Divine Protection Blessings - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 19.99   year 2018

Are wonderful energies divine for protect and bless you , your family members , your friends or your clients from any adversity or adversary. protects you in such a way that evil persons, enemies, dark forces, will not even approach .

You have nothing to fear ,these holy energies will surround you and protect you wherever you are

Full protection is given so that no evil will befall you in any way, you are safe in your home, vehicle, business, you and your family etc.

Working with these divine energies are not only special protection, but give you a mighty courage should you face any enemy or dangerous situation, fearlessly making you and invincible against any enemy

You can also use these energies for healing and restoration of health,useful also for healing from addiction ,self sabotaging behavior and more.

These energies has also a cleansing property , will cleanse from and repel evil, can be used to cleanse any person, thing or place at purpose of purification and blessing.

The power of blessing allow you the ability and authority to use these energies to dispel demons, entities, darkness and threat of any kind ,witchcraft, voodoo, black magic, spells, curses etc.

You may use these power it to bless salt, incense, candles, oil and any ritual instruments etc..

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