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Genius & Boldness Elixir - by Scion


Genius & Boldness Elixir - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these energies brings you an of inspiration and creativity with touches of genius and boldness useful in any areas for triumph over adversity.

Brings you boldness ,creativity and inspiration ,courage and determination,originality ,charism and strength of character,
elegance and good taste,balance chakras,cleaning aura,
renewal of mind, body and spirit.good mood ,removes bad thoughts ,promotes a good meditation and more.

Business success,money abundance ,love and all you desire in your life they are close at hand now!

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Red Salt Cleansing Elixir - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these great magic energies to purify environments, houses, shops or other places from negative energies such as evil eye, envy, bad thoughts, vibrations related to deaths,bereavement, obsessions, tormented souls, diseases, spiritual energy imbalances caused by third persons or arising from your disharmonious thoughts.

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Horseshoe Magickal Potion - by Scion


Horseshoe Magickal Potion - by Scion

EUR 15.99   year 2018

Are wonderful magickal energies that have a particular properties.

Great to make good fortune in games and to win the game of the lot.

Facilitate of chance to promote success in every field and get the best in the shortest possible time

Are great energies so as not to let evil spirits enter your homes and business spaces etc.

Are useful for good luck and protection for you and great aid in magic rituals for your clients .

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Fuji San Mystical Elixir - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Mt. Fuji, or Fuji San the Japan mountain has acquired many myth regarding its divine origins, resident deities, and spiritual powers.

A sacred home of Gods and Goddesses, a portal for cosmic beings who still frequent this sacred site.

Has been venerated as the home of a fire god, later the dwelling of a Shinto goddess and since Buddhist times, the abode of Dainichi Nyorai, the Buddha of All-Illuminating Wisdom.

According to early Shugendo myths the mountain was first climbed by the wizard-sage En no Gyoja around 700 AD, but it is more likely that the first ascents began in the 12th or 13th centuries.

Fuji became a popular pilgrimage destination ,climb this sacred mountain in the footsteps of millions of earlier pilgrims is to tap into a field of great devotion and holiness.

Scholars debate the genesis of the mountain's name. Two most frequently heard arguments are that the name Fuji derives from the language of the Ainu shamanistic people of northern Hokkaido island, and means old woman of deity of fire and a more recent Japanese interpretation,meaning never die - everlasting life- immortal .

Many of the myths and features of the mountain emphasize this physical immortality.

Working with the unbelievable energies from the Mt.Fuji that giving us the connection to Mother Earth and her energies is very useful with all aspects of your life and brings enlightenment , harmony , success in business , spiritual awareness , self development , good luck ,grounding , beauty ,longevity, health and much more.

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The Medicine of Love and Desires by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99   year 2018

You do not need to be magicians or shamans to be able to enjoy the power of this magic potion.

These energies have the power to penetrate directly into the spirit of a person and to give it the power to attract love like a magnet and to attract to itself the people and things that you want.

These magic energies you can use them for different purposes, to return a lover, girlfriend o, seduce a recalcitrant love, soften the partner and make her more loving, invigorate a passion but also to obtain the fulfillment of a dream in every area of your life and if you are a professional are wonderful energies useful in rituals for your clients.

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Broad Bean of Obarà Essence - by Scion


Broad Bean of Obarà Essence - by Scion

EUR 16.99   year 2018

The powers of the broad bean of Obarà Essence has many usage and essential properties that they great aid in your magic rituals and more.

In the Afro Brazilian tradition this particular broad bean coming from the Puya Fastuosa is known as bean Obarà and is used to propitiate the wealth, money, prosperity in all its forms.

Legend says that Obarà was a mythical king and even though it was full of flaws implored the mercy of Olorun "God the Father" and get immense blessings.

In the offerings "Ebo" of Candomblé is essential, but also in the daily practice of magic is utilized in different applications.

In the South American magic is known as Cordero Manso and also is used to dominate and tame.

These energies are very powerful and are not recommended for beginners.

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Sacred Mount Kailash Elixir - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 19.99   year 2018

Connect you to of the energies and powers of the holy mountain in Tibet,at the Mount Kailash and anything may happen!

The chant Om mani padme hum ,the jewel in the heart of the lotus.

Om is the out-breath of Brahma bringing the world into being, and Vishnu keeps the tones moving, and then Shiva draws in the breath, unmaking all so it can all be made anew.

Mani is the jewel hidden inside every human, the divinity and perfect content, wisdom and strength and compassion.

Padme is the lotus, a flower that grows from the mud of pools to make a beautiful bloom.

Hum anchors the blessing of the chant in your earthly and spiritual bodies.

Hum ends most Tibetan chants and they pronounce this mantra more like om mahnee pemma hung than as it is sung in India.

Kailash is the mount sacred to Shiva. the energy of this place is strong and pure, the energy of Shiva, that transforms all the people. is the universal principle of energy, power or creativity.

These energies are strong and powerful and works perfectly with all aspects of your life, in physical, spiritual and mental areas.

Are great incredible energies, useful for spiritual growth , in meditation ,for purify places and objects ,to cleanse all karma that created blocks in all our past, the blocks have disturbed the circulation of energy causing poverty, disease etc. brings us a pure and clear mind, use for removing traumas,. great for third eye opening ,kundalini awakening , healing ,for abundance & prosperity , self esteem and much more.

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Jewel of Awak­ened and Enlightenment - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

This is a Great Divine Bless­ing.

Now is time to the balance the ener­gies and raise our aware­ness, awak­en us , the releases the nega­tive emotions and to open your heart to the energy of enlight­en­ment.

Working with these energies are an great gifts ,a most precious jewel,is the power of infi­nite love and infi­nite compas­sion , love that is pure and uncon­di­tional ,compas­sion whose foun­da­tion is wisdom. compas­sion with­out wisdom is simply kind­ness.are the vehi­cle of Kuan Yin’s teach­ings. for Kuan Yin, all crea­tures, even those we perceive as the most nega­tive, have Buddha nature within.

Always remem­ber who you are and be open to the magic that it reminds us of who we really are ,these energies has magi­cal power ,the magi­cal power is not super­sti­tious, it is the magi­cal power to see through illu­sion.

Once our conscious­ness is aroused, so too is our own magi­cal poten­tial. we can mani­fest what we need into our lives ,health, wealth, happi­ness etc.

All comes from empti­ness. Empti­ness is the essence of every­thing we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Empti­ness is form and form is empti­ness.

This is the high­est wisdom, when you really know this, there are no longer walls or obsta­cles. this is free­dom and is enlight­en­ment.

Most of us have a purpose only , are always search­ing, always want­ing some­thing.,we don’t like the term empti­ness we prefer abun­dance but this is illu­sion.

There should be no want­ing, between each inhale and each exhale is empti­ness and in that moment a drop of the nectar of being can enter our conscious­ness reveal­ing that empti­ness is abun­dance.

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Spiritual Transmutation Progress Mystical Essence - by Scion

EUR 19.99   year 2018

These High Vibrations of with energy vibrations of a very high level of spiritual awareness are truly the key to opening the doors yet to be opened.

These are great and powerful energies they also attune to the transmutational violet flame to aid development of one’s latent psychic abilities and they enhances the connection for conscious communication to Spirit. this an incredibly beneficial aid for intuitive people, such as mediums, shamans, card readers, channelers, energy healers along with anyone wishing to become more perceptive to the subtle dimensions.

They raises the bodies vibration, brings the Aura to a lightened state , connects to Angelic Realm and assist in the opening of the Third - Eye to have one physically view the other worlds which co-exist with the Earth’s physical level of vibration.

Opens the gateway to astral travel,are great energies to assist in comunicating with spirit-guides, ascended masters, angels and deceased relatives and can also help connect with extraterrestrials , other star galaxies and other entities of the normally invisible realms.

Aids inter-dimensional travelers in accessing the Akashic Records

Induces lucid dreaming, to experience blessings and gain knowledge and reach enlightenment ,sometimes meditation with these energies can facilitate to occur one’s perception of "The Blue Pearl " which is tiny ball of electric-blue light that appears in your visual field and the signify the spiritual progress.

Acts as a spiraling force to brings protection and safety during all activities and assist in multidimensional healing & multidimensional cellular memory healing.

Renew the joy for the way path of mysticism , aid in Regain your inner balance with that which is occurring within and around you,bring multidimensional balance for profound spiritual interconnection, allows for the to find balance in being present in both the physical realm and the spirit realm .

Expands conscious awareness for to see beyond that which is directly on the 3rd dimensional plane,aids dream recall and dream interpretation to help interpret the messages from one’s higher-self ,encourages communication with the soul and enhances one’s access to hidden knowledge aids discovering novel solutions to long­standing problems

Also are wonderful energies if you want also connects with nature spirits to acquire nature wisdom.

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The Dark Purple Fire Elixir by Scion



The Dark Purple Fire Elixir by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

These mystical and magical energies are useful for all those who are challenged by events and circumstances of life, targeted by psychic attacks of all kinds, curses, intrigues by enemies and by all those who want to weaken you to make you and gain power over you and every kind of negative energy in any way and at all levels,

It is a defense and cleaning system that also works as a preventive measure, a magical protection that creates a powerful mystic aura that shines with dark purple light, an etheric shield of dark purple fire will surround your body, your physical endurance and your mental power is strengthened, they help you never give up, never stop fighting until all the adversaries and obstacles have been weakened and finally destroyed, you will free yourself from the attacks of black magic, from all the types of mental attacks, curses, hexagons, satanic forces, evil people, enemies and opponents
they will never have again the courage to waste even one thought on how to take away your success by destroying your business and your business relationships or create problems in love, etc.

They are energies of protection, magical defense on all levels, magical influence, energetic cleansing, bring magical mystical experiences, psychic visions, stimulate psychic abilities and strengthen them, bring extraordinary power and personal authority, financial wealth, success, love, happiness.

These are excellent energies for professional magicians, they bring tremendous power and effectiveness to magical rituals

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Aradia Witches Powers Essence - by Scion


Aradia Witches Powers Essence - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Diana descended to earth disguised as a mortal where her knowledge and passion for witchcraft made her so powerful that she became the Queen of the Witches, she became so well known that She was forced to shed her human disguise

The Queen of the Witches had a duty to continue to teach witchcraft on earth so she delegated this task to her daughter Aradia.Diana instructed Aradia to go to earth to be a teacher unto women and men who fain would study witchcraft.

Aradia would be the first of the known witches in the entire world.

Aradia is both the daughter of and messenger of Diana in Her aspect as Great Mother.

Aradia has become an important figure in Wicca as well as some other forms of Neo-Paganism.

Some Wiccan traditions use the name Aradia as one of the names of the Great Goddess, Moon Goddess or Queen of the Witches.

Working with these energies she can help with the Protection,for tune with lunar energies , of nature and of the elements ,useful for increasing the power of spells,blessing and consecrating ritual tools and calling and talking to spirits etc..

Great for Divination and knowing hidden things and secret signs

Brings femininity ,beauty and success in matters of the love ,determination ,self-esteem,courage ,knowledge of transformation and much more.

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Change Way of Seeing the Things - by Scion


Change Way of Seeing the Things - by Scion

EUR 16.99   year 2018

The vibrations of these energies helps one to release any lack of trust in other people, it lessens disillusionment and helps one see their strengths and weaknesses.

These energies reminds you to open up and enjoy life and have fun in the process, they brings about a paradigm shift which causes a whole new way of seeing things.

They breaks down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself and helps to view your own strengths and weaknesses ,helps one to let go of guilt and brings a sense of playfulness into life that will inspire confidence towards others and allows to move forward in life for discover your true purpose.

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NAVA RATNA Powers of the Nine Gems of Vedic Astrology - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

The word Nava means Nine and the word RATNA means Jewel in Sanskrit language.

The Navaratna is present in different types of ornaments, including necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, pendants, and is very popular and widespread.

This configuration of ancient stones comes to us from the sacred scriptures of India,each stone represents a planet and working with these energies helps to attract the beneficial energy of a particular planet or as the case may counteract the negative effect.

The positions of the planets continue to change,according to vedic astrology the evil effects of planets can be balanced by the beneficial effect of Navaratna jewels

When the nine gems are together, combined they give power and influence and possibility to attract people. but it is also able to be auspicious and to give good health, prosperity, happiness and tranquility.

The Navaratna jewel consists of 9 stones representing the 9 planets in sideral Vedic astrology, are considered by the ancient Indian tradition as a bearer of good fortune for their favorable influence on planetary energies and being above all a esoteric talisman is considered able to ward off negative energies and bring significant benefits by protecting against all danger.

The gems of Navaratna, (their Sanskrit name), the corresponding Planets and the specific beneficial powers:

Ruby (Manikkam or Manek): Sun - gives energy, strength, courage and determination

Diamond (Heera or Vairam): Venus - gives serenity and concentration, useful against emotional fragility.

Pearl (Moti): Moon - can give strength and support to the heart and are often used in Ayurveda.

Red Coral (Moonga): Mars - can remove and cure diseases and improve memory.

Hessonite (Gomedh): Rahu, the ascending lunar node - protects from poisonous substances and evil spirits.

Blue Sapphire (Neelam): Saturn - improves intuition for the blue color is considered the lighting" color and increase devotion

Eye of Cat (Vaiduryam): Ketu, the descending lunar node - to alleviate the psychic tension and eliminate fears

Sapphire Jellow (Pukharaj): Jupiter - it is used for occult and energetic practices.

Emerald (Marakatam or Panna): Mercury is an antidote for stomach problems, bites and bites of animals and insects.

More information and Navaratna Mantra in the manual

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Vanilla & Chocolate Sexy Potion by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Envelop yourself with magical chocolate energy and Vanilla, a very extraordinary experience.

Are Sexy and Magickal Energies to help stimulate the senses and inspire creativity.

Working with these sensational and sensual energies connects you to the magickal energies and essences of the Vanilla and Chocolate.

The energies are very powerful and can be used anywhere at any time and they can be used to enhance the energies of the physical vanilla and Chocolate to double its properties and effects whenever you use it,

These magickal energies are useful for spells that have the purpose of promoting physical attraction, of giving the passion between two people or of reigniting it, they are for to be used in the work that concerns sexuality in general.

You are getting in touch with one of the prime forces in the universe, in some cases they will not give quickly you that want you want and in other cases they will let you have it quickly. use these magickal energies intuitively for more applications of use you can be guided to do ,they are there to provide you aid and guidance on your love and sexual life path.

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Roots of Vetiver Magickal Elixir - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

These energies they radiates a vibration that possesses special emotional and physical healing properties,working with these energies keeps in balance the emotional and mental equilibrium ,they have a healing effect on emotions and favor unconditional love and the romance,encourages focused intentions and assists you in any changes that bring you in new directions for increase financial resources.

Great used for emotional grounding and stabilizing the emotions.
helps to keep composure during stressful situations and aids one to shun the expression of negative judgements.

They aid the balancing of the chakras ,brings peace by calming the body and mind to facilitate meditation,strengthens spiritual insight ,enhances psychic abilities, assist in perceiving information psychically and helps interpret the dreams

The elixir also have a great energies useful for discharge any negative energies polluting the aura and they have also great ability to provide promote personal safety from any dark force damage.

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Stonehenge Sacred Place Powers - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 19.99   year 2018

Connect you to the Sacred Place and to his the great mystical and magical powers

Stonehenge over the centuries has been seen as a source of healing and much people went there to be healed.
The Sacred Place has been used as a place of healing, a ceremonial site for druids and other neo- pagans, followers of alternative medicine , Healers etc.

Every year rituals place at Stonehenge on the plain of Salisbury during the summer solstice

The structure are in stones, aligned one with the others, but also with the solar, lunar and planetary bodies that govern the energy consciousness and flow of our Universe.

Working with these energies will help you the to access Divine Intelligence for be more aligned , for cleanses karma ,balance the Yin and Yang,helps to open our consciousness to more open-minded and our frequencies resonate in higher vibrations enabling access to shared information in the Archives Akashic, but not everyone will have access in a short time ,is up to you work on it if you are ready.

Are a great aid in your Life path for be able to co-create your future, wonderful energies for improves divination, great aid in your magic rituals ,useful for improves healing in your healing sessions and much more.

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Anti Allergy Elixir - by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 15.99  year 2018

These energies are very powerful and useful for to assist for to relieve ,reduces and overcome any form of allergies and also are useful for prevention of allergies .

Many people suffer from allergy ,these energies to help through the periods where is more likely that you are surrounded by to airborne pollens and other irritants ,If you have allergy problems or tendency to over react to irritants such as bug bites these energies provide a reduction to allergy response of airborne irritants and allergens etc.

Working with these energies allows at these people to spend more time in places that they normally would not be able to tolerate due to their physical reactions .

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Andean Spirituality Sacred Mountains Powers - by Scion

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Using these sacred and powerful energies you access tremendous spiritual assistance, they awaken your ability to perceive the invisible world and they assist you in your personal transformation, awaken your healing power so that everyone who you touches is blessed and much more.

In the Andean worldview, the universe was divided into three kingdoms:

Hanan Pacha (upper kingdom / kingdom of the gods), Kay Pacha (kingdom of men) and Uku Pacha (the lower kingdom or underworld).

The mountains rise from the world of men to the Hanan Pacha, giving the Incas the possibility of communicating with their gods.

In Inca mythology, Apu was the name given to the spirits of the mountains,each mountain has its own spirit, its own name and its own domain, were protective spirits and watched over the people in their territory.

These spirits live in both the middle and higher worlds, and they can intercede for humanity

The people, in return for this care, made offerings to their Apus with chicha (corn liqueur) and coca leaves and more,Fortune tellers and shamans who have the necessary knowledge ,they can communicate with the spirits of the Apus, throwing handfuls of coca leaves on a woven cloth, messages are encoded in the configuration of the leaves when falling.

The term "apu" has numerous possible meanings, depending on the context in which it is used,a god or a superior being. the spirit of the sacred mountain, the most powerful of all the spirits of nature ,the sacred mountain, home of the ancestors , a boss, a gentleman, or an authoritarian figure,the being of light that inhabits some special mountains.

In this understanding, the highest mountains of Peru are the most sacred and powerful. But smaller mountains are also revered as Apus. Cusco is the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and is protected by 12 Sacred Apus, including the Ausangate and Salkantay, the latter being the protector of the Citadel of Machu Picchu. The Inca city is built between the mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu, also considered sacred

The twelve apu sacred of Cusco are: Ausangate, Salkantay, Mama Simona, Pikol, Manuel Pinta, Wanakauri, Pachatusan, Pijchu, Sacsayhuamán, Viracocha, Pukin and Senq'a.

Others are: Akamari, Illampu, Lady of the Illimans, Machu Picchu, Pitusiray, Putu Cusi, Tunupa, Wakac Willka, Huayna Picchu and Yanantin.

Machu Picchu is built in the middle of two mountains, surrounded by a river and a huge labyrinth of mountains; So you must imagine the importance of this place, not only for the cult of its Apus, but as a religious center and present, many people travel to Machu Picchu in search of the mystic energies powers .

These great mystical energies can be used as Reiki , the uses are multiple depends on you .

In an intuitive way use these energies as aid in your Spiritual Path ,in meditation ,for tranquility, peace ,mystical knowledge , protection ,healing ,also acts in the following areas: for create a holy environment , energetic cleaning ,consecrate of the altar, ritualistic objects and more, aid the contact to Protective Spirits ,facilitate the contact to other souls in Astral travel and much more ... if you are ready ..

These sacred energies are very powerful and are not recommended for beginners.

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I Manifest What I Want - by Scion


I Manifest What I Want - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

These energies are wonderful for manifestation, especially through the power of prayers,allows psychic energy to flow more freely,they creates an energetic bridge that connects one’s thoughts with those of the Divine Mind.

These energies powerful are great used before to meditation,to envision one’s intention or state it out loud. the stronger one’s imagination or voice power is, the stronger the outcome will be.

These energies powers are wonderful for be used to manifest what you desire,but be careful what you wish for, as it will manifest what was intended.

If you are ready they are also powerful energetic shamanic tools to retrieve lost soul parts.

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Darkness Powers Purification - by Scion


Darkness Powers Purification - by Scion

EUR 15.99  year 2018

Working with these energies protects against the powers of the darkness world ,provides strength and purification, protect from Evil Eye and any other Evil Force,Dispels negative energy ,clears the environment and brings good fortune in your life .

Promotes self-realization ,connects your mind to the infinite possibilities of the universe and enhances the ability to see all aspects of ourselves ,enhances communication between physical and spiritual world ,provides solace for the spirit and well-being for the body and release old vows and behaviors.

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