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Crow Magical Power by Scion

Crow Magical Power by Scion

EUR 13.99

Crow Magical Power year 2017

Crow is an omen of change.

The Crows have a very great power ,nothing escapes their keen sight.

When we meditate on the crow and align with it,helps us understand that we must watch what we believe,Crow teach you to be an individual for yourself, don’t necessarily follow the crowd

Crows live in the void and have no sense of time, therefore being able to see past, present and future simultaneously.

Crow is surrounded by magic unseen forces and spiritual strength.

They unite both the light and the dark, both the inner and the outer.

Crows are messengers, telling us about the creation and magic all around us, that is available to us just for the asking.

The striking black colour of the crow represents the colour of creation.

Black is the colour of the night, giving birth to the light of a new day.

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Ruta Esoteric Properties by Scion

Ruta Esoteric Properties by Scion

EUR 13.99

Ruta Esoteric Properties year 2017

The Ruta is considered a sacred plant in all traditions and in the magic

Powerful and very useful are the properties " exorcistic to bad luck."

These energies with multiple properties esoteric are very used to ward off evil, to break the evil eye, envy and promote luck

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Kenanga Magical Essence by Scion

Kenanga Magical Essence by Scion

EUR 13.99

Kenanga Magical Essence by Scion year 2017

You receive Attunement at tropical flower energies the Kenanga, known in aromatherapy at name ylang ylang.
Is used primarily to stimulate sexuality, to attract love and fortune,

his delicate ,exotic and floral aroma invokes thoughts of joy and also acts on mood .

It is also wonderful used to improve business and attract customers in a commercial activity.

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Wizard Divine Essence - by Scion


year 2019 - 25,00 euro 

Like a Divine wizard !

Working with these high energies can open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel your guides, understand esoteric material, divine magic. alchemy, manifestation principles, sacred geometry and other high-level information and assist you with clairvoyance, prophetic visions, and to interpret psychic dreams etc.

These energies also are useful for to help us make our life changes, making us stronger and lead us to the right path, review our life up till now ,so we can correct the wrongs we've done by making adjustments to our behavior and more. 

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunementan emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Put an End at Everything by Scion


Put an End at Everything by Scion

EUR 13.99

Put an End at Everything by Scion year 2017

These powerful energies are very useful to put an end to a situation that brings uncomfortable.

use in all those cases where there are threats, harassment, anonymous phone calls, anonymous letters, persecution

It is also useful to put an end to the unwelcome advances of a love that does not resign or to close a relationships if it becomes unpleasant.

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Neroli Magical Mix by Scion

Neroli Magical Mix by Scion

EUR 13.99

Neroli Magical Mix by Scion year 2017

These Energies are wonderful for everything related to the fidelity, conjugal love, marriage and the union.

These magical Energies are Mainly used when you want to promote loyalty and attract true love.,But its use is not limited to this, is also linked to wealth and success, especially if you want to attract a wealthy man / women

If you want to attract men / women economic wealthy this magical energy creates a seductive allure and Self-esteem but also helpful to move money and finances in your life

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The Secret Power of the Amazon Rain Forest by Scion

EUR 13.99

The Secret Power of the Amazon Rain Forest year 2017

In rational terms it makes can a concoction ethereal of colors ,scent ,sound and song attract a love, perfect health or good luck to you?

If you do receive this Attunement, it can generate a shift in consciousness in you.

You will connects to the rich vibrancy of the rainforest as a single breathing in the rhythmic totality of life force.

Connect you to the humid warmth, the smell of earth, the scent and the magic of the plants. the sound of insects and bird song

In this System I did not invented diets or Rituals , they are already given by the plant spirits themselves, but there is more to it than of simply abstaining from certain foods and ritual activities

It involves of receive and immerse yourself in a state of great purification ,enjoy of the our connection with everything around us above all the Amazon rain forest. and make a full of energy elixir of long life

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Magical Emerald Energy by Scion

Magical Emerald Energy by Scion

EUR 13.99

Magical Emerald Energy year 2017

This Attunement green brings you a supreme spiritual power and Purifier

Also symbolizes the mysteries of the forest spirits, their wondrous spells,

allows to get in touch with the fairies and all wooded entities

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Garnet Passion Vortex by Scion

Garnet Passion Vortex by Scion

EUR 13.99

Garnet Passion Vortex year 2017

This wonderful energy restores tone and color to life

Its color between red and black, dark like a glowing ember symbolizes carnal love and helps men with problems of impotence or sexual fatigue,

Also is able to rekindle the passion in a relationship weary or gray, but also it helps to find out what are their deepest desires and hidden,

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year 2019  - 19,99 euro 

Healing ,Beauty ,Creativity and much more!

These wonderful energies of healing and beauty full spectrum brings a powerful creative spark in your life .

They will help you with whenever you need energies for healing ,beauty , to with artistic projects and to see and appreciate the natural beauty around us.

Also through meditation you can find much uses of these energies and feel guided with much new ideas useful for your life

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Heart Healing Shower - by Scion


year 2019 - 19,99 euro 

These energies contain vibrations of pure love, they helps us to renew and improve our relationships.

If your heart has hardened and now is full of negative emotions
because in the past you have lost someone through death or separation, work with these energes for to improve your relationships ,lover relathionships and work careers so they're long - lasting.

If there's a breakdown in your relationship ,you want to be loved,
but you don't appreciate the love that you have in your life and do not allow your partner the freedom to express themselves freely, these energies are a wonderful as a support for aid you to feel love for yourself and others.

Are useful also for to strengthen parent-child bond etc..

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year 2019 - 19,99 euro 

These are a very powerful energies, create an extremely powerful etheric shield with has a high vibration that who helps in situations of natural disaster and earth changes ,earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and more.

Call on for to protection , for avert to be involved such events or to recover quickly in their aftermath .

Also through meditation they can arrive to give prophetic information and warnings, or later how to understanding and solve all problems with practical solutions, brilliant idea and creative insight.

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Light Pathway - Essence - by Scion


year 2019 - 19,99 euro 

These energies acts as a coach helps us to find our true calling, they will also help if your soul now is sleeping and needs awakening .

If you have strayed from your soul's pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose, if you feel you’ve lost the light in your life,these energies helps us to see the beauty in all things including people, and much more.

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Love and Hope Elixir by Scion

Love and Hope Elixir by Scion

year 2017  EUR 13.99

Love and Hope Elixir

This extremely positive energy brings universal love, faith, hope and charity,

People who receive the Attunement and use this energy have a spiritual view of life more 'strong and nourish the awareness that we are all brothers, feeling a deep love for all beings human and animal you are more generous towards others and In the field of love brings to have a very deep relationship and enduring

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Great Success in faraway Places by Scion

year 2017  EUR 13.99

Great Success in faraway Places

This activation leads highly successful Energy in faraway places.

It identifies and helps to realize what is distant, travel, foreign relations or other cultures. and even situations or things that need time to be able to develop optimally, studies or projects that will give results later.

Also this energy brings Calm, Patience, the Knowing wait

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Divination Magical Blessing by Scion

Divination Magical Blessing by Scion

year 2017   EUR 13.99

According to traditions many operators before each consultation using contact a particular saint for you to open the gate to the world of spirits and allows a contact with the various entities.

also used during divination special candles, this by virtue of its components, it would favor clairvoyance and psychic abilities.

The Attunement Divination Magical Blessing facilitates concentration and the gifts of clairvoyance, but is not limited to this, eliminates any type of negative vibration and absorbing it from who performs divination,

This initiation is not for everyone.

But for those who "know and feel they are called"

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Catuaba Elixir by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

year 2017  EUR 13.99

The Catuaba is a small tree ,We find it in the Brazil, in the Amazon rainforest.

It is often called by other names, depending on your location: Tatuaba, Pau de Reposta , Caramuru and more

The plant has a very long history in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac.

Its remarkable properties are described in the songs of the Tupi Indians of Brazil who were the first to discover the qualities of Catuaba, centuries ago. Indigenous and local peoples have used for generations

Although the plant has been used mostly in South America as aphrodisiac, it would seem that the Catuaba has other beneficial properties that could cure or prevent virus infections and depression. It can also be used as a painkiller and to combat fatigue.

According to the popular custom of the' Amazon natives, the Catuaba gives energy to people suffering from chronic fatigue, helps fight insomnia, improve sleep and helps you to focus attention.

Catuaba is an aphrodisiac for both women and men, as it increases the interest and sexual potency in both sexes because it has a direct effect on the nervous system and facilitates the lifting of inhibitions on the part of both

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Magical Mandrake by Scion Manual in English or in Italian

year 2017    EUR 13.99

The mandrake has a centuries-old history as one of the most important and powerful plants in witchcraft, sorcery, and herbal medicine.

In the Bible’s Book of Genesis, mandrake root helps Rachel conceive Jacob, and in Greek mythology, Circe and Aphrodite are thought to use it as an aphrodisiac.

But its powers are not only mythical

Use and Essential Properties

Luck in Business , Luck at gambling, Wealth, Thwarting black magic, Protection and defense against evil, The neutralization of Spells, Fertility, Love, Astral Projection and more.

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year 2019  - 19,99 

These energies are very helpful for women who have been offended or raped sexually assaurgies and now feel dirty as if the body is full of toxins and needs purifying

Are useful also if you feel as being under psychic attack or if you feel that you have absorbed someone else's problems and yours thoughts are negative and need cleansing .

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year 2019 - 19,99 euro

System for Healers and lovers of animals.

Work with these energies to heal ,to improves and accelerates the healing process on all animals , your domestic animals or wild.

Highly effective for healing any animal because you do not have to touch the animal ,the healing session can be given at hands or a distance.

Boost the immune system , stimulates healing mechanism, will accelerates the recovery from illness or injury , enhances overall well-being bringing health and longevity

These energies are helpful with healing and protecting all animals including fish and birds.

Do not hesitate, if you find an injured bird or other animal that needs healing ,call upon for help at these great energies !

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