year 2010 - 50$ by Stephanie Brail EUR 9.99
The 10 Bodies of the Human Psyche are a model of describing the mind, body and soul of a person That comes to us from yoga. Various schools of thought teach different variations of the mind / body system. Some teachers, for example, talk about an emotional body That stores emotional information. You may have also heard of a causal body, shared in certain schools of thought, Which may Contain our karmic imprints and Akashic records. Which of these models is right? Perhaps they are all right and all describe the same mind / body system or various aspects of it, just in a different way. What is important (for our purposes) Is that balancing out the 10 Bodies as described here can lead to greater health and well-being.
The 10 Bodies model Also includes the physical body and six energy bodies. Here is an outline of the types of bodies found in this system:
1 Physical Body 3 Mental Bodies (Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind) 6 Energy Bodies (Soul Body, Arc Line, Auric Body, Pranic Body, Subtle Body, Radiant Body)
10 Bodies Attunements things such as getting Involved in toxic relationships to walking heedless traffic into two to lack of grounding. Strengthening the Negative Mind helps hone our inner guidance system, and helps us develop discipline and strength. The Third Body (Positive Mind) The Positive Mind Is The optimistic part of the mind. This is the body That sees the good in everything and everyone. When balanced, the Positive Mind opens us up to the opportunities of life and gives us the the inspiration to succeed. Also we can inspire others When using our Positive Mind. A weak positive mind can be overwhelmed by the Negative Mind, succumbing to depression, pessimism, and hesitancy. The Fourth Body (Neutral Mind) The Neutral Mind is the clear, meditative mind That detached from Therefore outcome and can weigh information from the Positive and Negative Minds to reach a decision from a neutral standpoint. When the Neural Mind is in balance, the individual can come from a place of compassion and "win-win" thinking. An out-of-balance Neutral Mind sometimes manifests as being reactive and opinionated. The Fifth Body (Physical Body) The Physical Body is the physical form through Which our soul interacts with the 3-dimensional world of matter. A strong Physical Body of course brings physical health. Also it is important for our emotional well-being. When the Physical Body is weak, we may become jealous, angry and greedy. Positive expression Becomes difficult and we can become mired in the petty instead of the sublime. When the Physical Body is strong, we can become positive leaders and teachers, helping make the world a better place.
You can work with all 10 Bodies During a single healing session, or you can choose to focus on one body at a time.
Also you can select the specific body by looking at the issues you want to clear.
Here is a quick reference list: 1. Body Soul - spiritual connection 2. Negative Mind - discernment, Judgment 3. Positive Mind - optimism, enthusiasm 4. Neutral Mind - tranquility, peace 5. Physical Body - physical health, illness 6. Arc Line - manifesting 7. Auric Body - psychic protection 8. Pranic Body - energetic health 9. Subtle Body - intuition, guidance 10. Radiant Body - attraction, charisma
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