Abundant Purpose Attunements 1- 9 by Stephanie Brail


year 2010.- 55 $   by Stephanie Brail    EUR 9.99

Are a series of attunements That You are designed to help you get in touch with your true purpose and mission in life and to be supported while doing it. Support could as in the form of money and financial success. It Can Also as in the form of other people supporting you so That You can focus on your life's work.

Additionally, this energy will help get you in touch with what your purpose is and what your best career path at this time may be.

It is an That energy can break through indecision and lack of focus in regards to career, business and life path

. Many energies are available to try to help bring more money in. Some of These can be effective. But if you are in the wrong career, These energies may only help in the short term. Getting clarity on life path and living your life purpose will help bring in abundance than just trying to bring in instant cash to cover an unforeseen expense. Not everyone is meant to have a career That is highly lucrative, However, and not all purposes in life are career-oriented.

You may have a very fulfilling career as a teacher in a low-income school district. Your life path may be about helping others in a way That is not directly related to your job. In These cases, the energies In These attunements will help you to live "abundantly" I know That You are not Constantly stressing about money or a lack feeling.

This may not manifest as a million-dollar windfall.

That it may be your life is setup in a way That you have your material needs met and your abundance comes in the form of an amazing loving community. However Be open to this energy shifts things for you.

Give the changes some time.

For some they could take six months to a year or even longer to fully manifest.

For others the changes may be immediate.

it depends on where you are and Whether it's in your highest and best interest to move fast or slow.

The 9 attunements do not have any names or specific aspects to them.

They simply build upon one another.

They can be taken once per day for 9 days or once per week or even once per month. Do not try to receive than one attunement at a time.

This will not give you time to process or fully appreciate the attunement

Receive manual in English and chi ball attunement

EUR 9.99  paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo 

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