EUR 7.99 by Stephanie Brail
Attraction Reiki is a simple to use system designed to help you create an “Aura
of Success” that will draw opportunities and positive things to you. It works in 2
ways, it helps you to raise your own personal magnetism and as a specific form
of Reiki using symbols and an attunement process to activate it within you.
You might be familiar with the "Law of Attraction" which stated simply that what
you put your attention on you receive. So if you vibrate positive energy or
negative energy that is what will come back to you. This course focuses on the
idea that the better your energy the better your results.
There are three levels to Attraction Reiki.
Attraction Reiki I - Belief - You look at what it means to believe and how it
affects your reality.
Attraction Reiki II - Intention - You become clear about intention which is a vital
step in manifesting.
Attraction Reiki III - Attraction - You take what you learned in I & II and you
integrate it into attraction and strategy.
you will Receive manual pdf in English or in German and chi ball attunement
EUR 7.99
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