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Anger Release Empowerment by Stephanie Brail


year 2010   by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The Anger release Empowerment Anger is an important emotion That helps protect us from Things That might be harmful to us emotionally or physically.

Unfortunately, anger That has not Been released properly can cause problems and block our energy.

Many people have unresolved anger issues, Whether out of fear of expressing anger or being "stuck" in the angry energy. this empowerment helps release the energy in a safe, loving way.

Anger is not always on the surface. While some people quite obviously Their anger on Their wear sleeves, many others stuff Their anger deep down inside where it is hard to see.

Anger That is held onto and not safely released is destructive, Whether it is externally Expressed in to loud, obnoxious manner, or held Within quietly. Yet, it may well be That Those Who are out of touch with Their inner anger are more at risk of developing long-term health to Consequences the blocked energy than Those Who are outwardly angry.

While it's That never fair to say someone has "Caused" their own cancer, deeply buried anger held inside Certainly will not help to stay free from body cancer.

If you are observant of people, you may notice That it is Often the people who try to appear to be the most upbeat and positive who are holding the most anger deep down inside.

They have repressed it, and are afraid to look at what they perceive as a Monster Within

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Letting Go Reiki by Stephanie Brail


year 2009    by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

In order to keep the flow of our life moving, we need to let go of things That no longer serve us.

This can be challenging, especially if we are emotionally attached and have a hard time letting go.

What things might we need to let go of in order to improve our lives?

On a basic level, we may need to let go of clutter and too much "stuff" in our homes.

On a deeper level, we might need to let go of bad habits, negative emotions, and even people who might be Bringing us down than lifting us up.

We may need to let go of a relationship That was good but has now ended.

Letting go can be one of the most challenging things to do - it is like a little death - but it can be one of the most powerful and freeing.

Our energy gets clogged When We hold onto Things That no longer serve us. We block the flow of the new coming into our life Because We are too busy trying to preserve the old.

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Guilt Release Empowerment by Stephanie Brail


year 2009   by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Guilt is One of Those emotions where if you do not process and release it, it can get stuck in your physical, emotional and energetic bodies, causing blockages and problems later on. Guilt, like every so-called "Negative" emotion, does have its purpose.

It is our conscience, and it We tell us When We have done something perhaps we Should not have done.

If we listen to our genuine guilt, guilt That We legitimately deserve, it can be a tool for our personal and spiritual growth

. The problem is, sometimes we do not listen.

We repress the guilt and then continue with the same old dysfunctional behavior, thus creating new guilt That compounds the old.

The objective here is not to just wipe away the guilt without acknowledging the bad behavior, but to forgive yourself for the behavior and then change the behavior. Listen to the guilt. That can make the guilt go away.

Unfortunately, When too much guilt gets built up, it can lead to significant denial, Which makes it hard to change the behaviors creating the guilt. This energy can move stuck That guilt and help create new shifts where behaviors can take place easily

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EUR 6.99    year 2009   by Stephanie Brail   

Guru Ram Das was one of the Sikh gurus and is Considered to be an ascended masters and spirit guides to many. This empowerment is to Those help with very difficult problems That need a "miracle."

The energy will help you connect with Guru Ram Das to receive blessings and support. While there is no guarantee That You will get the That resolution you want, this energetic form of prayer will help create That is an outcome for the highest good of all Concerned.

It is best to use this energy daily for 40 days for a problem, but any and all application is helpful.

Daily use will help you connect with a power higher than yourself and remind you to "let go and let God" as it were. You can use this energy for your own issues

Also you can give the energy to clients as an empowerment to help them overcome obstacles.

Also it's wonderful to use this energy as a form of energetic prayer to help Those in Your Life That You are worried or Concerned about.

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Depression Flush by Stephanie Brail


year 2010    by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The depression Flush is an energetic empowerment that helps to break up clogged emotional energy that leads to depression.

It lifts up the energy to break through the paralyzing effect of depression

It works to get the energy flowing so that deep healing can be made possible.

The Depression Flush can be used alone to lift the spirits .It works best when coupled with deeper healing techniques.
Used first with regular Reiki or other healing will release the energetic " stalemate" of depression to allow the deeper healing to occur

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Make a Wish Blessing by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The purpose of the Make a Wish Blessing is simple:

To help your wishes as true!

Have fun with this energy!

It will probably work best When You Are not taking it seriously. This energy is Also an experiment, so let go of expecting anything from en. If it works, great, if not, try again! Having a light-hearted attitude will keep you open to the best things coming, Things That maybe you did not expect.

Try to work on one wish at a time with this energy.

Give it a little space to come True.

You can of course work on as many wishes as you want at once, but try to keep your energies as focused as possible on one wish, and then move on to other goals.

This energy works only with good intentions

. Do not use your wish to try to hurt someone else or take away free will.

For example, using your wish to try to break up a happy marriage I know you can steal a husband away from His Wife is bad karma.

This is not a good use of your energy. Instead, wish for the right relationship for you to come along in the right way with the right timing.

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by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Above the Radar Reiki is an intention-based energy That helps the recipient open the aura to receive positive attention and recognition.

It helps release fears of being seen or noticed.

Above the Radar Reiki is not just for shy people.

it is Also For Those Who have intentionally or unintentionally clipped wings Their Own to avoid standing out in a crowd.

Staying below the radar may be a way to play safe, but it can hold you back When it comes to getting what you want in life.

Above the Radar Reiki will help open the chakras and aura to allow the right kind of positive attention to bring gifts of love, prosperity, and succes

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Inner Strength Reiki by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Inner Strength Reiki is a special Reiki energy designed to connect the recipient with the strength of Their Own spirit.

It can be helpful for Those who are overwhelmed, depressed, lethargic, or feeling stuck or blocked in any way. It helps release fear and Provide new inspiration for Tackling the problems of life.

It is especially helpful for Those Who They feel alone and afraid That they can not do it alone.

Inner Strength Reiki works primarily with the third chakra, Which is the center of our personal power.

The third chakra is where we develop good boundaries and the ability to say no.

Diana Maree writes the Following about the third chakra: Located at the base of the sternum, this center in our chakra system resonates with integrity, self-discipline, and personal strength. it helps us overcome inertia. It functions as our "storage battery" for the strength we need to get through tough times without compromising our values. A strongly developed third chakra Allows us to free ourselves from a sheep-like submission to authority, and gives us the courage to follow our intuition without fearing for our own safety. With a well developed center of personal power, we know we are strong enough to take care of ourselves.

We damage our third chakra When We smolder with repressed anger, go along with a crowd When It Violates our sense of integrity, criticize others, refuse to admit When we are wrong, and wish our lives were different without taking any action to change Circumstances.

An underdeveloped chakra will show up in poor self-esteem, to tendency to lie, inertia in the face of situations That call for action, staying in unhealthy relationships, and living in fear of life in general.

Inner Strength Reiki not only balances the energy of the third chakra, but it Integrates it with the other chakras know you have more "oomph" behind everything you do.

This is an excellent energy to work with if you are starting a new business venture, or putting yourself out to the public in any way.

Also it is good to use if you are in a negative relationship and need the strength to leave.

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Earth Connect Reiki by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

Earth Connect Reiki is a special Reiki energy That connects with the spiritual energy of the planet for healing and wholeness.

Attraverso connection with Gaia, we can become in tune with nature's rhythms and more at peace in our lives.

This energy accomplishes two main things: One, to help the individual Reconnecting by the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies with Mother Earth; two, to gently Increase individual and collective awareness of how to live in harmony with the planet.

This is an excellent energy for anyone who might be feeling disconnected, ungrounded, or frustrated with life. Also it is helpful for Those who are having a hard time with death, Whether it's the death of a loved one or the death of strangers across the world.

This energy brings peace, connection and acceptance.

It Enables one to flow with life, not fight it.

In working with this energy, you will be working with the spirit of Gaia, Which is the consciousness of the earth.

You Will Find That Gaia has no Judgment or hate towards humanity.

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by Stephanie Brail  EUR 6.99

The energy in this empowerment is designed to help you (or your client) transition into a space of personal power When dealing with other people.

It helps you to remain calm and centered , and become less reactive to emotional upset and disappointment.

This empowerment is good for people who are struggling with drama Caused by toxic people - That is, people who are emotionally abusive, manipulative, or sabotaging.

The empowerment will help Provide strength in dealing with such people.

Also it may assist in cutting ties and letting go of the negative relationship as necessary.

This is a good empowerment to give to clients who are having a hard time leaving a bad situation with a partner and need an extra boost of energy to help them break free.

Also it can be helpful for Those Who are going to be seeing family and want to be protected from the family drama.

The empowerment is not an instant cure-all - as with any healing Multiple applications will sometimes be needed for best effect. You may still find yourself reacting to negative people in your life, but Overtime you will find yourself doing so less and less, and / or Those people will end up leaving your life naturally

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by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The Divine Mary Protection Empowerment The Virgin Mary is revered by Catholics as the Mother of God. for centuries she has Appeared to the faithful in a myriad of visions and visitations offering hope and succor to millions

. You do not need to be Catholic, However, to benefit from the blessings Mary Provides.

The Divine Mary Empowerment Protection Provides a nurturing That mothering energy shields from outside negativity. It is an excellent tool for psychic protection. Particularly it is effective against evil, Whether it manifests in the form of spirits from the other side or people with evil intentions.

The attunement Also can bring you into closer communion with God. The blackberries are you connected with the divine source, the stronger your aura will become, Which is a natural protection against outside negative energies. Particularly this is a good energy to use When You need help and intervention Because things in life just do not Seem to be going very well. Call upon Mary for help and she will answer.

If used at the start of a Reiki healing session, it will bring the energies of Mary Into the session.

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Angry Words Flush by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Angry Words Flush is a very simple tool to use for yourself or clients after experiencing a fight or any sort of heavy criticism.

it can Also be used to clear out negative mental patterns and self-Talk That He may have developed after hearing angry words During childhood or at any time in the past.

It can additionally help you forgive yourself for any angry words you may have spoken to another.

Even though you may work hard on your spirituality, you are only Therefore human and may have moments where you engage in fights with the people you love.

And of course, your clients may come to you wanting some comfort after a falling out with a friend or loved one.

This energy can be extremely helpful in These situations.

You may also find That your clients may have many wounds from That childhood come from emotionally abusive parents who may have Their anger taken out at Their children. Even if the child was not the direct target - perhaps they were in a household where the parents fought each other - angry words can have a devastating effect.

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by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

This is a Money Reiki system meant as a supplement to the original Money Reiki system, or as a standalone.

This system will help create a bubble of prosperity around you even if the economy is bad. This is not necessarily financial riches (no promises are made, of course), but prosperity to help you be a leader/lightworker during these times.

Three symbols are provided.

You do not need to be attuned to Money Reiki to receive this system.

Once attuned to Money Reiki for a New Reality, you can immediately attune others.

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Chakra Repair Empowerment by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The Chakra Repair Empowerment helps balance and repair the chakras

It is similar to the Chakra Flush in that it works on all the chakras at once and it is easy to use

While the Chakra Flush works more to clear out negative energy in the chakras,helps to rebuild chakras that have been weakened and blocked of energy

It is an easy energy to use because one application will help boost all the chakras

It is gentle enough to be used multiple times and should not cause major clearing symptoms

While it is not as powerful as other tools such as the Chakra Healing Attunements ,it is an excellent energy to use when you want to give a boost to the chakras quickly and easily

As most people usually have some weak spots in their chakras ,using this empowerment should provide benefit to almost everyone who comes to you for a healing

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by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

Golden Scroll Reiki is an easy -to use Reiki system that helps manifest goals ,dreams and desires

It does this in two ways ne by clearing out any negative energy or blockages to the goal,andtwo by creating positive thoughtforms to help manifest the goal into reality

Visualization can be a very useful tool when it comes to creating what you want in life

Golden Scroll Reiki utilizes the power of positive visualization and adds reiki energy to it ,to make it even more effective

Visualization works in a number of ways

One ,it helps to focus the mind and open the individual up to new possibilities

With a more positive mental outlook ,the individual is prone to make better choices and achieve better results

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Inner Light Reiki by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

Is a simple but powerful system to help the light of the soul shine through

The energy works to clear blockages ,increase joy,and help you accomplish your life purpose

This is a beautiful system that will help lift your personal vibration new levels just for receving the attunement

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Etheric Cord Shield by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Etheric cords are energetic attachments between people ( and sometimes things )

The cords are invisible lines of energy that transmit energy and information

They can give energy and they can also be used to funnel energy away from a person.

Etheric cords will often attach between chakras

Healthy cords will generally connect between two heart chakras

Unhealty cords often attach to the second and third chakras (navel and solar plexus ) but negative cords do attach to the other chakras as well

While there are many ways to cut cords once they are attached ,there are not a lot of ways to block cords before the attach

O course a strong aura can often repel cord attacks but for serious cases of cording it is often helpful to have an extra shield

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Clear the Path Reiki by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

Clear the Path Reiki is a very effective energy for the removal of obstacles

It is easy to use via intention or visualization

You can use this energy for yourself or a client for times of frustation,when life seems to throw too many obstacles into the path ahead

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Long Time Sun Blessing by Stephanie Brail


Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The Long Time Sun Blessing taps into the vibration of a beautiful Irish blessings that is sung at the end of Kundalini Yoga classes

The words are as follows

May the long time sun

Shine upon you,

All love surround you,

And the pure light within you

Guide your way on.

The energy from this blessing is uplifting and inspiring

It also provides protection

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Mangala Charn Empowerment by Stephanie Brail


by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Mangala Charn Empowerment calls upon the energy of a powerful mantra in Gurmukhi that offers protection from harm. This energy is different from a lot of protection energies in that it works on “real world” protection instead of just psychic protection. The Mangala Charn mantra can help protect from accidents, physical attacks, or other personal catastrophes. It can also be used protection from psychic attacks. The energy surrounds the magnetic field with a protective light.

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