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Energy Builder by Brail



By Stephanie Brail – 2008    EUR 6.99

The purpose of these attunements is to help build up the ability of the body’s energetic system to hold more higher energies. These attunements are good for healers to use, to help enhance the healing channel and allow a greater connection to spirit. They are also good to use for those suffering from any of physical or emotional depletion, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or depression.

The Energy Builder Attunements work on all aspects of the energetic system – systems, meridians, subtle bodies, etc.

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Subconscious Clearing from Stephanie Brail


from Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The subconscious mind, unfortunately, can be clogged up with a lot of mental gunk. Bad experiences, emotional hurts and disappointments, criticisms, and other negative memories can put our subconscious into a state of fear that can lead to self-sabotage.

For example, a person who is entering into a new relationship may subconsciously sabotage the relationship by pushing away the other person with constant criticism over petty issues. This is done to protect from the potential hurt that might occur if the relationship deepened to the point where the person could become extremely vulnerable.

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OM Empowerment - by Brail



by Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

The OM Empowerment is part of a series of mantra empowerments that tap into the vibrational frequency of a particular mantra.

OM (or Aum) is the mantra of primordial vibration-the sound that created the universe.

OM is God in sound from. By meditating on OM, you connect to God.

You uplift the consciousness and bring yourself that much closer to enlightenment.

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Eclipse Energy by Brail


by Stephanie Brail  EUR 6.99

This energy was received during the full lunar eclipse an February 20, 2008. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the moon and the sun, thus blocking the sun’s light to the moon.

Eclipses, in astrology, often portend big life changes, shifts, and challenges. While eclipses can often be described as “negative” (in that the energy can be disruptive, jarring, and difficult,) ultimately the energy of an eclipse is supposed to “shake you up” for good reason. It is supposed to help you let go of old things that no longer work for you and move you into a new, better direction. (Not all eclipses are described as negative by astrologers; some are described as quite positive. The theme of change is the same.)

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from Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

I originally received this system as three separate systems: KaHuna Reiki, Aloha Reiki, and Uhane Nui Reiki.

There are some generally agreed-upon aspects of Hawaiian spirituality that we will use as the basis for Hawaiian Trinity Reiki. The ancient Hawaiian believed we have three selves. Way before psychotherapy came along, the Hawaiians identified the three selves as follows:


The Father: Higher Self.

(In psychology: Superconscious.)


The Mother: The Conscious Self

(In psychology: The Ego.)

(In Huna, also the Soul.)


The Child: The Subconscious Self.

(In psychology: The Id. Also: Inner Child.)

These three selves must work together as a whole for us to be happy and well.

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By Stephanie Brail -2005   

The fairies want us to know that the source of much disease, illness, and unhappiness is simply this:


It is a form of energy work inspired by “Reiki” and the fairies. It is not traditional Reiki though you can use it in the same way. The fairies wanted to call it “Ray Key” because they thought you would have fun coming up with all the different meanings implied there.

Fairy Light Raykey is also an excellent tool for manifestation. It helps us manifest what we want in life without efforting too much and trying too hard.

Receive manual in English or in German chi ball attunement, lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Guardian Angel Reiki - from Stephanie Brail


By Stephanie Brail - 2008   EUR 6.99

Angels are thought to be higher vibrational beings who exist only in spirit and do not incarnate into from as humans and animals do. Angels are here to help guide human development and uplift and protect the people they serve. A guardian angel is a personal angel – an angelic being that is assigned to look out for the welfare of one particular human being.

Guardian Angel Reiki works in a number of ways:

1 It enhances the connection between the Reiki practitioner and their own angelic guardian, who can assist with healings.

2 It can give clients a direct feeling of angelic energy, personalized to them and providing comfort.

3 It can remove negative blocks and thought-forms around those who are blocked from receiving angelic guidance.

4 It can help “call in” a new guardian angel for the recipient, whether they already have a guardian angel or not.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

EUR 6.99

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11:11 Angel Attunement by Stephanie Brail


Price $50 by Stephanie Brail – 2009  EUR 7.99

The 11:11 Angel Attunement consist of 11 separate attunement that call upon the angelic energy coded in various number sequences.

000-A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.

111 – Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. The sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into from at record speeds.

And so much more.

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EUR 7.99

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Totem Reiki - by Stephanie Brail


By Stephanie Brail – 2007    EUR 6.99

What we are specifically interested in, when it comes to totem animals and Reiki, is the “specific kind of energy” that an animal totem can bring to your healing sessions.

Mush in the way a specific flower essence can work to heal a specific issue, certain animal have qualities that are naturally healing and uplifting to various conditions and emotional states.

Additionally, the attunement is designed to strengthen and enhance your relationship with your animal totem if you have not yet connected with your totem, the attunement will help you do so.

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EUR 6.99

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Tiger Reiki by Stephanie Brail


Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Prerequisite Reiki II Level

Buddhists, for example, consider the tiger to be symbol of spiritual illumination, due to the tiger’s keen ability to see in the dark. An image of a tiger walking through a bamboo forest represents the human soul, which is strengthened by faith as it struggles through the Forest of Sin. Here are the realms they protect:

Red tiger : summer, south, and fire.

Black tiger : winter, north, and water.

Blue tiger : spring, east, fertility, and vegetation.

White tiger : autumn, west, and metals, and the afterlife.

Yellow tiger : the sun, and the Chinese emperor.

Tiger Reiki is an excellent tool for increasing courage and motivation.

Remember too, that tiger is not just a hunter but also is a fierce protector.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

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Lion Reiki - by Stephanie Brail


By Stephanie Brail -2008     EUR 6.99

The lion is considered to be the symbol of the sun. Gold is its color. As the female lion often hunts and works in groups, the lion totem can provide support in dealing with groups.

The lion totem also represents:









Feminine Energy

Additionally, the lion teaches stealth. If you have a goal, you do not need to pounce on it head on. You can instead find a less direct path towards the goal and learn how to approach it from a different angle.

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Ra Ma Da Sa Empowerment by Stephanie Brail



by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Ra Ma Da Sa Empowerment taps into the energy of the Siri Gaitri mantra. It is a mantra with extremely profound healing powers. The energy is quite gentle but deep. It works at a slightly different vibration than traditional Reiki. You may experience it as being subtle yet transformative. There is sweetness to the energy that can be quite comforting.

While you can use this energy for any type of healing, this energy works particularly well in providing spiritual healing.

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EUR 6.99

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Energetic Salt Bath - by Stephanie Brail


By Stephanie Brail – 2009    EUR 6.99

A salt bath is often recommended by holistic healing practitioners as a way to release negative energies from the body. The salt leeches out and then disintegrates the negative energy.

Salt baths can be an extremely powerful method of energetic detox. They can also be quite relaxing. There may be times, however, when it is not possible to take a salt bath. Perhaps you are away from home, or live in a space that does not have a bathtub.

This energy can be used daily for regular energetic cleansing. It helps cleanse the aura, chakras and meridian of negative energies. It is gentle and safe.

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by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Psychic Contamination Flush clears out energetic contamination in the aura, chakras, and meridians. Getting psychic contamination is like getting an energetic cold. You “catch” it from someone else. It’s like an energetic virus that depletes and depresses the energetic system.

“Symptoms” of an energetic virus can include:

- ; Lethargy, fatigue, energy drain

- ; Irritability, grumpiness, feeling out of sorts

- ; Depression, anxiety, emotional upset beyond the usual

- ; Attachment to drama, embroiled in emotional battles

- ; Feeling like you are not yourself

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from Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The energetic weather during Mercury Retrograde can be quite bad, and it can make it somewhat perilous to undertake certain ventures that might be more auspicious when Mercury is direct.

Yet, much like we can put on a raincoat to protect ourselves from a harsh rainstorm, we can energetically protect ourselves from a bad energetic weather storm. This is what the Mercury Retrograde Neutralized is for. It can help smooth the way during a time of retrograde.

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Price founder 20 $

By Stephanie Brail - 2010   EUR 6.99

The Outside Influence Protection Empowerment helps to clear up outside negative energy that may be adversely impacting your life or the life of your clients. It removes curses, hexes and malicious spells from friends, loved ones and colleagues that might be indirectly affecting you in a negative way. It also cuts negative cords with toxic people, and helps remove negative energy from your environment and surroundings. It is also a quick way to perform psychic protection for those closest to you, because the empowerment will psychically protect those and friend in your inner circle.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Excalibur Reiki - from Brail


By Stephanie Brail - 2005    EUR 6.99

Prerequisite Level 2 Reiki

In this Reiki system you will be attuned to the energy of Excalibur, the Sword of Truth. You will learn how to tap into the archetypal energies of Merlin and Lady of the Light to heal and manifest.

This is an excellent system for manifestation as clearing away external obstacles to success and happiness. You will also use the principles of alchemy to create the life you want.

Excalibur is used to cut through the veil of illusion separating us from our true spiritual selves. As such, it is best used to clear out negative energy, remove negative attunements to objects, people, places, and things, cut etheric cords between people, and provide protection from negative energy and even negative entities or thought forms.

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1-2 Levels -2003 by Jose Gonzales – 3-10 Levels -2008 by S. Brail EUR 9.99

The Reiki Guides suggest that it would be most helpful for students to have opened their Kundalini channel and have some experience with Meridian/Qigong before taking these empowerment for more benefit.

It is a combination of the original Meridian Flush levels 1-2.

Meridian Flush 3 provides a very gentle cleanse of the energy system with a specific intent of releasing past issues. As such, it is good to use this flush and then follow it up the next healing session with Meridian Flush 4: The two work best as pair.

Meridian Flush 5-6 are designed to balance out the male/female energies of the energetic system, the yin and yang. These energies are meant to be used by people of both genders. Just because you are a man does not mean you should only use yang energy and that only women should use the yin energy. In fact, using the opposite energy to your specific gender may bring the most benefit.

Meridian Flush 7-8 bring in positive energies of insight and inspiration, to uplift the spirit and help the individual follow their true life path. ; ; 60; By cultivating insight, we are more equipped to grow spiritually and respond to life’s challenges. We become aligned with the truth and have the discernment to navigate through life’s sometimes confusing waters.

Meridian Flush 9 -10 help release resistance and connect the individual with the “flow” of life. Our physical bodies need life force energy or chi to run smoothly. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that when the chi gets stuck in the meridians, physical disease can occur. Thus, it is important to release energetic resistance for our physical health and well-being.

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EUR 9.99

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Psychic Protection Flame by Brail


Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

Archangel Michaele provided this energy to offer protection from psychic attack. This protection is very important, especially in modern times where we are bombarded with outside energies constantly. Psychic attacks are more common than people realize. They happen all the time.

We are born with natural defenses against psychic attack-a spiritual immune system, if you will, that should provide protection from common psychic attacks.

Sometimes, however, the spiritual immune system is compromised, due to an extensive psychic attack, trauma, illness, or other negative impact on the energetic system. When this happens, the individual becomes very vulnerable to psychic attacks, much more vulnerable than usual.

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EUR 6.99

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by Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Lakshmi Empowerment embodies the energy of the Lakshmi

Gayatri mantra, which is a powerful mantra from Hinduism.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

She is the consort of Lord Vishnu, one of the aspects of God. The name Lakshmi means “goal,” and thus the energy associated with her is one of worldly as well as spiritual success.

The mantra associated with Lakshmi is chanted to help bring wealth and prosperity, as well as fame and recognition.

It is thus an excellent mantra for actors or professionals who n eed to be in the public eye.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

EUR 6.99

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