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by Stephanie Brail  EUR 6.99

Money Reiki Practitioner

This first Level teaches you to use Money Reiki energies, treatments, giving financial blessings, and creating a money magnet.

The manual includes many helpful topics such as: How Money Reiki is Different, Money Reiki and the Energetic System, How Money Reiki Affects the Planet, Money Reiki and Light Workers, Money Reiki Symbol, World Money Meditation and more

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by Stephanie Brail  EUR 6.99

In the second level , you will get three new symbols and more tools to use Money Reiki, as well as the Master level attunement and the ability to attune others.

The manual includes many helpful topics such as: Euro Symbol, Manifestation Symbol, The Golden Pyramid, Passing the Attunement, Money Reiki As A Way Of Life,

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by Stephanie Brail    EUR 7.99

Money Reiki Grand Master Level

This is a powerful attunement to rewire your energy system and to become a " money magnet." The manual includes many helpful topics such as: On Clearing, Energetic Issues, Personal Issues, Money Reiki Practice Clearing Symbol, affirmation Symbol, Grandmaster Symbol, Passing the Grandmaster Attunement, Money Reiki As A Way Of Life

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Soul Money - from Stephanie Brail


 Stephanie Brail   EUR 6.99

By Stephanie Brail 2010

The Soul Money Empowerment helps you connect to your soul's inner

wisdom to receive guidance in regards to money. It can help you

receive better answers on how to earn more money as well as how to

manage it better. The empowerment will open you up to receive more

intuitive inspiration and insight into your particular situation. It can also

be shared with clients to help them as well.

R eceive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

EUR 6.99

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By Stephanie Brail – 2009    EUR 6.99

Money Angel Reiki has been created to help provide support and inspiration during times of economic stress. This system is not designed to instantly manifest wealth or prosperity. Rather, it is a system that helps provide support for money stress and problems.

Some of the underlying causes for the problems may be internal, but some may be external (such as when the economy has fallen into a recession).

Money Angel Reiki does not provide quick-fixes but assists the individual in making long-term changes and devising strategies to better deal with money.

It helps provide support for tough times.

you will Receive manual in English or in German , chi ball attunement, and lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Self Love Reiki - from Stephanie Brail


 Stephanie Brail    EUR 6.99

The Self Love Reiki system does not rely on specific symbols but uses two archetypal images to activate the energy.

Being human means being imperfect. By doing this work, we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, flaws and all.

Lack of self love is the root of many external issues, including relationship problems, money problems, and career woes. If you or your clients are continually repeating the same patterns in a particular area of life, then Self Love Reiki may just be what is needed to clear out the underlying issue for good.

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Advanced Reiki 4 Level - by Stephanie Brail


Advanced Reiki 4 Level - by Stephanie Brail
EUR 7.99

Advanced Reiki

Elemental Usui Reiki Livello IV

This is an Advanced Reiki Master course for those who are interested in increasing their Reiki power and learning how to create new Reiki systems. Even if you are not interested in creating new Reiki systems, you will improve your skills as a Reiki Master by working with the symbols and techniques in this manual.

The more you can channel energies directly, the more powerful you can be as a healer. You learn how to get out of the way and let spirit come through you to do the healing.

Thus, this “Advanced Reiki” course will be called “Reiki Level IV” for those who have pursued a traditional Usui Reiki training that ends at Level III. To further distinguish it from the Level IV taught in Usui-Tibetan Reiki, well call this Reiki lineage “Elemental Usui Reiki.”

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Toxic Family Shield by Stephanie Brail


EUR 6.99

By Stephanie Brail 2010

The Toxic Family Shield is a simple method of psychic protection that works to protect from the negative energy of family members. It shield from toxic psychic energy while projecting an energy of love and comfort to the problem family members. It can be effective whether the problem family members are close or at a distance.

We are tied to our family members in ways we are not with most of our friends and colleagues that we meet in other areas of our life. Our parents in particular have a tremendous effect on us that extends beyond childhood. While we may love parents, we may still have to deal with their dysfunctional psychology and issues. Siblings, in-laws and other family members can also be a source of distress and challenge.

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6,99 EUR

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Rahma Spirit by Stephanie Brail


EUR 6.99

By Stephanie Brail -2010

The Rahma Spirit Empowerment was received during a special meditation at a Rahma Group dedicated to communicating with higher vibrational “aliens.”

Whether you believe in UFOs or not, or think these beings are simply higher spiritual beings vs. actual aliens, this energy can raise your vibration and take you to a new level in your life.


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Light of Truth Reiki By Stephanie Brail

EUR 6.99

Usui prerequisite level or similar.

Light of Truth Reiki is an excellent energy to use if you want to improve your intuitive faculties: You can only be accurate in your intuitions if you are ready to hear and see the truth and not just what you want to see.

The benefits of Light od Truth Reiki are as follows:

1 Improved personal clarity; less confusion.

2 Better peace of mind.

3 More trust in the self and the universe.

4 Heightened intuition.

5 A more balanced perspective on life.

By using Light of Truth Reiki regularly, you can transform a lot of issues. You can find clarity on life purpose, end confusion over a romantic partner, and even see the other side of things. In other words, you get clearer on your own personal truth, it is easier to see and accept other people’s truths.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

6,99 EUR

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Deprogram Self Punishment By Stephanie Brail


EUR 6.99

By Stephanie Brail - 2010

The Deprogram Self-Punishment Empowerment helps to deprogram any self-punishment “program” that might be running in the subconscious, leading to self-sabotage, under-achievement, and personal drama. It is easy use for self and clients.

A self-punishment program is an unconscious set of instructions that makes a person sabotage or “self-destruct” instead of succeed. Self-punishment can include tendencies such as destroying promising relationships before they get off the ground, constantly creating drama at work, or overspending and mismanaging money.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

EUR 6,99

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