Lucky Hoodoo Reiki by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

There is a school of folk magic called Hoodoo and it comes from the Caribbean and New Orleans

So how does this all telate to Reiki ? Well,we can attune to the healing energy in herbs and the oracle of seashells simply enough

We can soothe the ancestors and accept any helpful advice they have to give us

We can make ethereal reiki " bundles " of actual minerals ,herbs ,drawings ,and oils to give as ethereal gris-gris

We can make ethereal floor -wash with our reiki knowledge to clean up a room's energy

And we can become at ease with all this and mentally shake our gourd rattle and warn away mischievous entities with the authority of our hands and hearts

Receive manual english language and chi ball attunement

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