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Rejection Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper


$25.00   by Tracey Loper   

The Rejection Flush Empowerment has been given to us as a gift from Spirit to aid us in overcomingrejection and healing from its effects. The comforting energy will wash awayfalse truths that tell us we are unlovable just because someone rejected us.

Any feelings thathave colored our idea of who we are will be removed so that we can regain atruer vision of who we are really, perfectly divine in every moment.

Using the RejectionFlush Empowerment will reconnect us to the Divine Source where we are fullyaccepted, in glorious grace and love. We will appropriate this truth so that itbecomes reality in our hearts and lives.

Benefits of Rejection FlushEmpowerment

· Abundance of Self Esteem and Joy

· Freedom from fear of rejection

· Ability to take risks and step outof our comfort zones

· Protection against negativeaffects of rejection

· Truer vision of who we are really

· Release from pain, hurt anddisappointment of past rejections

· Greater knowledge of and faith inthe Divine’s acceptance of us

· Removal of damaging and selfsabotaging behaviors

· Freedom from programmed negativeself talk

· Experience unconditionalacceptance from the Source

· Cultivation of Self Compassion

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$20.00   by Tracey Loper  EUR 7.99

The energies of this system help us to embody divine attributes such as gratefulness; generousness and graciousness. It encourages us to invest ourselves in others, in ways that others can grow and that will bless them. It will inspire us to be givers and to do Divine acts of service. It helps us to become more Spirit-like in nature. The energies will help us to express appreciation in all areas of our lives so that we can create stronger bonds between us and others and us and the Divine. It brings harmony, unity, and attracts positive things into our lives.

These energies remind us of the importance of being grateful for the things that bring us joy, passion, hope, inspiration, inner courage and strength. It will help us to recognize the many things we have to be grateful for which results in drawing more abundance in our lives. Through working with these energies we will choose gratitude and create abundance in our lives. The energies will raise our vibrations so that we attract like frequencies that harmonize with situations that we want to manifest in our lives so that we attract more of what we want in our lives.

It will bring forward a greater ability to discern the best way to express our appreciation of others and to be thankful for the rare and precious gifts of having real, honest, and true friends. This system will bring us greater awareness of the little things we have to be grateful for and the desire to express our thanks to the Divine for our many blessings. It will inspire us to be givers and to give of our time, energy, and resources to help others. Through running these energies often we will gain the ability to appreciate our beauty, gifts, talents, uniqueness, divinity and release the tendency to be hard on ourselves.

We will begin to greatly appreciate the work of the Divine in every area of our lives bringing greater security in our lives as we know that the Divine is there for us and does not forsake us.

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39,99 $   byTracey Loper  EUR 7.99

True Vine Activation is given to us by Ascended Master Jesus so that we can become more like Him and tap into His a source of abundant life in order to produce fruitful sa Source of abundant life in order to produce fruitful life.

With this activation, we are giving the tender care and protection from Ascended Master Jesus. from Ascended Master Jesus.

There is a purifying energy within the activation that will raise and lift our vibrations so that we are more productive in ou and lift our vibrations so that we are more productive in our lives.

Areas of our lives that are unfruitful and barren will be cleansed and purified and given new life. cleansed and purified and given new life.

We will not be longer slumber in areas of our life that are challenging us. We will laugh above earth bound concerns and see obstacles or challenges as a pathway to growth. pathway to growth. We will receive greater strength to endure challenges in our lives and no longer run from problems but rather face them

head on with courage and conviction. head on with courage and conviction. The energy will cleanse and remove anything that robs us of our vitality and strength.

Anything that consumes our life but produces no fruit produces no fruit, threatens our spiritual or personal threatens our spiritual or personal development development and growth and growth and growth and does not serve our Higher Good and does not serve our Higher Good will be re will be removed.

The energy will be the energetic junk from our lives that hinders our ability to manifest the desires of our hearts accomplish our accomplish our personal and spiritual personal and spiritual personal and spiritual goals for this lifetime. goals for this lifetime. goals for this lifetime. We will produce real fruit in our lives obstacles to our growth. obstacles to our growth.

This is a result of receiving these energy areas feeling defeated, withered, possessing no life, dried up, will feeling defeated, withered, possessing no life, dried up, will be renewed and revitalized so that we experience fullness in all areas of our life.

This will enable us to begin producing frui areas of our life. This will produce fruit in our lives again. our lives again.

It is within our Divine right to live an abundant and fruitful life.

Activating this energy will help us to bear fruit in our lives

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Karmic Relationships Clearing by Tracey Loper


by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The Violet Transmuting Flame of Zadkiel, Archangel of Ascension, Mercy and Transmutation, along with St. Germain, brings cleansing light to release karmic ties, bring forgiveness, cleanse karmic debt and clear karma related to specific issues (physical or emotional) and discordant Karmic relationships .

Although many of the seven major Archangels as well as the Council of Light members whom I channel contribute to the energy and experience of this clearing. The Unity or Christ Consciousness provides a healing atmosphere of unconditional love throughout the clearing/cleansing/healing, and Earth Mother grounds the entire experience so that deep healing may manifest in the physical realm.

It will remove anything that serves as a block to having conscious knowledge of karmic patterns that are or have affected your relationships. It will resolve undesirable, destructive past life patterns. Thus, allowing greater personal growth and awakened consciousness.

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$50.00    by Tracey Loper   EUR 9.99

7 Powerful Flush Empowerments

The Intimacy FlushEmpowerment system is given to us by Spirit to remove all blocks to intimacy whether those blocks are on a spiritual, social, emotional, sexual, mental,level or from early training in life. There are 7 powerful flushes in this empowerment system which will help us to allow our hearts to connect to anothers o that we experience ease in sharing, experience the feelings of being lovedand accept, develop trust and communicate honestly and directly.

Thus, ourrelationships will have emotional safety where we are able to share ourfeelings and vulnerabilities with others without fear. We will be free ofunrealistic expectations and predetermined ideas about what love is or what isshould be and be open to experience authentic love and intimacy.

Benefits :

The Intimacy Flushes

Spiritual Intimacy Flush

Emotional Intimacy Flush

Social/Recreational Intimacy Flush

Early Training Intimacy Flush

Mental/Intellectual Blocks Intimacy Flush

Sexual Intimacy Flush

Financial/Monetary/Abundance Intimacy

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Path of Yemaya Reiki by Tracey Loper


by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

The energy of this system will protect your life through all the highs and lows, even in the worst of times.

It will promote self care so that you will take time for self, pamper yourself, nurture your needs and respect your position in life.

The energy is very feminine and allows you to retire from being the nurturer, caretaker and fixer in your life so that you can take care of you.

It will help you to learn how to dance with the ebb and flow of the life cycle.

The Path of Yemaya Reiki healing system will support you through life challenges.

It will connect you with your creative side, creative potentials and possibilities.

The energy of this system is very soothing and calming.

The Path of Yemaya Reiki energy will heal any anxieties you may have and help you to endure change in your life with wisdom, compassion and grace.

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$25.00  by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

The Divine Inheritance flush is given to us by Spirit to help raise our vibrational levels so that we can attract what we truly desire in life and what is ours by divine right.

It will re-awaken our Divine Inheritance and Empowerment. The energy will give us the keys to healing, the realization of purpose and the manifestation of our mostheart felt dreams.

The energy will tap into the Soul to help us achieve and direct our purposes and passions in life. Energetic blocks and imbalances which block us from attracting and creating what we want in ourlives will be removed so that we can let go of fears, negative and false beliefpatterns and emotions, both conscious and unconscious. We will get in touch with our life purposes so that we can lead the most fulfilling, rewarding and blissful life path imaginable.

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year 2012 - 50 $   by Tracey Loper   EUR 9.99

The Unconditional Trust Empowerment System has been given unto us from the Divine Source to help us to have Unconditional Trust in the Divine Source at all times.

The energies of this Empowerment System will fully align us with the Divine Source - mind, body, soul and heart as well as remove any blockages to Divine trust in our physical and spiritual journey.

The energy will assist us in trusting the Divine Source completely so that we do not experience any separation in any area of our life.

The energy will also help feelings of disconnection from the Divine Source. If there are any negative or false beliefs, attachments, mind sets or attitudes that are causing us to be distant from the Divine Source these will be removed.

The energy will work in such a way that any spiritual blockages, karmic blockages, curses (generational or otherwise), spells, negative memories from this lifetime and or others, vows, or any other blockages affecting our ability to trust in the Divine Source will be removed. Lower natured emotions such as doubt, confusion, fear will be released so they do not serve as blockages to trust in the Divine Source.

There are five empowerments in the Unconditional Trust Empowerment System.

Unconditional Trust Empowerment - This will empower us to have perfect trust in the Divine Source

Body Power Empowerment - This will empower our body to be in perfect alignment with the Divine Source.

Soul Power Empowerment - This will empower our soul to be in perfect alignment with the Divine Source.

Heart Power Empowerment - This will empower our heart to be in perfect alignment with the Divine Source

Mind Power Empowerment - This will empower our mind to be in perfect alignment with the Divine Source.

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$28.00 -year 2012    by Tracey Loper    EUR 6.99

The Star of Bethlehem Empowerment will help you to face the serious challenges of life, so that you do not lose all sense of direction and do not wander through life aimlessly missing important paths and directions.

The energy of this spiritual star, will guide you and help restore a sense of direction to your life. This empowerment is especially helpful when you feel your life is like a dark forest and you need the Light to shine on what is dark and uncertain so you can find your way to truth, direction and purpose.

The darkness and confusion created by self will be dispelled by the penetrating Light of the Star. Negative thoughts, false truths and beliefs, will be released so that they no longer suppress enlightenment. As a result, you will experience clear thinking.

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DNA Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper


672268332?profile=RESIZE_710xby Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The DNA Flush Empowermentwill cleanse and detoxify all of the ethereal bodies.

In our physical, mental,emotional and spiritual bodies we hold onto old, stale energy which has become stagnant and this can greatly affect our life and path.

When the DNA Flush is activated it will restore connection with the blueprint of life restoring flow to life,joy, contentment, success, purpose and more.

It will bring a feeling of wholeness, strengthen the immune system and bring in more Light. It will ensure that all things needed to make one’s life work in harmony with the Divine plan will be restored. It will realign with the multidimensional being within, unblock and heal all etheric bodies and facilitate unity consciousness.

The DNA flushEmpowerment will remove any blockages in the etheric bodies and fields that have damaged or corrupted the Blue print code and balance and dissolve karma.

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Happiness Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper


$25.00   by Tracey Loper   EUR  6.99

The Happiness Flush Empowerment has been given as a gift from the Source to rid us of blocks to our happiness in life. This includes any mental and or emotional clutter, including feelings, emotions, memories and remnants that we have held onto from our past and current life experiences so that they can no longer block our happiness and cause dysfunction in our lives.

This will free us to be happy and do things like achieve our goals, have fulfilling relationships, successful careers and receive abundance in all areas of our life. The flush will clear negative emotions from past and current life experiences such as wounds from childhood and traumas, past events and situations that have caused us pain. This will allow us to be free from negative things that we have experienced and the emotions we have attached to those negative experiences.

Benefits of the Happiness Flush Empowerment

Release from mental and emotional blocks to happiness and success

Happiness and Success will flow more naturally

Ability to let go of the past Experience greater happiness in the now

Embrace the power of happiness and all the abundance it brings to life

Maintain serenity and Joy even in the midst of crisis

Freedom from self defeating behaviors, lower natured emotions, false and limiting beliefs

Ability to make dreams and goals a reality

Increased abundance in all areas of life

Removal of emotional and mental clutter

New Feelings of happiness, contentment and confidence

Personal power to overcome obstacles and challenges

Experience fulfilling relationships and successful careers

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Protection from future negative experiences, emotions, dramas, mistreatment from others

and more

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$29.99  by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus to direct us to His loving heart so that we become familiar with the inner life of the Master and embody His virtues and sentiments. It will assist us in identifying with His Master’s heart, the seat of love which love All without condition or reservation. During the empowerment we will feel Ascended Master Jesus’ presence ever so sweetly as He imprints His Love on our Hearts bringing us peace, unity, oneness, refuge,comfort, calmness, blessings, abundance, and mercy.

The empowerment energy will enter into our heart and open, cleanse, and heal any wounded aspect of our hearts so that we are open to the energy of giving and receiving love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment connects us with the loving Heart of Jesus so that his love shines forth and reflects in our inner and outer life, so that our words and actions reflect His love and manifest in us and in our life. We will have a ‘new heart’, faithful to unconditional love, as the Heart of Ascended Master Jesus will activate within us.

As a result we become infinitely loving and lovable. It is from the source of His energy, love and heart that we will attain great reserves of meekness and forgiveness necessary to heal the bitter conflicts that have bloodied our hearts. We are able to embody the merciful heart of Ascended Master Jesus. Having a new and merciful heart, a heart like the Master’s heart, we will implore for mercy and peace with All – the whole world.

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Heart of Mary Magdalene Reiki by Tracey Loper


$25.00  by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

Mary Magdalene lends us faithfulness, gratitude, servant hood,sacrificial ness, devotion, the ability to heal through ministering healing to others, the desire to die to self and care for the needs of others

. She teaches us the ability to have - love and gratitude - manifest into devotion to others.

Mary Magdalene teaches us to give, love and serve.

To have the heart of compassion is taught by many Masters and Great Healer Ancestors such as Buddha’s teachings and the teachings of the Shaman Healer path.

The tendency to complicate things is common in the human psyche so we make this much more complicated than it is and

Mary Magdalene’s energies are so gentle that they soften us so that we can get in touch with the heart of compassion and beauty within us.

Mary Magdalene is the Divine Feminine. She is within each of us and because we too are very powerful souls with unlimited potentials, we too embody her loving compassion and grace.

She is the Healer of the marginalized and giver of life force and comforter to the downtrodden.

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$25.00    by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

This system will help us to cultivate compassion in our daily life and practice compassion so that we have the ability to understand the emotional state of being of another person and or ourselves. The energy it carries will bring out many other wonderful qualities which are manifestations of compassion such as readiness to give comfort, empathy, sympathy, concern and caring to others.

A great benefit of the Cultivating Compassion Reiki system is that it will help you to be happier and bring others around you to be happier as the energy radiates from within you to all those whom you come into contact. This system is a tool for achieving happiness.

The energy of Cultivating Compassion Reiki will empower us to love all beings and comprehend their suffering for if we do not love others then we cannot really have compassion for them even when they are in pain. However, when we consider the suffering of someone we love compassion naturally comes up from within our spiritual core.

The energy of this system will remove anything that blocks that innate compassion that we have within our inner being for those we love so that we can consider their pain and take actions to alleviate their suffering.

It will help us to understand suffering, realize that suffering is real and experience genuine compassion so that we can develop a feeling of closeness to others combined with a sense of responsibility for their welfare. We will develop true compassion wanting happiness and not suffering for others.

Practicing this system helps us to realize a sense of trust that enables us to open up to others and reveal our problems, doubts, fears, and uncertainties so we can communicate honestly and openly. We will develop the courage to think of others and to do something for them. We will experience the courage to rise above fears of trusting others.

Cultivating Compassion Reiki helps us to see the human aspect of others and then take time to be sensitive towards them, do things to help them, care for them, and be loving and interested in them. As we cultivate compassion we will begin to recognize the needs, concerns and weaknesses of others while being tolerant and making allowances.

We will be less concerned about getting something back from others and more concerned about giving. Cultivating Compassion Reiki inspires us to love our fellows, look out for them, and because we want to help them. Selfishness and self-seeking will leave us as the selflessness and unconditional qualities of compassion replace them.

This System is Particularly Useful When

You want to experience enlightenment
You are being critical of self or others
You have a short fuse with people you love
You are impatient or unkind towards others
Your goal is to achieve happiness
You want to learn how to care for other people
When you want to communicate with others openly and honestly about problems, fears, anxieties, etc.
You want to develop more tolerance of others
You are being cynical and distrustful of others
You want to gain more control over your emotions
And so much more!

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$25.00   by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

The Scarcity Mentality Flush empowerment has been given unto us from Spirit so that lack thinking does not hurt our chances of achieving abundance and anything else we desire in our lives. It will remove blocks of limiting and negative beliefs that have held us back so that we can reconnect to truth. Truth is that there is an abundance of everything – opportunities, resources, money, etc.

The flush will heal us of the mentality of scarcity and raise our consciousness to abundance thinking. Rather than being victims of whatever circumstance we find ourselves in we will connect to Higher thinking and acting that leads to fulfillment of our greatest desires.

Benefits of the Scarcity Flush Empowerment

Countless opportunities for personal growth and development

Self Esteem will rise

Ability to rise to challenges

Empowered to seek opportunities which lead to greater results inour lives

Seeing potential opportunities in our life for abundanceGreater fluidity in goals in life

Positive approaches to overcoming obstacles and facingchallenges

Inner Fulfillment

Develop perseverance

Freedom from procrastination and complacency

Demonstrating personal responsibility and leadership in ourlives

Proactive approach to obstacles to abundant living

Personal contentment

And Much More..

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Rising Above Reiki by Tracy Loper


$25.00   by Tracy Loper   EUR 6.99

We all have challenges in life.

We all face adversity at times. These trials and lessons can strengthen us rather than destroy us by using the energy of the Rising Above Reiki System of healing.

Things do not always work out the way we hoped it would. It is not so much the challenges that are the issue ? rather it is the way We React to those challenges that are most important.

The energy of this system will empower us in such a way that we will be able to embrace life?s challenges and adversities, overcome obstacles, dream bigger, reach goals, have positive reactions and take positive actions, discover our passions in life and fulfill our highest potential as a soul.

Rising Above Reiki will assist us in confronting and overcoming the obstacles and challenges we face. It will bring us courage and confidence to face the challenges before us. It will clear us of any victim based thinking that holds us back and help us to be the conquerors the Divine designed us to be.

This energy is given tous from the Divine Source to help us to claim our Divine heritage

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$25.00   by Tracey Loper    EUR 6.99

The Sacred Beauty Flush has been given unto us from Spirit to enable us to reclaim our divine beauty and perfection, our true feminine nature, so that we can access the softness within us, the gentle and nurturing side of ourselves that needs to be cultivated and honored always.

As defenses are stripped away this will permit our authentic self to rise from within so that we can again trust and be open to love, intimacy, sensuality and sexuality.

The ability to be vulnerable with others will return.

Our masks will peel away and our guard will come down so that we are living and acting as our highest expression and divine presence.

This powerful energy will awaken the love, beauty and strength that lives and acts within us when we are free from the blocks of false truths, misconceptions and wounds other past.

This energy will aid us in discovering not only the sacred beauty within us but within All.

At last we will embrace the beauty and truth of who we are in all our divine beauty and perfection, which lives within but radiates without.

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$49.99 year 2012   by Tracey Loper   EUR 9.99

Benefits of the Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, Soul Mate Connection Activation:

Attract Soul Mate

Materialize Soul Mate Union

Open heart to higher vibration of soul mate

Open heart to higher vibration of divine, pure, unconditional love

Readied to receive love and be loved within Soul Mate Union

Healing of past relationship wounds

Release of stored emotions and pain from the heart center

Removal of negative sabotaging patterns

Clearing of negative energy and emotions

Worthiness to be loved

Greater Success in all areas of life

Clear mind and heart

Enhanced ability to attract the deepest desires of the heart

Ability to experience deep oneness, union, connection and intimacy within the soul mate relationship.

Confidence in dealing with relationships

Joy, hope, and enthusiasm

Unconditional love, trust, compassion, hope, faith

Development of spiritual union within the self


Alignment with Higher, more Divine Qualities

Attracting power

Removal of protective shields, walls, defensiveness, fear

Connection to soul mate in consciousness and energetic heart and soul level

And more...

The Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, Soul Mate Connection Activation is given from the Divine Source to assist us in materializing our Divine Soul Mate Union…attracting the one that is Divinely right and perfect for us.The energy will work to open the heart to the higher vibration of our soul mate as well as to the higher vibration of divine, pure, unconditional love so that we are ready to love and be loved within this Holy and Divine Soul Mate Union.

Any past relationship wounds which serve as blocks to attracting our soul mate will be healed. The energy will work on all levels and as a result a cellular shift will take place bringing healing which will allow us to attract our soul mate into our life.

As the wounds are healed and released we will feel true freedom within the very depths of our mind, body, soul and spirit. All stored emotions and pain from past relationships in this lifetime and others, will be released from our heart center.

Negative patterns that have been adopted due to the traumas and pains will be released on a cellular level so that we no longer continue repeating sabotaging relationship and life patterns.

We will experience greater success in all areas of our life as a result of the clearing and releasing this energy provides to our heart center.

Feelings of unworthiness will be released so that we acknowledge our deservingness for this great love in our life.

The gentle yet very powerful energy of this system will reprogram our heart and soul so that we can experience deep oneness, union, connection and intimacy within the soul mate relationship.

The energy will also allow us to connect to our soul mate, soulfully, on a heart and soul level. This enables us to meet our soul mate on an energetic soul level and connect to our soul mate - soul to soul, heart to heart.

Some of us will be able to also develop a vision of our soul mate and or a vision of ourselves with our soul mate after working with this energy. Most of us will be able to perceive and sense the energy of this connection and harmonize with this energy so that it feels a part of who we are.

The energy of this system is powerful and transformative and will open our heart fully.

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Mastering Destiny Empowerment by Tracey Loper


$25.00    by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The Mastering Destiny Empowerment is given to us by Spirit so that we can be Masters of our own destiny. This empowerment will enable us to be the makers of our own fate so that we no longer search for truth outside of ourselves.

The energy will sweep over and through us removing anything that blocks us from enjoying our life as it is no matter what is going on at anygiven moment. We will experience deep peace as we realize that in truth we can create anything that we hold our divine attention upon.

Nothing is out of our reach.

Once the energy is activated we will begin drawing in opportunities, people, and resources to help us achieve our life purposes, plans and goals. What we desire in our heart of hearts will expand and become our reality as a resultof working with this system. Fear and worry thoughts will leave us.

Tendencies towards visualizing and dwelling on the worst possible outcome will be cleared.

This will prevent us from bring about what we fear.

The energy will give us a positive boost so that we become the manifesting magnet we are designed to be.

Then we are able to attract anything we want into our life.

Positive energy will enter bring us a good outlook and attitude about the future so that we believe it is possible to create any destiny we desire. As a result of the empowerment we will develop unwavering faith in our ability to manifest our destiny. We will begin to believe that what we want and or need is already manifested, already on its way to us. We will adopt new behaviors that support mastering our destiny.

The Universe is infinitely abundant and anything we desire is possible.

The energy of this system will help us to live this truth.

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$25.00    by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

The Manifesting Wealth Empowerment is given to us fromSpirit to remove any energetic blocks to manifesting wealth.

The empowerment will help us to stop denying and ignoring our emotions so that emotions do notcreate a negative scarceness based reality.

It will remove tendencies towards stagnancy, complacency, procrastination and any other sabotaging patterns sothat we move from these negative behaviors into physical action and creation.Subconscious blocks and self sabotage will be cleared so that we build our Highest future.

A motivating energy will replace resistance based thinking andacting so that we take actions that are in alignment with attracting and manifesting the wealth that is our Divine inheritance.

Any blocks to our Spirit wealth will be cleared. This energy can help us manifest an abundance of anything that makes our heart sing. Our manifesting vibration will rise to its highest level possible as a result of this clearing and empowerment.

The energy will run through us with its powerful surge to empower us to attract opportunities intoour lives to bring us an abundance of wealth. Where our energy system blocksthe countless possibilities for manifesting wealth it will be clearedpermanently so that we allow these unlimited possibilities to manifest in ourlives.

This will allow us to unleash the potential for unlimited abundance tocome into our lives and bless us with its countless benefits and gifts.Abundance will then flow into our lives with ease.

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