$49.99 year 2012 by Tracey Loper EUR 9.99
Benefits of the Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, Soul Mate Connection Activation:
Attract Soul Mate
Materialize Soul Mate Union
Open heart to higher vibration of soul mate
Open heart to higher vibration of divine, pure, unconditional love
Readied to receive love and be loved within Soul Mate Union
Healing of past relationship wounds
Release of stored emotions and pain from the heart center
Removal of negative sabotaging patterns
Clearing of negative energy and emotions
Worthiness to be loved
Greater Success in all areas of life
Clear mind and heart
Enhanced ability to attract the deepest desires of the heart
Ability to experience deep oneness, union, connection and intimacy within the soul mate relationship.
Confidence in dealing with relationships
Joy, hope, and enthusiasm
Unconditional love, trust, compassion, hope, faith
Development of spiritual union within the self
Alignment with Higher, more Divine Qualities
Attracting power
Removal of protective shields, walls, defensiveness, fear
Connection to soul mate in consciousness and energetic heart and soul level
And more...
The Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, Soul Mate Connection Activation is given from the Divine Source to assist us in materializing our Divine Soul Mate Union…attracting the one that is Divinely right and perfect for us.The energy will work to open the heart to the higher vibration of our soul mate as well as to the higher vibration of divine, pure, unconditional love so that we are ready to love and be loved within this Holy and Divine Soul Mate Union.
Any past relationship wounds which serve as blocks to attracting our soul mate will be healed. The energy will work on all levels and as a result a cellular shift will take place bringing healing which will allow us to attract our soul mate into our life.
As the wounds are healed and released we will feel true freedom within the very depths of our mind, body, soul and spirit. All stored emotions and pain from past relationships in this lifetime and others, will be released from our heart center.
Negative patterns that have been adopted due to the traumas and pains will be released on a cellular level so that we no longer continue repeating sabotaging relationship and life patterns.
We will experience greater success in all areas of our life as a result of the clearing and releasing this energy provides to our heart center.
Feelings of unworthiness will be released so that we acknowledge our deservingness for this great love in our life.
The gentle yet very powerful energy of this system will reprogram our heart and soul so that we can experience deep oneness, union, connection and intimacy within the soul mate relationship.
The energy will also allow us to connect to our soul mate, soulfully, on a heart and soul level. This enables us to meet our soul mate on an energetic soul level and connect to our soul mate - soul to soul, heart to heart.
Some of us will be able to also develop a vision of our soul mate and or a vision of ourselves with our soul mate after working with this energy. Most of us will be able to perceive and sense the energy of this connection and harmonize with this energy so that it feels a part of who we are.
The energy of this system is powerful and transformative and will open our heart fully.
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