year 2012 $39.99 by Tracey Loper EUR 7.99
The Divine Source gives us this empowerment to remove states of fear and lack and to empower us to ask for what we want and believe that we deserve to receive abundance. It will rid us of the tendency towards focusing on what we do not have creating more lack and problems to work through. Instead we will be energized and empowered to ask for what we want with conviction and belief that what we are asking for WILL be granted!
After we make our request known and believe absolutely that as a result of our intention our request is already manifesting in the Infinite field of Pure Potential we know truth.
This empowerment will help us trust that whatever we need will be provided in the Divine Moment we need it. We will live our lives with an attitude of calmness, accepting that we are always safe and will be provided for and have the inner knowing that there is Alawais more than Enough for Everyone!
We will no longer need to live in fear of lack.
The habit of seeing ‘limits’ will leave us.
The fear of the future will leave us.
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