39,99 $ byTracey Loper EUR 7.99
True Vine Activation is given to us by Ascended Master Jesus so that we can become more like Him and tap into His a source of abundant life in order to produce fruitful sa Source of abundant life in order to produce fruitful life.
With this activation, we are giving the tender care and protection from Ascended Master Jesus. from Ascended Master Jesus.
There is a purifying energy within the activation that will raise and lift our vibrations so that we are more productive in ou and lift our vibrations so that we are more productive in our lives.
Areas of our lives that are unfruitful and barren will be cleansed and purified and given new life. cleansed and purified and given new life.
We will not be longer slumber in areas of our life that are challenging us. We will laugh above earth bound concerns and see obstacles or challenges as a pathway to growth. pathway to growth. We will receive greater strength to endure challenges in our lives and no longer run from problems but rather face them
head on with courage and conviction. head on with courage and conviction. The energy will cleanse and remove anything that robs us of our vitality and strength.
Anything that consumes our life but produces no fruit produces no fruit, threatens our spiritual or personal threatens our spiritual or personal development development and growth and growth and growth and does not serve our Higher Good and does not serve our Higher Good will be re will be removed.
The energy will be the energetic junk from our lives that hinders our ability to manifest the desires of our hearts accomplish our accomplish our personal and spiritual personal and spiritual personal and spiritual goals for this lifetime. goals for this lifetime. goals for this lifetime. We will produce real fruit in our lives obstacles to our growth. obstacles to our growth.
This is a result of receiving these energy areas feeling defeated, withered, possessing no life, dried up, will feeling defeated, withered, possessing no life, dried up, will be renewed and revitalized so that we experience fullness in all areas of our life.
This will enable us to begin producing frui areas of our life. This will produce fruit in our lives again. our lives again.
It is within our Divine right to live an abundant and fruitful life.
Activating this energy will help us to bear fruit in our lives
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