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$29.99  by Tracey Loper   EUR 7.99

The Life’sPossibilities flush empowerment is given to us as a gift from Spirit to effectively release fear that holds us back from accessing all the many possibilities availed to us. The flush will release fear from our mind, emotions, and body. This will empower us in such a way that we can simply handle fear as we would any other minor obstacle continuing on our way to create the life we truly desire. Fear will stop restricting our potential, preventing expansion of our life, blocking us from making positive moves,taking risks and seeking our objectives.

We will be inspired to create a life path that is a reflection of who we are, not just a job role, thus, reaching our fullest potential and truest sense of self. We will remember our divinely inspired purpose and special gifts that are uniquely ours. We will get a true flavor and taste of the magnificent person that already exists inside of us.

Benefits of the Life’sPossibilities Flush Empowerment

Release fears that block Highest Potential and possibilities

Create an inspiring life

Discover your unique life purpose and contribution to the world

Forge a new path and reevaluate your direction

Stay motivated and energized as you reach your goals

Move beyond obstacles, beliefs and fears that limit you

Awaken your potentials and possibilities and explore fresh options

Integrate your unique strengths, talents and passions

Transition from “just a job”, into meaningful life's work

Grow a life that is truly an expression of you

Optimize your time, increase your productivity and self-confidence

Strengthen relationships with honest, direct communication

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$39.99  by Tracey Loper   EUR 7.99

The Good Shepherd Protection Shield Activation is given unto us as a gift by the gracious and loving Ascended Master Jesus to ensure we are under the protection and care of Ascended Master Jesus at all times. There is only a need to activate this shield once however if there are times when there is a need of His protection and care the energy can be reactivated. With the Good Shepherd energy shield in place your field of energy is fully protected against anything, anyone, any circumstance, that is less than love. Ascended Master Jesus’ energies will not allow any less than love energies to permeate your field of energy.

As you run the energy of the Good Shepherd Empowerment all energies that do not serve your Highest And Best Good will be cleared. As well your spiritual gifts, psychic gifts and spirituality will open to heightened levels and you will begin to tap into higher levels of Spirit, Higher energies and Cosmic and Divine influence. The subtle bodies will be further opened as well as shielded and protected from harm of any kind. You will feel the energy opening your chakras and probably notice an immediate and great change within your soul. You will get a feeling of positive energy and optimism, exude an aura of confidence and even have a glow about your face. This may be immediate for some and may take time to appear for others.

Your energy field will be protected from being absorbed by another. The Aura, Chakras, Bodies, will be cleared, cleansed and balanced on all levels. The entire Auric Field will be shielded by the energy and protection of Ascended Master Jesus.

This is a high energy vibration and effective protection. The energy of this empowerment will reconnect one to the Divine Source and calm any fears about being attacked and violated. Any feelings of helplessness will be removed.

The Good Shepherd Shield is used as protection from all forms of attack - whether spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. It is used to protect physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and etherically.

Some specific issues the shield can be used for are as follows.

Toxic people, places and things

Gossip, rumors

Psychic Attack

Negativity of all kinds

Deceitful persons, situations, Wolves in sheep’s clothing

Hexes, Curses, Spells, Negative Energy Rays, Black Magic, Voodoo, Evil Intentions


Evil of any kind

Malicious Negativity and attacks

Misdirected or unintentional negativity

Dark spirits and negative energies and entities

Negative thought forms

Physical Danger

Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Attacks

Energy Attacks

Negative Vibrations

Diseases, Viruses, Physical Conditions


And More!

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Raising the Bar Reiki by Tracey Loper


$25.00  by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

Raising the Bar means that we do not have to settle for less than what Spirit has for us!

We can challenge all the thoughts that we have which combat our ability to leave the state of mediocrity and rise to greatness and new heights of personal power in all areas of our life. Raising the bar entails elevating thoughts about what we think, feel and expect of ourselves and in our lives and clearing any lower natured thoughts that block us from doing so!

The energy of Raising the Bar Reiki will allow us to set Higher Goals for ourselves and expect positive outcomes in our lives. It will help to challenge us so that we can grow and flourish in ways that we have not believed are possible. Through working with the energies of this system we can set higher goals, receive better results and soar higher and higher than we have ever soared before.

The energy of this system will allow us to challenge the authorities we have had in our lives, the words we have learned from teachers or doctrines we have outgrown so that we can see the light of truth in our lives.

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$ 50.00  by Tracey Loper 

The Hearts Desires Activation Program has been given to us as a gift of Spirit so that we can makeour dreams come true. As co-creators of our lives it is our divine right to have the desires of our hearts.

These activations will allow us to engage in the grace of co-creation where all miracles abound. This program is designed to remove anything that blocks or hinders our progress in someway so that we reach our goals and realize our heart’s desires. The activations will enable us to go to our heart and allow our heart to choose our deepest desires.

As we work with this energy we consciously choose to enhance our lives so that we can see our hearts desires begin to manifest beyond our own wildest dreams. Then there are no limits to what we can manifest in our lives. It helps us to make wise choices and decisions that are in alignment with what we truly desire in our heart of hearts. These powerful activations will bring about a shift in consciousness which allows us to step out of boundary conditions of our consciousness and awaken to our heart desires so that we can have, do and be anything that our heart desires. As a result of working with these energies we will uncover the true nature of reality and our true divine power and potential. Our empowered self will be awakened so that we manifest our heart’sdesires.

There are 10 Activations included in this system.

Belief and Trust Activation Desire and Passion Activation Feeling ActivationIntention Activation Attention Activation Conscious Choice Activation Visualization Activation Surrender and Release ActivationBelief, Blocks and Resistance Activation Gratitude Activation

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Greatness Empowerment by Tracey Loper


$33.3    by Tracey Loper   EUR 7.99

This energy is designed to help you believe in yourself so that you can tap into the unlimited potential within and rediscover that drive inside you that pushes you forward on your path and purpose. It will enable you to approach your life path and purpose with greater motivation, passion, desire and vision. The energy will enable you to take advantage of opportunities that come your way to pursue your dreams and goals.

The empowerment can be used when you are struggling with holding on to your dreams to be great, to do great things, to accomplish your goals and create your dreams. The energy will help you to hold onto your dreams and continue setting goals so that you push forward with pursuit of your passions no matter what trial may arise that seeks to destroy your dreams. The Greatness Empowerment has a persisting energy that helps you to continue to forge ahead so that your greatness shines through and you accomplish the great things you set out to accomplish.

The Greatness Empowerment can be used for:

Reaching Greatness

A Motivation Boost

Discovering innate talents, abilities, spiritual gifts

Pursuing passions

Thinking your way to greatness

Unlocking unlimited potential and possibility within

Overcoming fear

Creating successful habits

Help you choose greatness over mediocrity

Tapping into the Higher Self

Attracting successful positive people into your life

Accepting the belief that you can be great

When you want to experience growth, betterment and improvement

Help you strive for excellence

Get in touch with the extraordinary within you

Feeling the true happiness that exists within you

And so much more

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Goddess Red Tara by Tracey Loper


$20.00   by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

Red Tara aids us in the accumulation of spiritual power. She can subdue and subjugate the demonic and the human forces that stand in your way.

She is the Goddess of Wealth and Bountifulness. The sometimes fierce, Red Tara steps down to earth to be a service to mankind. She provides assistance with the removal of difficult obstacles. Red Tara has the power to change a life dramatically in a single moment.

Red Tara is a deity that is often worshipped by lovers who are unhappy as Red Tara is believed to be extremely successful in enchanting people. She is Buddhist goddess of enchantment.
Red Tara represents empowerment of the feminine in a patriarchal environment. She is a considered like a wish-fulfilling enchantress, whose compassion and kindness exists to help those who are in distress and fear.

She is a manifestation of pure enlightened power, the awesome purity of awakened mind overpowering all negativity. Red Tara is known for having great powers to bring under her power those evil spirits, demons and or humans who work against the spiritual welfare of humanity and its spiritual evolution. She can bring anyone under her power , whether they are male, female, or a boss, doctor, lawyer , attorney, judge, doctor, policeman, etc. Red Tara can be called upon for the controlling activities of attracting, manifesting, magnetizing and subjudgating all things good.

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$22.22  Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The Everyday Manifesting Empowerment is given as a gift from Spirit so that you can make manifesting a part of your everyday life and become the Conscious Creator that the Divine designed you to be. There is a very powerful energy that comes in with this empowerment giving you the ability to really focus on manifesting the things you desire as part of your life right now – today and everyday.

The Everyday Manifesting Empowerment gives you the energy to keep believing that you can manifest the desires of your heart, that miracles happen, that healing happens and that you are part of the Highest Consciousness there is. You will receive an amplified dose of the loving consciousness energy of the Source so that you can be a catalyst for positive changes, for mystical and miraculous encounters and for acts of Divine intervention in your heart and life everyday. The energy will assist you in taking responsibility and adopting positive attitudes and thoughts for manifesting and creating positive results in your own reality.

There is a protective shielding energy within this form which repels negativity from self or others. As well, this shielding aspect of the energy will protect you against unexpected challenges that can pop up when you are working on everyday manifesting so that the challenges are not able to become your reality. There is a positive boosting energy within the empowerment that creates positive vibrations, attitudes and moods within you.

The Everyday Manifesting empowerment will amplify your ability to access the ideas within you about manifesting the life you desire on a daily basis as well as the personal power to act upon ideas and opportunities. Your soul came to the Earth plane to create a unique personal experience. You came to the Earth knowing your power, confident in your ability to create a reality befitting of a wondrous and powerful child of the Divine. The Everyday Manifesting Empowerment will help you to remember these truths and live them one day at a time, on a day-to-day,moment-to-moment basis.

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$55.00    by Tracey Loper  EUR 9.99

Miracle Manifesting Amplification Program 1-13 Attunements

The Divine has given us the powerful energy of this form so that we can amplify our ability to manifest miracles in our lives. This will allow us to achieve any goal or dream. It moves us from the land of limitation to the land of unlimited possibilities.

As a result of working with these energies we will feel passionate about the life we are living. We will live a miraculous life and create the life we truly desire.

As our vibrations rise we will view life as a miracle and be actively engaged in miracle creation allowing themiraculous into our lives. We will be expecting and receiving miracles, manifesting miracles on a daily basis, knowing miracles happen everyday.

Truth: We can have whatever we want!

Anything and everything is possible!

The Miracle Manifestation Amplification System has 13 attunements. :

Passion and Desire
Focus and Vision
Pure Thought and Clear Intention
Trust and Belief
Alignment and Harmony
Speaking and Energizing
Limiting Beliefs and Sabotaging Thoughts
Master Creator and Miracle Attractor
Negative Emotions and Doubt
Divine Source and Worthiness
Intuition and Divinely Inspired Action
Persistence and Determination
Attachment and Resistance
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Universal Wisdom Empowerment by Tracey Loper


$25.00   by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

The Universal Wisdom empowerment is given to us as a gift from Spirit to remove blocks to receiving guidance so that we areaware of the unlimited and sometimes unexpected ways that we receive wisdom. The flush will ensure that our bodies are perfect receptors and that our senses are tuned in to receive Higher channels of wisdom and knowledge.

Working with the energies will awaken us to the synchronicities in our lives so that we not only pay attention but also take actions if we hear or see things repetitively in our lives. It will inspire us to ask for help and guidance, expect to receive it and pay attention to the guidance we receive so that we are acting on it rather than ignoring it out of fear and doubt.

The empowerment is designed to help us quiet the chatter in our minds so that we can relax into the certainty that the guidance and direction we desire is not only present but that we are in a state of receptivity where we can receive it without any blocks.

The Universal Wisdom Empowerment will empower us to have faith to act on any guidance that we receive so that we affirm to Spirit that we are indeed paying attention. We will begin to listen more, respond to the guidance and receive more wisdom as a result.

This powerful energy will open our central channel to the Universal Energy Source so that we are creating the opportunity for emotional, spiritual and physicalhealing. The energy will leave us feeling relaxed, centered, energized, clearand balanced and we will experience inner peace. This empowerment will enhance our creativity, help us to reclaim a life of joy and spontaneity, and assist usin cultivating inner peace. We will be inspired to create more love in our world.

Benefits of the Universal Wisdom Empowerment

Open and Connect to the Divine

Enhanced Ability to access trust, follow and act on Universal Wisdom

Development of Big Picture Consciousness

Cultivate Inner Peace

Steady Contact with Inner source of wisdom, strength and love

Reclaim life of joy

Choose perfect health, money, love or help with specific problems

Receive Clearer Guidance

Create the life we want to live with ease and flow

Higher Awareness of Infinite Possibilities

Willingness to do our part whenever Divine assistance comes

Experience shifts from negative to postiive creating

Greater ability to focus on what is possible

Be in tune with feelings as a guide to what we are creating

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$60.00  by Tracey Loper  EUR 7.99

The Healing Touch of the Master JESUS

A promise of Wholeness !

This is the way that Ascended MasterJesus affects us by His touch. Through this Activation System Ascended MasterTeacher Jesus gives us the gift of His healing touch so that we too can behealed by his presence and receive wholeness.

There are six activations withinthis system.

The Activations

Cleansing TouchActivation will clear our physical, spiritual and mental bodies. This will remove,clear and cleanse any disempowering beliefs, shock, trauma, negative forces, toxins,disease, negative energy, other-dimensional intrusions, entities, evil orpossessing spirits and any other less than love energies within our bodies.

Quieting TouchActivation brings us peace. The energy will cleanse and still our minds andhearts so that we can relax and also experience relief from any sleepingdisorder or issue. Whatever concerns we have will leave us. Concentration andmemory will improve. The energy will be like a calming balm that washes over usso that we know all is truly well.

Illuminating Touch Activation willbring new light, love, awareness, faith, power, and connection to AscendedMaster Jesus and the Divine. It will renew our spirits, bring light to whatappears dark and uncertain, and illuminate the right paths for us. Our abilityto discern what is right for ourselves and for others in our lives will beraised so that we are making decisions that empower us and enhance our livesand the lives of those whom we love. We will receive higher knowledge and enlightenmentat an accelerated rate as a result of this activation.

Reassuring Touch Activationwill bring us the energy of Ascended Master Jesus’ reassuring love and touch.It will bring us calmness and peace no matter what storms are raging in ourlives.

We will know truepeace, serenity, tranquility and agape love. The energy will wrap us in ablanket of love from Master Jesus so that we experience reassurance in ourhearts, minds and spirits that no matter what happens around us we are safe andsecure with his love, light, protection and shield upon us.

Liberating Touch Activationbrings Ascended Master Jesus’ energy of miraculous healing as well as theconfidence and knowledge that we are counted as precious in the eyes of theDivine. This will allow us to receive greater wisdom and to speak about and actin faith in the wisdom we receive from Above. Fear and doubt in our ability toreceive Divine inspiration, intuitive thoughts and feelings will leave us. Fearabout speaking our truth will leave us. Fear of rejection and the need forapproval from others will leave us. We will be able to trust in, act on andspeak truth.

Healing Touch Activation isused to help us to activate and tap into the energy of Ascended Master Jesus’healing power. The energy of this activation will touch every part of ourlives, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Through this activation our brokenlives are made whole again. We will experience release from any physicalsuffering, inner healing, restoration of the spiritual bond between the Divineand us, so that we are made whole again on all levels.

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$25.00   by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

Weight Loss Healing Flush Empowerment is given to us by Spirit to clear anything that blocks the ability to access our own body wisdom so that we can access what we need within us to accomplish our weight loss and health goals. Mental, spiritual, emotional blockages to weightloss success will be cleared away.

This includes all types of blockages andor self defeating patterns or beliefs such as comfort eating where one tries tomask or avoid difficult emotions through negative eating patterns. Stuck emotions from past and current life traumas revealed in the emotional side of the brain will be removed so that the body will stop storing the fat and begin burning it instead. Self sabotage patterns will be corrected.

As the healing energy is run it will work to change the body’s inner energy composition as to heal the inner self providing a strong foundation and positive frame of mind for healthy limit setting and eating. It will promoteself love and self care.

This system will help one to overcome etiologies beyond poor eating habits such as the tendency towards over eating,immobility, depression, sexual issues or any other phobias.

A great benefit is stress reduction andrelaxation which will naturally trigger the body’s natural healing abilitiesand improve and maintain health and so much more.

Benefits of Weight Loss Healing Flush Empowerment

Center and Balance the Body and life energies

Dissipate emotions around eating and weight

Enhanced ability to relax, remain calm, sleep, eat properly, become aware of hunger and fullness.

Help address dietary issues, choose healing foods, appropriate exercise options

Empower ability to access inner power and knowledge to assist weight loss goals

Assist in using own inner healing abilities for successful weight loss

Release and heal internal and emotional blockages to permanent weight loss

Heal origins beyond poor eating habits

Stress reduction

Release from stuck emotions and traumas causing body to store fat

Release of self defeating patterns that prevent weight loss

Creates a positive state of mind for successful weight loss

Heals the inner self

Promotes self love and care

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$ 49.99   by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

Reconnects spiritual cord and reintegrates mind and spirit to the Divine Source

Enjoins the Divine Self and the Soul

Creates peace within as well as in immediate environment

Connection to the Divine Mind

Ability to think and act in alignment with the Divine mind

Deeper Levels of introspection, inner reflection

Improve clarity and focus on daily activities and spiritual practices

Opened to unlimited possibilities, potentials, consciousness, awareness

Expanded consciousness, Higher thinking

Reignites the Inner Light, Spark of the Divine

Release of false perceptions of littleness, limitation

Become Conscious Creators

Deep and profound connection to the Divine and to our Soul

Fulfillment of Dreams

Higher Vision to recognize new opportunities, pathways, solutions, answers, that perhaps were escaping us before

Quieted minds, thoughts, elimination of the desires of the ego, so that we can hear the ‘voice’ of the Divine

Experience awakening of consciousness to the Divine Mind, Divine Soul, Divine Spirit, to highest potential, highest expression as a Soul

Experience the presence and activity of the Divine dwelling within

Life filled with an abundance of love and happiness

Enhanced ability to receive Divine communication through intuition

Cultivation of thoughts of love, joy, peace, compassion, kindness

Enhances higher divine qualities and attributes

Encourages practice of forgiveness, non judgment, unconditional love, against those who oppose us, oppress us, even our enemies.

Protective shield against those who try to do us any harm.

Protection against mistaking an illusion as truth

Improves function of the immune system

Stimulates the production of serotonin

Reduces Depression

And Much more....

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Building Self Esteem Reiki by Tracey Loper


$25.00  by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

It is not uncommon to struggle with issues of self-esteem at different times. Often low self esteem is triggered because we judge ourselves harshly or because someone in our lives has treated us poorly either in the recent or distant past. The Divine gives us this powerful healing energy so that we do not have to go needlessly through our lives feeing bad about ourselves.

The Divine loves us just as we are ? in this moment and in each moment and is concerned with us. The Divine wants us to see our true perfection, beauty and greatness so that we can be the bright beacon of light He created us to be!

Building Self Esteem Reiki has been given for multipurpose. One of which is so that we can rise above low self esteem so that we can enjoy life, do what we want to do, be who we really are without fear of rejection and work towards our path, purpose, higher callings and personal goals.

It is our Divine right to feel good about ourselves! Building Self Esteem Reiki will help us to accept that we are worthy and deserving of self-praise and love. By using the healing energy and the channeled ideas in the manual we can avoid doing things that make us feel even worse and do those things that will make us feel better about ourselves.

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year 2012   $39.99  by Tracey Loper  EUR 7.99

The Divine Source gives us this empowerment to remove states of fear and lack and to empower us to ask for what we want and believe that we deserve to receive abundance. It will rid us of the tendency towards focusing on what we do not have creating more lack and problems to work through. Instead we will be energized and empowered to ask for what we want with conviction and belief that what we are asking for WILL be granted!

After we make our request known and believe absolutely that as a result of our intention our request is already manifesting in the Infinite field of Pure Potential we know truth.

This empowerment will help us trust that whatever we need will be provided in the Divine Moment we need it. We will live our lives with an attitude of calmness, accepting that we are always safe and will be provided for and have the inner knowing that there is Alawais more than Enough for Everyone!

We will no longer need to live in fear of lack.

The habit of seeing ‘limits’ will leave us.

The fear of the future will leave us.

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$39.99   by Tracey Loper   EUR 7.99

The Absolute Confidence Empowerment is designed to give us confidence in ourselves and our abilities to manifest what we truly desire in all areas of our life so that we can be the Conscious Creators we are designed to be.

As you work with the energy of the Absolute Confidence Empowerment you will be confident in your ability to obtain what you want. Confidence will be Absolute and will not be contingent on outer circumstances nor your inner emotional or mental state. The energy of the Absolute Confidence Empowerment will allow your level of confidence to be free of any limitation, condition or situation. There will no longer be any particular condition that will need to be met for you to have confidence.

You will simply have Absolute Confidence.

The energy of this empowerment allows you to radiate confidence from the very core of your inner being in such a way that you are fully connected to and operating from the very essence of your being - the True Divine Self.

You will connect to truth about yourself such as that you are basically good, deserve goodness and are already connected to All that you need to manifest your desires.

As a result of working with this energy you will have Absolute Confidence, Faith and Trust in your abilities, gifts, talents, decisions and intuition.

The fear of the unknown will no longer serve as a block to your success.

The Absolute Confidence Empowerment helps you to get in touch with your strengths and discover the best ways to use them. This will enable you to get in touch with what you are truly passionate about and provide you the energy needed to pursue your passions.

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$33.33  by Tracey Loper   EUR 7.99

The Divine gives us the energy of this form so that we can live a life of unlimited abundance! It will activate our Divinely given ability to manifest abundance, prosperity,health and happiness in all areas of our life. We will be empowered to become successful in our thinking so that we can achieve success in our reality.

Whatever subconscious beliefs are holding us back from what we consciously desire will be removed so that our thoughts are in alignment with our desired outcome. Resistance from our subconscious mind will be removed so that we are working in alignment with our goals and intentions. The energy will supercharge our subconscious mind so that we work in ways that we cannot fathom to create prosperity, which positions us in the flow of abundance that is available to us always.

False beliefs,emotional issues and old programming concerning money will be removed, cellular memory will be re-programmed and our ability to attract wealth will be fully restored and amplified. As a result of working with this energy we will unlock our inner abundance resources so that we are manifesting success in all areas of our life and enjoying an abundant life. The root chakra, also referred to as one’s Prosperity Chakra, will be cleansed, cleared and balanced so that is operating at its highest level so we are able to have our survival instincts intact, handle money matters with ease and feel safe, secure, trusting, supported and financially abundant.

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$25.00  by Tracey Loper  EUR 6.99

In this system, the focus is the Faery Goddess within you or your ‘Inner Faery’.

The Faery symbolizes what is deeply embedded in your psyche, your Inner Faery, the Magical, Enchanting aspect of you that is unique and brings Joy .

The energies of this healing system are very feminine. The enchanting energies within you to draw passion and romance into your life will be reawakened so that you can be inspired and empowered in this area of your life.

This will enable you to draw a new love or reignite the passion in an existing relationship.

There is also a unique clearing that you can run anytime to remove anything blocking you from allowing your Enchanting Fairy Goddess from emerging.

The Inner Faery Goddess is confident and she prizes independence, is charming and engaging, charismatic and feminine and loves attention and being in the limelight of her true love or romantic interest

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20 $   by Tracey Loper   EUR 6.99

This is a beautiful energy !

Relationship Transformation Reiki has been given to us by Archangel Chamuel to clear what blocks us from maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship and or attracting a partner with positive attributes.

This includes clearing negative, lower natured emotions and false and limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, and relationships based on experiences of the past.

These are commonly deeply rooted issues that are in need of being cleared and healed within us

Relationship Transformation Reiki will clear out things such as indifference, anger, and negativity as even the smallest amount of negativity can create problems in a close relationship or can repel a potential relationship interest.

It will clear us of negative feelings about the relationship and about relationships in general

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29,99 $   by Tracey Loper  EUR 7.99

The vast universe is comprised of many ,many realities and or dimension
The world rises from an inner sphere of dimensions which forms an invisible structure
Within this structire there exist doorways that we can travel
The Multidimensional Awareness Clearing and activation is to give us the ability to consciously
access other dimensions ,to place an aspect of our consciousness here ,into another reality so that we can directly perceive what is there plus activating our dormant psychic abilities to experience multidimensional awareness

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Discernment Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper


25.00 $    by Tracey Loper    EUR 6.99

This system is given to us by Spirit to remove any blocks that prevent the spiritual gift of discernment from working and being exibited within one.New energy will enter allowing one to freely exercise the gift of discernment in one ' s daily life and developed a better willingness to be discerning.

As a result this empowerment will make the ability to discern function better ,stronger and faster even in times of uncertainty and stress

The Discernment Flush Empowerment will create within one a love of wisdom so that one can seek resolution rather than blame ,give wise judgment in decisions ,take sensitivity to all sides ,and pratice the ability to discriminate bet ween bad/wrong choices and the right / wise ( Highest Good )

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