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Star of Ishtar by Tracey Loper


Price $20 by Tracey Loper EUR 6.99

The star of Ishtar is the brightest star you see in the night sky, for they are all her stars. In Fact, Ishtar means star. She is the morning star and the evening star.

The Star symbolizes the Spirit, Divine Presence, Enlightenment, Wisdom and Human Aspiration. Goddess Ishtar has been described as a beautiful, voluptuous woman who was desired by all men. She wore beautiful, fine clothing with many jewels.

Goddess Ishtar was the chief Babylonian and Assyrian goddess, associated with love, fertility, and war. It was common for Goddess Ishtar to be invoked for things such as protection, victory, cleverness, defeating enemies, guidance, courage, harmony, strength, guidance, boldness, order, escaping danger, and wisdom. Goddess Ishtar is like Goddess Inanna in that she is a goddess of fertility, sexual power, pregnancy, birth, everything female, passion, love, sexual life, justice, healing.

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Journey to the Divine Self by Tracey Loper

EUR 8.99

Price $50

The Journey to the Divine Self Activations and Clearings Program includes ten powerful activations and clearings designed to help you not only remember the Divine Self but to actually embody your Divine Self. It will to remember who you are and to bring your Divine Self into your body so that your physical body is transformed into the body of radiant light you are intended to be.

The awesomeness and radiance of your Light will be activated! These clearing and activations will accelerate your spiritual evolution as a soul aiding you in your spiritual enlightenment in such a way that your awareness and consciousness is expanded beyond the limitations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

People and situations that used to trigger feelings of hopelessness, upset, low self-esteem, shame, guilt, fear, etc. will not do so anymore because you will be able to see through the illusions and see truth. This will enable you to make better conscious choices in your life.

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Journey to the Divine Self by Tracey Loper


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Spirit Guide Journey by Tracey Loper

EUR 7.99

Price $35

The Spirit Guide Activation Program has seven activations to aid you in communication with your Spirit Guides. They are the psychic protection activation, grounding activation, third eye activation, energy bodies activation, meditation activation, Spirit Guide and Higher Beings Activation and the Dream Activation.

Psychic Protection Activation – This activation activates a shield of psychic protection which acts as an energy that envelopes us and block out intrusive vibrations or malicious, negative, lower vibrations from other sources. As you begin practicing connecting with your Spirit Guides your awareness of energies will greatly increase and with sensitivity come exposure to distractions. Thus, astral energies can be attracted to your increased energy and or activities in engaging with your Spirit Guides. 60; It is not that these personalities or entities wish you harm but just this psychic protection activation will shield you from any unwanted interference or distraction of any lower nature.

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Spirit Guide Journey by Tracey Loper


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EUR 7.99

Price $35 by Tracey Loper

The Higher Self Journey Activation Program has seven activations to aid you in communicating with your Higher Self. The seven activations are the Divine Protection Activation, Clearing, Activation, Grounding Activation, Meditation Activation, Higher Guidance Activation, Communication Activation and Heart Activation.

Below you will find a detailed description of each of the activations.

Divine Protection Activation - This activation creates an etheric shield of Divine andHoly protection which acts as an energy that envelopes you and blocks out intrusive vibrations or malicious, negative, lower vibrations from other sources.

This Divine protection activation will shield you from any unwanted interference or distraction of any lower nature during your connection to your Higher Self.

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Higher Self Journey Activactions Program by Tracey Loper


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Channeling Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper

EUR 6.99

Price $25

The Channeling Flush Empowerment is given to us from Spirit so that one can clear any blockages to channeling information and guidance, higher truth from the Higher Beings

(Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc.)

In the Spiritual Dimensions.

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Channeling Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper


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Akashic Records Flush by Tracey Loper

EUR 6.99

Price $25

The Akashic Records Flush Empowerment is designed to clear the Akashic Records where and when one’s soul’s suffering originated so that one is not restricted on a karmic and energetic level.

Accumulated Energetic restrictions from past lives through traumatic negative life experiences, negative attachments or negative karma that the Soul has in its record will be cleared so that the corporeal, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are no longer plagued with negative programs of suffering, restriction and or disease.

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Akashic Records Flush by Tracey Loper


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Power of Ixchel Reiki by Tracey Loper

EUR 6.99

The energy of Divine Healing Power of Ixchel Reiki brings us

many powerful gifts which enhance our lives. Among which

are joyfulness, happiness, health, abundant energy, vitality,

benevolence, connection to our inner and outer beauty,

sexuality, sexiness, greater connection to the Divine, protection,

good luck, abundance, friendship, relaxation, spiritual

attunement, enhanced intuition and meditation, soul

expression, manifestation of spiritual qualities, healing, luck

and money and so much more.

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Power of Ixchel Reiki by Tracey Loper


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Gems of Hestia and Vista by Tracey Loper

EUR 6.99

This is indeed a divine enablement and allows us to care for

people by providing and environment where people feel valued

and cared for, welcomed, safe, and comfortable, at ease.

This are important qualities to have as a Lightworker.


Goddess Hestia has a very warm, comforting, nurturing and

welcoming energy. Her warmth is very soothing. Gems of her

energy are peace, comfort, and security. She helps us accept the

truth of our lives and our surroundings with grace.

Although many Greek Goddesses have much information

available about their lives and stories, Hestia does not have much

of a story as she simply put “is”. There are very few depictions of

Hestia as she was known as one that was very private .

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Gems of Hestia and Vista by Tracey Loper



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