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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

I want you to learn a little about the physical side of dancing and even self defense using Qi energy.

There are five animals That can inspire you With Their movements. Tiger, Bear, Monkey, Dragon and Crane.

First stand in the relaxed way of Qi Gong exercise. Face forward, chin up, relaxed shoulders, belly a bit out, rump a bit out the other way, legs slightly bent and feet solidly planted and a good distance apart. Breathe deeply and slowly and then breathe as just feels natural.
and more.....very good

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Coral Atolls by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

A coral atoll begins its life as a small volcanic island in the warm waters.

Over 100,000 years of a coral reef builds up around the island shoreline. These reefs are made ​​of tiny sea organisms.

Fish swimming above coral As the centuries pass, the island begins to sink but the reef continued to grow upwards. At last after millions of years, the coral breaks the surface and begins to crumble and become sandy. It forms little rings of islets around a blue lagoon. Atolls tend to have porous, infertile soil and so hardy plants such as coconut palms and pandanus and root crops such as taro grow best.

Humans have brought` papaya, taro, limes, breadfruit, bananas and to grow for food. Common animals are crabs, and lizards. Pigs, ducks, rats, and chickens were brought` by humans. Many brilliantly colored fish swim in coral lagoons, and larger animals such as dolphins, manta rays, sea turtles, sharks, and humpback whales. Birds such as frigates and boobies nest on the tiny islands. Famous atolls includes the Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, and most of Micronesia

Gifts of this Empowerment Harmony and Productivity

This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual growth,

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Noisy Neighbours Reiki by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

Yes there's hope

I know.

You can not sleep, can not relax, can not play and can not work - and your neighbors do not Seem to care how noisy they are. and your manager does not want to do anything about them.

How frustrating! But there is hope.

You can use this spiritual approach to solve the situation.

This reiki gets Universal Energy Healing, Wisdom, and Love to rescue you.

Call on three things:

1. Consideration - for your neighbors to be considered towards you and your need for sleep and peace for you to consider what personal problems are making your noisy neighbors know

2. Healing - for your neighbor to be healed from the issues Which make His or her life so unpeaceful for you to be healed into a safe, happy, and peaceful home where you can sleep

3. Hope - for everyone to love and be happy with each other, and be understanding of each other.

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The Cippus of Horus by Stewart Farquharson

by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

The Cippus (700 BC to Roman Era) The Cippus of Horus is an Egyptian healing charm That is carved on a flat tablets of stone.

It shows a youth named Horus the falcon god holding wild beasts. he is unafraid, for His Mother Isis has made ​​magic to heal him. Egyptian mothers poured water over such charms and then washed Their children with it, or had them drink it, to heal them from Things That poison.

In this example the fierce funny dwarf god Bes, protector of children, is above Horus. Underneath His feet is the crocodile. He holds snakes and a lion and a gazelle .

Legend of Isis in the Delta Seth after the god of the wild desert killed her husband Osiris, Isis took her infant son Horus to hide in the marshes of the Nile river delta. Poisonous snakes bite babies here and so Isis needed a magic charm to protect Horus. She called upon the funny dwarf god Bes who loves all children.

She called on Ra the Sun and the Moon Thoth, and the grandmothers and Vulture Cobra . In this cippus of Horus we can see the youth holding different animals, and guarded by adult gods. To His right stands the vulture grandmother of upper Egypt, Nekhebet, and His Mother Isis, Osiris-Ra and His Father. To His left stands ibis-headed Thoth and Wadjet the cobra grandmother of lower Egypt. Above him is Bes again, and the Eyes of Horus Which are the sun and the moon. These eyes have human hands held up like Reiki palms to help Bes guard Horus. We can see this postures again at the curved top of the charm. The baboons of Thoth and the moon god himself raise hands to honor and Strengthen the magic. The plumes of Amon the hidden Wind god of Thebes quietly stand guard nearby. We also notice in the third row down, a winged chariot and horse riding over a crocodile.

This unknown Egyptian legend may be the precursor of the story of Pegasus and Bellepheron who defeated the chimera.

In the fourth row we see several gods with spears threatening snakes and crocodiles. Seth was the fierce warrior sets the prow of the sun god's barge as it moved across the sky to keep monsters away. Seth was probably being wisely punished for His murder of Osiris. On the back of the cippus shown above is this curious figure of a god with the wings of a falcon, the head of Bes, the lightning of the storm and snakes around His thighs. It is very possible

That this is the early form of the Gnostic god Abraxas who was shown as a serpent-footed god of magic and protection.

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Crystal Skulls oh my by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

What are the crystal skulls?

You may have seen people holding large transparent rock skulls at New Age gatherings.

Skulls are popular.

Their owners Regularly talk to them, and display them at shows.

Their psychic energy can be felt ten feet away

. They even get Consulted about Atlantis and UFO's

. How did this come about?

The Mexico Connection Around 1400 BC Indians in river valley near San Lorenzo created stone pyramids and beautiful art. The most striking are the giant heads. The people are called "Olmecs" nowadays but probably called Themselves Tamoanchan or Tenocelome, Which means Mouths of the Jaguar. Their villages were humble huts near cornfields in the jungle. Avocado, cocoa trees, and herbs grew in Their gardens. They hunted deer, fish and small animals such as possums. Their gods were Those of rain, corn, earth, and the jaguar feathered serpent

In the 1850's farm workers stumbled upon a giant head hidden in the jungle. A scientist investigated. Of course this led to a speculative black market in Olmec relics, including fake ones. Skulls carved in rock crystal from Germany Appeared on the auction tables of Paris and London. This was the time of intense interest in spirit-rapping, Ouija boards, séances and magic fraternities. So it was natural to bring the crystal skulls Into the mystic fashion. And the pyramids of Mexico, the Atlantic ocean, the star calendars Seemed to point to somewhere ... Atlantis and Mu Also around this time people Began to speculate about a mythical That continent had supported a marvelous civilization. Strange crystal cities radiated peace and love. It was named Mu. and for some reason it sank beneath the Pacific Ocean. But the skulls, people said, kept its knowledge safe for later generations.

Heads In Legend A European tradition holds That times "between" such as dusk and dawn are magical. And places "between": such as the edge of a lake or small clearings inside a forest are doorways to the spirit world. A skull can be said to exist in Both death and life, with the magic and wisdom of "between."

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The Gates of Ra by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

This is a reiki empowerment That comes to us from the land of Egypt.

It brings cleansing and rebirth.

Ra was the sun god and was pictured as a golden disk and as a hawk. He was the king of the gods at Memphis, Which is a town near the green fertile delta of the Nile river.

He was seen as being born young in the east. Rising high above to His full strength at noon. And growing old in the west as he Descended. During the night people Wondered what Became of him. Tales grew around Ra's journey on the underside of the He would travel through several dangerous gates, past monsters and helpers, and finally attain rebirth.

The first gate was the Shadow World of the West. Egyptians feared losing Their status. Their society ran on strict rules. The king, or pharaoh as the Greek historians named him, was at the top. Then came the scribes who could read and write and keep accounts, and the priests. And then the farmers and craftspeople. And last, the slaves. To go into the shadows, Ra had to give up His scepter and other symbols, and become just a person, like any other.

The second gate led to the Water World

. Some people Ra said used a barge. Some thought he could simply swim. The waters of the Nile were what kept Egypt fed, but They run flooded the fields for six months. and dangerous crocodiles and hippos lived in the river. So Ra had to be brave, and move upon the face of the waters, and find His true course.

The third gate led to the Sandy Wastes. Hungry buzzards and hawks watched adventurers get thirsty and lost. There were narrow canyons to confused Ra. Snakes darted in the shade.

The fourth gate led to a giant tomb, the Tomb of Osiris.

Osiris was a good dead god of Egypt, who promoted fertility and decent respect for others. Under His tomb was a lake of fire. Above was a pyramid. Ra had to climb up its steep sides to honor the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. They Represented the healing of the female ancestors in this journey.

The fifth gate was always a surprise. The two goddesses Ra plunged into a sacred pool, encircled by a giant serpent. And here he died and was reborn healthy and young and strong.

The sixth gate led to Apep.

It was a dark serpent from the old times, A killer. A terror. Ra had to face it, there was simply no place to run. And what helped Ra to defeat Apep? Ra had to look inside himself. For Apep was just the reflection of Ra's own grudges and anger and hurt and shame of the past day. Apep was teaching him to be clean. Isis and Nephthys would always help him in this task. And so Ra might wash, and then stand up again, to find Apep fading away in a field of lovely flowers and reeds, and sweet birdsong. All was good and beautiful.

From here Ra was said to "regain His Eyes", That is to see clearly. And from here he rapidly Traveled the rest of the way without difficulty and came to the Last Gate, the sunrise.

The beautiful goddess Hathor might be waiting here with a palm frond of welcome, and her lovely smile.

And so Ra was seen again, on the eastern horizon and humans were glad of it.

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Bone Lotion Reiki by Stewart Farquharson



by Stewart Farquharson  EUR 6.99

This energy is soft and soothing, like a pleasant squishy white That lotion melts down a person's bones and joints. it removes pain, fills in the empty spaces, Reduces inflammation, and makes you feel wonderful.

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by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

Some people in Brazil name her Lady of the Sea and call her Yemaya. Her colors are blue and white and she is delighted with offerings of sweets, white popcorn, coconut, water and white candles. People put flowers and sea shells on her altars and seven silver coins.

She rules the nearby ocean with the seaweeds and fish, where the life is most beautiful and abundant. But remember it is where the waves crash most strongly and the rocks can rip apart a ship. Both she is gentle and terrible. She loves Those who call upon her for help, peace, love, and healing protection.

She gives wisdom. In the mixture of Catholic saints and African spirits she is seen as the Virgin Mary, Queen of the Sea. Like Mary, she accepts a spoken round of prayers in a rosary. Like Mary, she intercedes for she has great tenderness for humans in our struggles.

What she can add to Reiki is the idea of balance. puts a balance in our physical bodies balances our emotions,

puts the balance in our self-esteem, we know we are neither flattered nor crushed by other people, so we can keep a confident and gentle faith in ourselves.

. If you give too much energy to the Universe, you will lose who you are, and what quirky and wonderful gifts you personally have to share. If you give too little, you will feel vulnerable and lonely. But we are not alone, we have a wonderful and supportive Universe, Which We can feel with this blessing of the Ocean.

I hope you enjoy this energy and add it to your healing option

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by Stewart Farquharson  EUR 6.99

Reiki what is this for? Have you ever known how to do something without learning about it? have you ever had skills in athletics, music, the arts Which simply "came to you?"

There is a theory That we are not just ourselves - That we are many selves living many life experiences at the same time.

And These selves can visit us in our dreams and help us.

You could be a fireman in one life and a poet in another.

You could be a man in one life and a woman in another.

The place where all your living experience is stored, is called the Akashic Records.

It is like a library.

This reiki system sets out to allow you to get help from your personal Akashic library, with the help of other Selves.

It is not as easy as asking our other Selves to help us solve all our life's problems at once.

We must focus on one thing.

It could be money, romance, protection, health whatever we like.

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

The Shichi Fukujin The Seven Lucky Gods are beloved, teased, and will be honored in small shops and roadside shrines all over Japan.

They are: Hotei - the chubby laughing monk with the big belly you can rub for good luck. (pronounced Ho tay) He carries a bag and I love children. He is aware of the reality behind this world of dreams. Jurojin - he carrieds in with staff to magic scroll tied to it, Which tells the lifespan of all things, and wears a floppy hat. h has a white beard, and is the grandson of the hermit Fukurokujo the South Pole Star. He gives long life. He Bishamonten - he is a warrior, with a pike and armor but he defends you from enemies. He holds a treasure Which he gives away. He is connected with the Hindu god Kubera In His form Vaisravana, god of the north. As such, he can control wild nature spirits and fairies and magic. Fukurokujo - he has an unusually tall bald head, and brings satisfaction, wealth and long life. His friends Are The crane and black deer. He is a hermit from the mountains. Benzaiten - she is the goddess of knowledge and music and beauty, and all things Which flow. She is connected with the Hindu goddess Saraswati who rules wisdom and eloquence. She holds a lute to play music upon, and it is aided by dragons and snakes and water.

Daikoku - he is the god of rice crops and prosperity, and holds a magic mallet Which brings gold. His animals are mice. He carries a sack of grain but it Also may hold other treasures. He is a kitchen god. Very happy and dark in the face, he is connected with the Hindu god Shiva in His Dark aspect as Mahakala of Tibet. Ebisu - god of fishermen, shown with a fishing-pole and a fat fish. He was born without arms and legs and thrown into the ocean to drown, but struggled ashore. Although he grew limbs by perseverance, he is still a little deaf and does not hear the bell month When the other gods of Japan are called to heaven ... so he remains on earth and helps When no other god will hear us. He is a dear friend of Daikoku. On New Years day the seven lucky gods arrive on Their treasure ship the Takarabune and give gifts to everyone. Children receive envelopes with images of the ship, and with money inside.

I know this energy brings success, good luck, prosperity, joy, wisdom and long life.

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

That Still Gives You the Edge Antlers, Musk, and Ginseng

Some of you know about the herb called Ginseng. it Has Been in Chinese medicine for many years. The root is what is used in capsules Although ginseng tea is beneficial too.

Some things it can do for you: -Boost levels of the sex hormone testosterone -help you adapt to higher stress situations calmly -make you feel younger and stronger -keep you awake and alert

Musk comes from a small deer found in Asia in the mountains. It is said to have a good effect on your sex life. it smells like patchouli herb. Also rumored to INCREASE fertility. Deer antlers are used in Chinese medicine again, and recall the driving Force of stags in the fall, using Their antlers to drive back rivals. in Europe antlers and horns were so esteemed That virile gods were shown wearing horned heads or antler crowns.

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

This beautiful stone is simply a milky-green form of mica, the mineral That adds sparkles to Aventurine quartz.

It has chromium atoms

That color it in gentle green, the color of some glacier lakes.

It is useful for healers Because It gives the wisdom to step back and see if Efforts will actually help in our situation.

Sometimes people need to solve issues by themselves to learn the lesson.

Also it soothes physical injuries, balances hot and cold energy, deflects any negativity in a subtle way, and works well with nature spirits.

White Tara is an ascended master who works well with These vibrations of peace and detachment.

Green Tara helps with healings and joy.

Spirit animal helpers may include glacier wildlife such as snow leopards, chamois, brown bear, marmot, trout and eagle.

Unicorns may help.

Some dragons are peaceful and wise enough to work with Muscovite.

was used as natural crystal windows in stoves, so even fire dragons may be summoned.

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Orgone Reiki Diffuser by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

What is Orgone Energy?

A student of Freud named Wilhelm Reich took the idea of the That Freud named libido sexual force, and said it was part of the natural energy of all living things.

He called this orgone.

Freud had Said That freeing people from repressive beliefs and Also memories over sex would make them healthier. so Reich orgone generating thought would do the same.

He The proposed the idea That organic materials such as wood and wax collected orgone energy from the cosmos, and metals It radiated it.

Uses of Orgone Energy

What are some of the benefits of this energy?

It can make you feel healthier, relaxed, in touch with your intuition and your spirit guides.

It can refresh the atmosphere of a room and defuse any negative energy.

It can drive away negative entities and remove unwanted body programs. House plants enjoy Water That Has Been left near an orgonite device.

These are what some people claim, but You Should try it and decide for yourself.

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

What is a Navigator Angel?

An angel is a helpful being from the Universe who meets us with love and healing and knowledge.

Navigator Angels are very good at guiding us instinctively to the right place and time for success.

This results in better health, prosperity, success, romance, and protection from negative forces.

In Usui Reiki we learn four symbols. One is used to send healing to distant places and times.

The Navigator Angels can be imagined as colored spheres of light.

Your healing can benefit from Navigator Angels as well.

Ask them to guide your energy where it will help best.

Ask them to lead you to the truth.

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by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

This reiki empowerment will attune you to the gentle energy of three fairy-blessed

flowers: Marshmallow (Althea), Pot Marigold (Calendula) and Clover (Trifolium).

Marshmallow Yes, this herb was made ​​into the That predated modern confections marshmallows we love so much, but it's root has more to offer. it acts line to our stomach and intestines and soothes ulcers and burns. in a tea it soothes sore throats. it can be mashed warm as a poultice for bruises and infections. people also use an infusion for Coughs, insomnia and diarrhea.

It is Mentioned in medicinal scrolls from Egypt. In old France confectioners would whip the sap and then sweeten it with honey.

In the Burning Times, witches smeared Their Hands with mallow before Submitting to grasping hot irons. it protected them from a burn, I know the courts found them innocent.

Malva sylvestris, or Common Mallow is a closely related herb but it has less healing ability and dark violet flowers.

Calendula (Pot Marigold) Most of us have met this herb in skin creams, since it is wonderfully healing for nicks and bruises. It combines well with lavender for this. it Reduces swelling and soothes pain.

It also has anti-septic properties, and helps with acne.

It was used to see the fairies And Also guard against night goblins since it has solar energy
Clover We know this in two forms: white clover and red clover. Both make lovely honey and add nitrogen to the soil. Red clover and has isoflavons Which minerals fight cancer, and it can detoxify and help with gout. People have reported it calms them and Reduces joint pain.

Clover was one of the herbs used to see the fairies. A pasture filled with clover blossoms and buzzing bees makes a very relaxing setting.

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The Biological Balance by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

We Know That biological electric fields surround us. They reserved respond to our environment.

We call this system our "aura." Peaceful places and fresh air and trees Seem to support and mend an aura. Lightworkers sono stati taught how to meditate and relax and visualize light in an effort to keep healthy.

What if we are missing the obvious ? Just as our physical body has an immune system of tiny defenders, what if our aura has its own helpers?

In fact, what if the Earth itself had invisible forces and mechanisms protecting its etheric field? Could we sense this living balance? Could we use it to help keep our own aura well? I think we could. It is so easy. And so wonderful.

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Enchanted Hedgerows by Stewart Farquharson


 by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

What is a hedge?

Hedgerows are narrow walls of earth or stone topped with wildflowers, herbs, briars, and small trees they separate fields and run alongside roads.

Who lives in a hedge?

Grow Here The Trees ,Flowers and also herbs for healing ,here mice, moles, hedgehogs, rabbits and hide under the prickles of roses and brambles.

Birds may rest in the upper branches , Foxes, badgers, weasels and pass through the hedge on Their travels.

. Why are hedges enchanted?

Places where one thing Becomes another Considered are the special haunt of fairy folks, and powerful places for magic and healing energy.

Which plants are special to fairies and useful in defensive magic

Fairies likes Hawthorn blossoms and berries Wild Rose protects, soothes, helps with romance and self-esteem.

gorse blossoms are beloved by the elves and give help with sleep

You can use the magic of hedgerows in your reiki healing

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Tibetan Sunrise Pilgrimage by Craig


by Craig   EUR 6.99

You remember the chant OM mani padme humthe jewel in the heart of the lotus

Sometimes all you can do is just watch the world with your mouth open in wonder at the beauty

The reiki inside watches with you

The light ,compassion and power are alive and are your friend

You have had them since your level one reiki

You didn ' t have to make a pilgrimage at all

You can recall this yellw orange sunrise with the spiritual chants of Tibet and use it for healing and protection ,as part of your reiki

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by Stewart Farquarson    EUR 6.99

Ile de Sein Brittany

Just south of Cornwall across the water known as the English Channel ,lies the land of Brittany.A place with a great darl forest called Broceliande in the Arthurian legends and rocky coasts ,and bleak moors haunted by goblins and standing stones and beautiful golden haired mermaids who carried men off to be their lovers.

Seins is in the red box.The holy island is just a few feet above sea level .It is covered in grass and bare rocks guarded by dangerous reefs and home to dolphins and grey seals .One can only reach it with much care even today .When the Romans were invading France then called Gaul it was even more diffccult

Some Magics of the Sea Witches

Seer Stones :

Aqua Aura ,KYanite,Charoite,Seraphinite

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by Stewart Farquarson   EUR 6.99

The Coming of the Star People

According to some metaphysicians and psychics our Earth has been visited by people from other planets

What does an Implant Look Like ?

To your inner eye these things may resemble simple shapes such as pyramids ,cubes ,cylinders and stars and spheres.Some have babed limbs.They do not move.Some twinkle and glow dimly.Some are concealed under a shimmeringlayer of light that males them transparent and ghost -like

The implants affect our reasoning ,our emotions and our psychic abilities.They don't usually cause physical harm because the aliens need us to be healthy and to breed .However our own resistance to these things may affect our health body

When you have detected an implant there are many ways you can remove or inactivate them

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