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Lucky Hoodoo Reiki by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

There is a school of folk magic called Hoodoo and it comes from the Caribbean and New Orleans

So how does this all telate to Reiki ? Well,we can attune to the healing energy in herbs and the oracle of seashells simply enough

We can soothe the ancestors and accept any helpful advice they have to give us

We can make ethereal reiki " bundles " of actual minerals ,herbs ,drawings ,and oils to give as ethereal gris-gris

We can make ethereal floor -wash with our reiki knowledge to clean up a room's energy

And we can become at ease with all this and mentally shake our gourd rattle and warn away mischievous entities with the authority of our hands and hearts

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Five Fairy Herb Empowerment by Craig


by Craig   EUR 6.99

This Empowerment carries the energy of wildflowers of Europe ,traditionally Associated with healing and fairies

Blue Vervain

Vervains is a protective and beauty enhancing flower


Eye bright is a healing herbs

Meadwsweet is useful for healing and protection

Wild Thyme

Thyme is an herb beloved of fairies ,good for psychic vision and cleaning wounds


Yarrow bestows courage ,heals bleeding wounds ,helps with self -esteem and friendship and spritual paths

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Lullaby Reiki by Stewart Farqhuarson


by Stewart Farqhuarson   EUR 6.99

Ithink we can attune to this experience ,those of us lucky enough to have had our mothers sing lullbies ,and make it part of our reiki healing tools

The Great Mother

Some see Her as the dark goddess of the earth ,as the Greeks saw Bemeter and her deep love for her lost daughter.Some seeHer as Isis and her care for her husband Osiris and son Horus

She can be Celtic Rhiannon or Branwen ,Norse Frigga ,even Sumerian Inanna

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Indigo Kids Energy by Craig


by Craig     EUR 6.99

    Can hanging out with such humans help us ? Perhaps.There are substances which can stimulate the immune proteins in the blood.These enzymes could be passed by casual contact.There are electrical fields generated by humans that affect proteins.And of course ,there are intentions and reiki energy which can carry the "vibe" of the Indigo Children ,which may stimulate good health and spirituality in normal people over a distance

So gaze on the children ,an receive this attunement to Indigo Kids energy

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Templar and Troubador by Stewart Farquharson



by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

This Reiki energy would lend it self to loyalty ,courage ,a fierce independent thought,and friendships.It is a masculine energy and assertive and builds team work.It would be healing for misunderstood men today

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Ethereal Thief by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

The magic of a wandering fairy caravan brings you unusual healing spirits

The Caravan of Scoundrels

Canyou laugh at yourself and love life anyway ? Have you felt the deep kindness under everything ? Do you know when to use a subtle approach ?

Then you will do well with this reiki .

But firts you must write down on a slip pf paper :"I give myself permission to break the rules " And rip it up and throw the pieces into the air ! Now you are ready

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Amulets of Kemet by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

To work with the amulets of Kemet

Amulet of the Heart

Amulet of the Scarab

Amulet of the Buckle of Isis

Amulet of the Tet

Amulet of the Vulture

Amulet of the Papyrus Scepter

Amulet of the Soul

Amulet of the Two Fingers

Amulet of the Eye of Horus

Amulet of the Ankh of Life

Amulet of the Nefer

Amulet of the Serppent head

Amulet of the Frog

Amulet of the Shen

Amulet of the Menat

And more....

receive manual english language andi chi ball attunement

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Dark Angel Stone by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

Chrysanthemum Stone

This reiki healing system concerns shadows.These can be emotional wounds we have hidden deep inside .Or the harshness of poverty and drug addiction.

Or the way we are taught to distrust human differences

There are several minerals that excel at helping this work .They are often black ,with white patterns.Snowflake obsidian is useful.Rhodonite too.And the stone we are to work with today is wonderful as well .It is commonly called Chrysanthemum Stone

Some benefits of Dark Angel Stone Reiki :

brings issues to the surface in a genle way

helps with forgiveness and andelic guidance

reaches out to people who rarely get attention

soothes fears of the unknown

balances us in both Light and Dark wisdom

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EUR 6.99

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Paws and Butturflies by Steward Farquharson


by Steward Farquharson    EUR 6.99

Mystic South America Jaguar and butterfly energy.

From Mexico to the Amazon there is a strong feeling for animals and healing spirits revolves around the jaguars, butterflies and jungle.

The jaguar is a good hunter, he loves the s' water climbs trees and runs fast on the ground

A healer can help you find an elusive remedy.

Butterflies are in the secret places of the forest and appear from time to time to teach life. Some say they are our ancestor

receive chi ball attunement , english manual and lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Pachamama Shaman Aura by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

Pachamama Mother Earth.

In South America, along the west coast there are the Andes, the Native transferred here from the jungles of Central America have discovered the potato, corn and lamas, The oldest honored the jaguar and the Cayman, later came those who honored the condor the puma and the snake

They travel to the higher worlds, Medium and Low.

Shamans have the talent to travel through these places.

Receive chi ball attunement , manual in English.

EUR 6.99

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Te Exorciso - by Stewart Farquharson

EUR 6.99     Stewart Farquharson

Use energy to disperse negative beings you meet.

You meet negative energies as you walk your city streets. They could be unhappy ghosts, drifting energy, misplaced guardians of long gone buildings, and others demons.

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EUR 6.99

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Dhuni Reiki - by Stewart Farquharson

Stewart Farquharson     EUR 6.99

India is the homeland of the wandering holy men and women who are seeking moksha, enlightenment, by renouncing the ordinary world of village and farm.

This reiki seeks to take you with them on their journey and to step up your energy practise to greater freedom and peace and effectiveness.

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage

EUR 6.99

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Dolphin Stones of Mu - by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson.   EUR 6.99

Mu and Lemuria are said to be legendary lands that now reside beneath the oceans of India and the South Pacific. The people were civilized and gentle in nature and were greatly aware of the subtle magic of the land, sky and the sea. Through your attunement to this simple to use energy you will gain a spiritual connection to the ancient Lemurians as well as learning how to use sacred seed crystal symbols to aid in your connections with them.

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage

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Dragon Egg Reiki - by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson.    EUR 6.99

There is a legend in Prague that dragons could be raised from magical stones known as“dragon’s eggs” to become servants and companions for humans.

This reiki is based on the founder, Stewart's, experience with such things. You will learn how to hatch such a stone, and what to expect. Clairvoyance is the ability to see with your imagination plus your astral senses. It uses that spooky “sixth sense” that tingles and lets you know when a stranger is staring at the back of your head. And it wraps the senses in visual images that are true, however colored they are by your personal cultural background, true to what astral being you face. It’s not difficult to develop this balance. Just practice looking at flowers and trees quietly and intend to see fairy faces in the bark, or sense fairy energy in the leaves and flowers."

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage .

EUR 6.99

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Creative Tantra by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

In India as the native gods of the forest, harvest and weather began to be replaced by gods of war and beauty and learning, older men retired to the jungle to ponder the riddle of life.

They learned to breathe in new ways, and to see with their mind a flow of light that accompanied that breath. Channels seemed to be carrying this energy, or prana, as they called it, to vital organs. The energy seemed to move the fingers of the old men. A finger could bind or release the energy of fire, water, air and earth.

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage.

EUR 6.99

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by Stewart Farqhuarson  EUR 6.99

Cultural Myths About Herons

Celtic: In Welsh the heron, crane and stork were all called creyr. These birds were seen as a symbol of life and death. They brought` babies, like the stork of the Netherlands, but Also were an ill omen of death. Warriors would put heron images on Their armor to scare the enemy. Crane-headed goblins were thought to haunt marshes. Some heron images show up on pre-roman celtic coins. They are shown riding or perching on ponies. This could be That in Africa similar to egrets perch on water buffalo to eat the insects stirred up by them. In the Irish legend of the Cailleach an Teampuill (the hag of the temple), her four sons Appear as cranes who can only regain human form by a sprinkle of bull's blood.

There was a taboo on the eating of cranes and herons, for the birds might be the souls of the departed, and by eating anything linked to death, you would soon die or at least be forced to stay in the otherworlds.


Phoenix (Bennu, Benu) Appearance: The Bennu bird was a large imaginary bird resembling a heron. The bird may be modeled on the gray heron (Ardea cinera) or the larger Goliath heron (Ardea goliath) that lives on the coast of the Red Sea. It had a two long feathers on the crest of it's head and was Often crowned with the Atef crown of Osiris (the White Crown

with two ostrich plumes on either side) or with the disk of the sun. Meaning: The Bennu was the sacred bird of Heliopolis. Bennu probably derives from the word weben, meaning "rise" or "shine." The Bennu was associated with the sun and the Represented or ba Soul of the sun god, Re. The Bennu was Also associated with the inundation of the Nile and of the creation. Standing alone on isolated rocks of islands of high ground During the floods the heron Represented the first life to appear on the primeval mound Which rose from the watery chaos at the first creation. This mound was called the ben-well. It was the Bennu bird's cry at the creation of the world That marked the beginning of time. The Bennu was Also Considered a manifestation of the resurrected Osiris and the bird was perched Often shown in His sacred willow tree. The Bennu was known as the legendary phoenix to the Greeks. Herodotus, the Greek historian, says the Following about the Bennu: "Another sacred bird is the phoenix; I have not seen a phoenix myself, except in paintings, for it is very rare and only visits the country (so they say at Heliopolis) only at intervals of five hundred years, on the occasion of the death of the parent bird. " Herodotus goes on to record That the Bennu bird came from Saudi every 500 years carrying His father's body in Embalmed an egg of myrrh. However this Arabian bird was said to resemble an eagle with brilliant gold and red plumage. Before the phoenix It died it built a nest of incense twigs and laid down in it and died. From its body a small worm Emerged That the sun's heat Transformed into the new phoenix. Another story says That the phoenix rose again from the burnt and decomposing remains of His old body and took to These Heliopolis, where he burned them. The planet Venus was called the "star of the ship of the Bennu-Asar "(Asar is the Egyptian name of Osiris). The Bennu was Also sometimes associated with Upper Egypt.

Shamanic Meaning of the Heron

Some people think the heron's spiritual qualities include strong independence, patience, determination, keen alertness, success in the hunt, aggression, and the ability to walk in two worlds, along the edges of things magical. A heron is comfortable in water, mud, sunlight and the offshore wind, so the elements are at its disposal. Fairy folk who love the fringes will honor this totem. The creator gods and goddesses who needed assistants to find the earth When all was hidden under the waters of chaos in trans-siberian lore, used diving birds such as loons, eider ducks, and cranes.

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The Eagle of Samothrace from Craig


from Craig   EUR 6.99

East of Greece lies the island of Samothrace where the evil mysteries of the Great Gods were Celebrated. The Greeks acknowledged These beings were "before the Olympians came ". With them were the starry twins known to us as Gemini, the Dioscuri, or divine horsemen, protectors of soldier and sailor.

Castor and Pollux were the sons of Zeus Leda who surprised in the form of a swan. Pollux was immortal His son. Castor was the son of a human king who Leda later wed. When Castor Pollux grew old Zeus asked if he could share His immortality with the brother he I loved, I know the god Placed them as stars in the sky.

In the mysteries, they hold a torch to torch up and down, perhaps That the seeker to show Whose light is low and the guides Whose light is high, are one and the same person. That we initiate ourselves into the deepest mysteries.

The Rites An initiate would be given at ring of iron magnetized by natural sources, and a red sash. He would spend some time in a cavern on a stone bed. And later with nude male dancers wearing shields and carrying spears.

They made a loud clashing noise That must have echoed off the mountain.

There were no class distinctions here. Freeman and slave and Noble were all brothers. The island Temple satyr, a mythical being of the woods You may be a sweaty warrior, a thoughtful artist, a clever orator, or a humble farmer.

Seek out your brothers.

Feel the energy add to your healing reiki. Lively. Primeval.

Sharing touch to touch and grin to grin, for now all grievances forgotten.

It's time.

Remember the eagle and be sons of Zeu

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Colors of The Fairies by Stewart Farquharson


EUR    6.99

It 'a reiki method to initiate you into the energies of the colors of the fairies.

in the manual by the founder in English of 14 pages you will find lots of very interesting information.

 receive activation chi ball, manual in English, and lineage. 

EUR 6,99  

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Diamond Himalaya Reiki by Stewart Farquharson

EUR 6.99

The Himalayas Diamond Reiki energy we bring in the mystical land within the Himalayan mountains.

Called by some as Agartha and others like Shamballa no doubt and 'a place that vibrates at a particular frequency of energy that is pure peace where it is said that the inhabitants remain young and healthy forever.

There is also the belief that some leave Agartha to assist in the Ascension of humanity

working with these energies you will get a very special energy ties to this land where you can travel during the meditations, you can help in your spiritual journey and in life.

receive activation chi ball, English manual and lineage.

EUR 6,99

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Grandmaster Five Elements by Stewart Farquharson

EUR 6.99

This system combines the Chinese Qigong energy healing with the Japanese Reiki

According to the Sages of old China and the world 'it supported by five elements mystics.

Energy IQ we can introduce into our body through breathing, walking barefoot booby land, on water, with sun exposure, through food and drink, laughter and so on.


Receive manual by Jade Fox in English.

6,99 EUR

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