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28 $ year 2012  

Provide an extra energy for personal inner boosters

It 's a powerful device to encourages your spiritual enlightenment

It helps to determine nature and ability to connct with the spiritual and angelic realm for guidance and support Supreme Golden Reinforcement Device raise your divine wisdom inside and provide a great self -confidence,can drives your soul to algn and appropriated with the richness ,refinement ,rewards and enhancement to attracts cosmic influences to stimulate business advancement and drive your wishes come true.

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EUR 28

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Add to Cart   Supreme Golden Reinforcement Device by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value

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28 $ year 2012  

Divine Inner Light promotes blessing of continued health ,happyness ,also brings gentleness and graciousness to mental ,emotional and spiritual

It brings prosperity ,dignity and big fortune in your life ,can increase your sensisvity about the existence of treacher ,deceit and hidden instincts from others and also drive to confront some painful and disturbing aspect of your unconscious

Srengthen your relationships with others ,yet help to break free from the unhelthy relationship and more

receive manua in english ,chi ball attunement and lineage

EUR 28

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Add to Cart  Divine Inner Light by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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25 $ year 2012   

Magic Dove Essence gives the purity of eternal love essence within

It's very useful to embedding your relationships with loved ones and also relationships with friends and family

Provide a great spiritual support for romantic relationships

It supports to achieve inner greatness to stand and keep tryng and also accept everything 's with more gracefully.

Give abeautiful and elegant inner peace

It overcoming an excessive stress ,sadness and disappointment of losing

It increased spiritual sensitivity and provide a better emotional control

Has a unique love energy pattern to promotes mental and spiritual ascension

Activate it to loved one or colleague to improve devotion and loyalty

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EUR 25

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Add to Cart Magic Dove Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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45 $ year 2016   

Was channeled to break the blockage of your wealth and support the abundance enhancement

Rahayu Surya Jati helpful to set the whole you become aware and sensitive with the great chance of self abundance enhancement and strengthen self faith ,especially when your are going to apply for your dream job or when in an important presentation

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EUR  45

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Add to Cart RAHAYU SURYA JATI ( Sterling Prosperous Sun ) by Ferry Puthut



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Iron Bubble Energetic by Ferry Puthut Handoko


45 $ year 2016 

Was channelled to awaken the original inner protection within powerful protection from negative force and all unneeded influences from outside

It strongly support the Solar Plexus abilities enhancement

Iron Bubble Energetic will raise the warrior energy and awaken the dignity

Very good to help you to build your personality ,to be a responsible and reliable.

will lift up your spiritual and mental confidence and strengthen the deepest intention to manifest your true desires in physical life

It helpful to awaken the Will and Self Motivation when dealing with failure and despair

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EUR 45

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Add to Cart Iron Bubble Energetic by Ferry Puthut


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year 2013 - 28 $  

Bloody Star Essence encourages your bravery ,aggressivity and stregthen the masculine side to forge a head toward your goals.

It brings powerful good luck,faithfulness and also the feeling of secure in love and spiritual

understanding.You 'll have the ability to adapt to various emotional situations.

Bloody Star Essence brings high intellectual power and the balance of conscious and subconscious

It raise your spiritual wisdom to overcome any negative things around

Bloody Star Essence radiates the feelings of anger and fierceness in some circumstances that you needed to.

Strengthening your heart and mind to struggling with your individuality and indipendence,especially in some aspect of your relationship

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EUR 28

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Add to Cart  Bloody Star Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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35 $ year 2013   

Cemani is the name of one type chicken that exist on the island of Java

Cemani Essence provide a powerful protection against witchcraft and evil intention.

Activate it to your house or work place to prevent from thieves and neutralize the bad emotion pf people inside.

It clean any negativity in mental and emotional level .

Cemani Essence will bring a big luck to your love story ,family relationship and particularly ,it bring a big luck to raising the windfalls

Receive manual english,chi ball attunement

EUR 35

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Add to Cart Cemani Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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35 $ year 2013   

Mekar Surya Energy ( in English :Blossom Sun Energy ) help to solidify your determination to start a new beginnings in works ,business and love relation.

Mekar Surya Energy bring dignity and respect of others to you and provide an elegant impression,to every your move and every your words.

It's a powerful booster to became a eynosure and nova at every environment you are.

receive manual english,chi ball attunement,lineage

EUR 35

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Add to Cart Mekar Surya Energy by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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30 $ year 2013   

Bloody Moon Energizer works to waking up your inner strength

Rebuild the damaged faith in you

Bloody Moon Energizer improve your confidence or bring a new wave of confidence in you .

It 's very good to preparing your mental to get the hard work for life and lead you to overcome insuperable odds.

When you are jaded about people ,the hard world and surrounded with deep sadness ,

Bloody Moon Energizer will bring a great energy to move on your purpose and chase your dream without doubt

receive manual english,chi ball attunement ,lineage

EUR 30

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Add to Cart  Bloody Moon Energizer by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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30 $ year 2013 

Kenongo Protection Essence ( Kenongo in english Ylang ) promotes strong antidote to magick magic ,witchcraft and protect the house and its contents from evil intention

Kenongo Protection Essence helps to lower blood pressure and lower heart rate and make a person become more relaxed.

Kenongo Protection Essence as a anti.depressant ,increase arousal and sedative

receive manual english,chi ball attunement,lineage

EUR 30

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Add to Cart  Kenongo Protection Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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20$ year 2013   

Magick Lucky Orb is an subconscious alarm for you to proceed with caution in some business or relation endeavor or even to stop your effort for it

It's very good to restore the loss of honor and respect of the others to you and reconcile hostility amongst friends and also to win the loved ones that you desires

Magick Lucky Orb bring glory and success in your professional and personal life

When you're in a bad condition with your superior especially when they give you a difficult time ,activate the Magic Lucky Orb when you're going to interacting with them ,to soothe and to make them very comfortable to be around you

Magic Lucky Orb protects one 's life from demons and malicious annoyances and also helps to let go of old bad habits

It release the negative energy from one's body and spirit that encourage the emergence of personal disaster

receive manual english ,chi ball attunement

EUR 20

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Add to Cart  Magic Lucky Orb by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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40 $ year 2014   

Bahuwirya Energy Infusion ( Mighty Energy Infusion ) raise your capacity for exertion and endurance ,whether physical ,intellectual and mentally

It give mental clarity ,encourage the mental renewal process and lead us in a scary and misleading situation

Bahuwirya Energy Infusion is a powerful bravery booster ,enhance desire and passion

It gives strength strength of mind .memory ,judgment and provide a wonderful emotional control

Support your unremitting effort to success

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EUR 40

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Add to Cart  Bahuwirya Energy Infusion by Ferry Puthut


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Essential Komodo Spirit by Ferry Puthut Handoko


20 $ year 2014  

Essential Komodo Spirit help to control and direct the creativity ,critical mind and lead you to a new source of self forces for a better future

It gives you a sharp survival instinct and push to move ahead with your worldly and spiritual life

Essential Komodo Spirit will bring the missed opportunity ,back to you and encourages a quick decisions to make and promotes a big lucky changes and push a great personal actions in your business develpment

Essential komodo Spirit facilitate your effort to upgrade the quality of your life

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EUR  20

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Add to Cart  Essential Komodo Spirit by Ferry Puthut


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2013 - 35 $    

Deling Kuning ( Yellow Bamboo ) is a Java kind of plant which traditionally has believed have a unique energy to use

Deling Kuning Energy Essence protects one 's inner life and physical life from black magic

Activate it to your house or working place to protect from thief and any bad intentions

It also raise your dignity and you will always respected by others

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EUR  35

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Add to Cart  Deling Kuning Energy Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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2013 - 28 $    

Gedhang Rojo Legi Essence ( Banana King ) is a kind of a very special sweet fruit in Java

It has been used at a lot of ritual in Java

Gedhang Rojo Legi Essence ( Sweet Banana King Essence ) symbolize as a birth and death at once .Help to keep ideals always sublime and promotes completeness and perfection in every steps and decision you take

It encourages your prosperity and support your expansion of any kind of relationships ,promotes a very useful personal acceptance in every aspect of life

Activate in when you need to make a big different step to raise your inner true wisdom

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EUR 28

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Add to Cart  Gedhang Rojo Legi Essence by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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35 $ year 2013   

Wulan Kencana Energy ( Golden Moon Energy ) neutralize any bad emotion inside

It bring calmness and protection for your faith

Wulan Kencana Energy gives visions and open the psychic centers

It will reduces mental tension ,prevents over indulgence

It 's a good energy to encourages spiritual transformation and breaking of bad habits

Activate it to your family or beloved ones to clean the bad prejudice each others and protect their love

receive manual english ,chi ball attunement , lineage

EUR 35

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Add to Cart  Wulan Kencana Energy ( Golden Moon Energy ) by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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30 $ year 2013      

Rogo Geni Protector in english Fire Body Protector increase your physical energy and personal inner power

It give a wonderful mind precision to solve the hard life problematical

It brings a high degree of self motivation and self confidence

Particularly ,Rogo Geni Protection build a powerful protection for your physical ,mental and emotional from witchcraft and also as a strong booster for spiritual enhancement

receive manual english ,chi ball attunement,lineage

EUR  30 

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Add to Cart Rogo Geni Protection by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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25 $ year 2013  

Surya Jagad Pamungkas ( in english Ultimate Sun of Universe ) strengthen the inner energy to build a strong defensive fortress from witchcraft and any negative power attack

It encourage the recovering or healing process of the body and spirit from the bad influences from the already existed incoming witchcraft attack

Surya Jagad Pamungkas also very helpful to support the grounding session and as a super power boosterfor bravery to dealing with your greatest fear

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EUR 25

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Add to Cart  Surya Jagad Pamungkas by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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40$ year 2013   

Surya Emas Pagnayoman ( in english Golden Sun Protection ) give a huge powerful energy protection from negative entities

It will protect you right away ,when you are under attack from bad malicious energy

You realize it or not ,it will make you stronger than ever to block the hidden attack ,witchcraft or any attack with intention

Surya Emas Pangayoman will keep your achievement in love and riches to stay to be yours

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Add to Cart  Surya Emas Pangayoman by Ferry Puthut Buy one and choose free - one system by Ferry of egual or less value


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Year 2014 Price US $ 30      

Broken Love Acceptance bring smoothness to your feeling and a wonderful emotion control.

It very effective for calming your mind and remove any bad intention caused broken love.

When you became desperate in your love journey, Broken Love Acceptance will enhance the self emotion recovery system inside, to lead your mind and soul back to the circle of love. It lead you to a new love relationship opportuny, almost instantly.

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EUR  30

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Add to Cart  Broken Love Acceptance - by Ferry Puthut


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