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year 2013 - 30 $    

Gives a direction to one's spiritual life visions And Also lifts ones spirit. It burn up courage in social group situations, adventures in love and danger situation.

It bring big luck in love and business.

Fire Blast Energy raise your true inner wisdom, stimulates thought and gives a high mental control.

It promotes feeling of well-being and recycles past-life experiences.

Fire Energy Blast to give great encouragement to get a beautiful inner tranquility.

It helps alleviate personal fears and guilt And Also promotes cheerfulness at once

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EUR 30 



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year 2012 - 28 $   

Helps to develop the wisdom to find the meaning and purpose of our lives and to move with perseverance on our spiritual path.

It helps to ground ourselves and flow with its energies to empowering the protective energy from the earth.

It protects your journeys to reach the highest dream and wishes.

Green Light Infusion as a guardian when you're in the "dark" vision, in hard situation.

It gives you an extra energy to nocturnal even you've been active in a full day.

It's a mental freshener and cleaner, And Also Provided for truly gentle of peace and raise the inner power of leadership and courage

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EUR 28   



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year 2012 - 24 $    

Divine Radiance Device Energetic keep you from getting carried away, or lead astray and being diverted from your goals.

It's an excellent spiritual protective energies.

Brings clarity of thought and wisdom of other worlds and universes to us.

These very good for enhancing night vision and a great help in developing the Ability to feel auras.

Divine Radiance Energetic Device promotes strength of will and a feeling of inner worth about your own abilities, while relieving insecurity and apprehension as to spiritual being.

Helps to combine intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom enhancing discernment in all situations.

Brings patience, Which leads to better focus and concentration and enhances perseverance.

Very helpful for Those Who are facing a period of sustained work, such as students at exam time and For Those who are prone to overwork.

Physically Energetic Divine Radiance Device Can stimulate physical strength and help to relieve colds, feeling cold and lowers blood pressure

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EUR 24  



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year 2013 - 30 $ 

Works to the Heart chakra.

It bring a unique energy pattern to your inner wave.

Strengthen Your Love it the radiance in any environment and at any situation.

Sexy Inner Touch to help manage the nervous feeling in a big decision of love.

Activate it works to your place to Encourage the affection and the concern of your superiors to you

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year 2013 - 28$     

Provided for clear spiritual vision about the existence of deception, mischievous, and falsehood around.

En direct you to stay calm in every bad situation and environment.

It drives to take control on yourself and your inner wild natures, Particularly the sexual natures.

Mystical Heart Ray give a certain boundaries That protect you from any outside negative energy and from disaster.

Remove the walls between you and Those Who want to know you better and feel Also prevent your heart from of codependency.

It lifts up your assertiveness to not let others step all over you.

It help to reach a high ambitions even through a little expend of energy.

It helps to experience much business success as a result of your dedication.

Mystical Heart Ray heal you from the feeling of guilty from a broken love affair or business fail

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year 2012 - 24 $   

Reinforce Energetic Device works to restore the power of the heart and the infinite tenderness.

Remove the negative effects of past trauma and stress. and even blackberries, is overcome trauma and stress relieve itself.

Reinforce Energetic Device works especially on the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra.

It's good personality as a power booster to get a strong influence to others.

It raises self- awareness to synch with the universe and jacked up courage to make choices.

Reinforce Energetic Device overcome sorrow, feeling of loss compassion, fearing of rejection and depression and it Also Strengthen our spiritual relationship with others and the environment to increase to vigilance against all possibilities and signs of nature.

Reinforce Energetic Device draw compassion from others to us.

Activate it to beloved one to raise the relationship confidence and proximity

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year 2011- 29 $    

Following His attunement will greatly help you to socialize, interact and get a healthy understanding of life socialize with the people around us.

Basically, a full of love and compassion to healthy soul are indispensable in social life.

This attunement is Also very useful for people who have an inferiority excessive sense, Because the soul is filled with feelings of anxiety, fear, shame etc. It could cause people to isolate Themselves from relationships That Are essential for survival.

This attunement is closely linked and work with Vishuddha, Anahatta and Manipura Chakra Which is a central to the fluency of communication, emergence of love compassion, anxiety, fear, anger, That are very familiar with us. As well as controlling the emotion itself. with this attunement, Increasing the emotional self control of all emotion above, Becomes very easy.

Imagine, any chance That We might get from the people around us. This attunement to evoke deep feeling of happiness in our souls, so as to generated the aura of the beauty of our body, Which is useful as an Ourselves attraction and our characteristics to attract the people around us to get closer and feel comfortable to us

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EUR 29 



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year 2013 $ 35     

Fire Flash Energy works to Heart chakra and chakras beneath it

. It's a great energy of joy.

It's good for your mood and help to dealing with the sluggish business.

En Promote inner fullness and Also a powerful motivation. it Increases your confidence and optimism in every worldly work

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EUR 35  



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year 2013 $ 30    

Mind Energy Blast promotes a fast thinking ability.

It help your brain in That extraction any information captured by our senses.

It stimulates your mind while calming the bad emotions and excessive Also Provides great inner peace and strength

. Mind Blast Energy Encourage your ability in problems solving; lead you to become a Troubleshooter.

Activate it before start the daily business activity to opportunity and prosperity and attracts multiple Also good luck at once

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year 2013 $ 40   

Probo Sentosa Energy Empowerment brings many kind of good luck in your life

. It's an energy to flexible multi-purpose use on many.

Probo Sentosa Energy (in Inglese; Beam Energy Welfare) promotes a strong good luck energy to business and social life

. It radiates magnetic energy to attract Possibility and opportunity.

Activate it to your whole family to protect any fortunes That Has Been previously available for them and protect from bad luck That as over

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EUR 40   


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year 2013 $ 28    

Money Ball Energy help to open one's heart That closed and have a hard time to trust or even, hard to be trusted, for work.

It attract a healthy and very favorable relationships.

It brings good cooperation, harmony, loyalty and Patience between you and clients or partners.

It's a strong booster for a high prosperity and abundance achievement.

Activate it to your working tools; computer, stationery, heavy equipment, car, etc. to create a comfortable feeling and a strong faith of your clients or partners, When working for you or working with you

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EUR 28



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year 2013 $ 24   

Help one to control His emotions and the others. It's good to be used when in the presentations to boost business confidence and attract all the attentions.

It gives strong protection for your business from malicious intent and all sorts of negative intervention in business and your personal life.

High Personal Business Booster give new fresh energy to one's spirit and passion to start a new business or improve the business falling apart.

it Facilitates for someone to discover the best way to success. Able drive it out all the negative emotions That impede the progress and the development of the worldly life And Also the spiritual life

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EUR 24 



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year 2012 - 25 $    

Promotes accomplishments, positive attitude, courage, trust, harmony and helps to cope with panic and fear.

Enhances intuition, self disciplines and ability to organize.

It helps to become businesslike , systematic, tidy and methodical.

It gives a powerful protection and supports to business enhancement And Also Provide strength and courage to assert your true potential and help to vocalize your abilities to others.

High Personal Radiance highly Reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization.

It balancing the Throat Chakra and enhancing communication between lower energy (physical energy) and the higher energy (mental-spiritual energy) to promotes self-introspection and repairment.

High Personal Radiance negative Reduces excitability and hyperactivity.

Physically it helps to reduce headaches and mild addictions and releasing toxins from the body. it stimulate stamina and strength For Those dealing with the condition of chronic diseas

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year 2012 - 23 $        

Works as a mind stimulator power to be processing and follow up on Everything That presented in front of us. it stimulates the emergence of ideas in developing business and support mental and spiritual development.

Limitless Brain Radiance helps the conscious to explore and understand the direction and the willingness of the subconscious.

It clarifies the highest hidden dreams and present it to the conscious mind to be processed and Analyzed

we know That we can act properly in order to Achieve it.

It's good to protect and direct the mind to always be alert and sensitive to the negativity Which tries to get into.

Physically Limitless Brain Radiance has a soft and soothing energy to overcome headache

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EUR 23 



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year 2013 -24 $    

Icy Flame Energy promotes high ideals, hope and great insight.

Also it Enhance your inner power, gentleness, and purity.

It's a protection for your heart and spiritual improvement.

Give peace of mind and soul when in a difficult situation.

Activate it to your work place or When going to a important meeting to emit your professionalism side.

In some situation, Icy Flame Energy give a high control of your inner desire in freezing any feelings to bring excitement and to let go.

It's a great energy for your emotional support and bring a fresh cold passion inside.

Icy Flame Energy draw a beautiful relationship; romance or a big business project in your work.

En remove any bad feeling; solitude, regret and fear but it raises self-confidence and pride at once.

You will keep your composure in a variety of social Circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and full with grace and wisdom

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EUR 24  



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year 2013 - 28 $    

Release the depressed business and economy condition in one's life.

That gloom counterbalancing it with a smooth and soothe energy to draw a great business progress. Moreover, it Also Provides a high protection for the Obtained prosperity and abundance.

High Energy Abundance Adhesive helps to keep one's soul to stay concentrated to the achievement.

It brings the mental and spiritual growth back into focus and raise your desire to enhancing life experiences.

When the business situation feels like a terrible battlefield, High Abundance Adhesive Energy Has Been prepared to open the door of Luck Success Vicktor and to win the advantage and Enhance courage in the heat of business conflict.

It brings a new of different abundance, growth and mental Also spiritually

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EUR 28  



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year 2013 - 28 $       

Helps to find the lost ability to balance any aspects of your life.

It remove your hesitant in approaching a new situation or raise your desire to move forward with your goals, And Also remove any disloyalty feeling from others to you.

Energetic Personal Ignition Device bring pleasures and free independent ideas to one's inner life.

Once it's activated, you will be being accepted into the circle of social life That you've Desired.

It support your Efforts in Establishing a new business relationships or other special relationship and lift up your awareness and alertness in any environment and Circumstances.

Energetic Personal Ignition Device promotes spiritual guidance, intellect, mental and emotional attributes trust. It's an inspirational energy, encouraging you to utilize your mind to its capacity and move upward in life.

Energetic Personal Ignition Device to give clear line of communication between the conscious and unconscious aspects stir of yourself and your willingness and ability to explore and navigate your own emotions

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year 2012 - 22 $   

Energetic Bliss Blue Stream has a unique energy-processing systems to Provided for very deep Peace Within.

It greatly helps to increase to self-loyalty to works and spouse

. Energetic Bliss Blue Stream incendio generated capabilities and professionalism.

It's a great tool to boost honorary from others. En Creates an emotional stability and self-confidence.

Energetic Bliss Blue Stream will stimulate spiritual growth ranging from basic to a higher level.

Energetic Bliss Blue Stream work on Heart Chakra and Chakras beneath. this is very good for improving our feelings of sensitivity about one trusts to us That Began to loss and stimulate it again.

Energetic Bliss Blue Stream Eliminates boredom and generated enthusiasm. It pushes out imaginations and self expression. Energetic Bliss Blue Stream Enhance and balance the quality of inspiration, freedom and support self-expansive

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EUR 22   



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year 2013 - 28 $     

Golden Bubble Energy discard not only unnecessary physical objects in one's but life Those negative beliefs Which limit our trust in love and align and drive your spiritual life to a great abundance and wealth growth.

It Operates in Both the physical and spiritual planes and urges us to rejoice in the gifts of our physical bodies and lead us to empower our intuitive minds.

Golden Bubble Energy Encourages a great new change to one's life and promotes a transformation of spiritual and mental development.

It raise your intelligence and desire to reach a better prosperity and it's a very good for one's that learn Unknown to new business prospects

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EUR 28  



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year 2012 - 25 $     

High Beam Energetic Transmission improves the smoothness and velocity of the Within the process of energy metabolism body.

Improve the power and refining the emission aura.

Increase self attractiveness as a person with a high prudential and charisma.

It's a tool to improve concentration and sharpens vision.

High Beam Energetic Transmission works on Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakra Chakra's and all in between.

It gives high confidence. Soothe the heart and Increasing courage When Became the center of attention.

Provide fluency to think and speech.

Activate it when in a state Which requires you to calm and Calculated to generate awareness and sensitivity to a higher level, in order to discover and determinates the best action.

Physically, it can reduce headaches and improve blood circulation to the brain

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EUR 25  



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