Enchanted Coral Essence by Gabriela Szafman
EUR 6.99
By Gabriela Szafman
The ancient Egyptians placed pieces of coral in tombs as a protection against evil spirits because they believed that each piece truly contained a drop of divine blood.
According to Greek mythology, when Perseus chopped off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, some drops of blood splashed into the sea, and thereby solidified into coral.
Records dating back thousands of years confirm that coral was used in decorative art objects as well as jewelry.
Ancient legends tell us that people once believed that Mars was composed of red coral due to it's striations and colorings.
Coral symbolizes joy and happiness, it enables the wearer to enjoy life.
Since coral is a stone of organic origin, it can be used to reconnect with nature and the variety of it's wonders.
Red coral was considered by the Pueblo Indians to be one of the four element stones.
Among the Hopi and Zuni, the Road of life is symbolized by four "elements", coral, jet, abalone and turquoise.
Coral is said to quiet the emotions and to bring peace to within the self, it facilitates intuition, imagination and visualization.
Coral helps one to both understand and use the qualities of the mystic.
It can bring one into communication with the Ancient Ones of the world and expedite and accelerate the transfer of knowledge.
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