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Spirit of the Four Winds by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99

Spirit of the Four Winds Reiki connects you to the energies of the Four Winds of the Earth, and directs positive energies and blessings of spirit to you.

This system works well for healing, manifesting, guidance, and ascension. It helps you to explore your inner self, and connect to your higher self, for guidance in specific areas.

Meditations guide you through the Spirit of the Four Winds to receive messages, and blessings of North, East, South, and West Winds.

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Eye of the Storm by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Eye of the Storm Reiki connects you to Spirit and the calm, centeredness of the Eye of the Storm to help you remain calm, in control of any situation, and protected. When these is chaos all around you, and you feel overwhelmed by all of the drama, all of the stress, and pressure of situations in your life, you need a safe place to regain your senses and stay protected from all of the negative energies flying around you.

The Eye of the Storm Reiki helps you to be able to relax, and know that you are safe. It shields you from the chaos and it helps you remain untouched by any psychic attacks, gossip, and negativity that others may throw at you. When you can be in the Eye of the Storm, all of the stress, life dramas, and negative energies whirl around you without touching you they run their course, and spin off to be transmuted into light and love. You are in the calm, peaceful, Eye of the Storm, and you are safe.

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Dragon Lightworker Trilogy by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99

Price $39.95 by Linda Colibert

The Dragon LightWorker Trilogy connects you to the energies of Dragons in three levels of attunement. Each level increases the energies and power of working with all Dragons, although there are three major Dragons you will be strongly connection in body, mind, and spirit.

Level 1

Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs

The Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs guard these waterways and grant wishes to those with a sincere heart. These Dragons work closely with Fairies and live in or near clear running streams, natural springs, and sacred wells.

Level 2

Dragons of Mystical Winds

The Dragons of Mystical Winds are associated with the life breath, and they carry the messages on the wind to and from your Higher Self, and Higher Beings of Light. These Dragons have the power to vaporize negativity with their breath, and the ability to breathe health and positive energies into those who ask for their help. They are great healers, and they are very wise. They will offer you guidance of great wisdom to help you solve problems and they will also carry divine inspiration to you. Creativity is one their gifts.

Level 3

The Dragon of Gaia’s Heart

The Dragon’s of Gaia’s Heart are connected to the heart of the Earth. They live in caves and are the largest of all the Dragons. They are able to shape shift, and they are ancient souls. These Dragon’s love crystals, gems, and stones. Though they are not greedy in any way. They guard the treasures of Mother Earth-Goddess Gaia. These treasures are not necessarily in the form of money value-they are the treasures of beauty, love, nurturing, nature, and all of the natural resources including endangered species of plants, animals, and clean fresh air and water.

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Third Eye Psychic Empowerment - by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Russian or in French or in Italian

EUR 6.99

The Third Eye Psychic Empowerment connects you to Spirit and opens your Third Eye so that you can receive psychic messages clearly. This attunement enhances your intuition and heightens your instincts. You may find that you not only receive visions (Clairvoyance), but also hear (Clairaudience), or/and know psychic messages without knowing how you know (Clairsentience).

Third Eye Psychic Empowerment clears any negativity un your energy field that might interfere with your receiving divine messages. This helps your psychic abilities to grow, your aura to shine brighter and reach farther out while doing psychic work. This is a wonderful system to boost your psychic abilities and helps open your energies to receiving messages from Spirit, guides, and angels.

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Golden Dove Healing Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Golden Dove Healing Reiki brings peace, healing emotional issues, removing worry and stress, and removing the energy blocks that stagnate your energies. This system connects you to Spirit, and the Golden Dove of pure golden light and love for spiritual and emotional healing that fills you with peace, and harmony within. It can be used to speed recovery from illness and injuries as well as healing the pain you may be carrying within your body, mind, and spirit. It may be used to improve finances, by clearing the stress and worries and then helping to draw positive energies of abundance. It may be used to heal relationships and emotional wounds inflicted by bad relationships. It helps with improving your self esteem and giving you the release the people, places, and things in your life that no longer serve you for your highest good, in a gentle and loving way.

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Dream Voyage of The Swan by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in French or in German

EUR 6.99

Dream Voyage of the Swan connects you to the Spirit of the Swan and guides you on a dream voyage spirit journey. The Swan is connected to the mysteries, to the other worlds, to the faery realm, and to the gateways of passage. The Swan helps you with grace, with intuition, and with discovering the hidden talents and desires within. Working with the energies of Dream Voyage of the Swan, helps develop your intuition, your psychic abilities, perception of things physical and beyond. It also brings the Swan into your life as an animal spirit guide.

Receive attunement chi ball, manual English language,

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Angels of the Earth Animal Healing by Linda Colibert manual in English or in German or in Japanese or in Italian

EUR 6.99

This system combines the Divine Earth Energy and power of Archangels to communicate with and heal animals. Divine Earth Energy is called forth to heal animals in body, mind, and spirit. Your connection with this energy will heighten your telepathic and empathic abilities to both, communicate with animals and heal animals.

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Magickal Lightwork Program by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 9.99

price founder $150/200

It is energy in its purest from. And, in reality, this is who and what you are a-pure, perfect Being of Light Energy, who has chosen to experiences the physical plane.

Your Higher Self always guides you to use your mind and knowledge in a way that follows your heart-love and compassion. It will always guide you to right action. Above all, your Higher Self will light the way to following your life path, and facing the challenges of your life lessons with courage and understanding.

Below is a symbol that will help you to connect to your Higher Self, if you feel guided to use it. Some people may not need to use the symbol and can connect easily without using it, but for others, it may be helpful since it focuses on the energies of the Higher Self.

Connecting to your Higher Self will help you with understanding the 12 Universal Laws and guide you in using them to change your life by raising your vibration. As you study the 12 Universal Laws, allow yourself to be filled with unconditional love. This connection to you Higher Self as you learn the Universal Laws will heighten understanding so that Wisdom (knowledge plus compassion and unconditional love) can come to you, and increase clarity.

Magickal Lightwork Program:

1. Magickal Lightwork Higher Self

2. Magickal Lightwork Angels

3. MagickalLightwork Fairies

4. Magickal Lightwork Dragons

5. Magickal Lightwork Goddess

6. Magickal Lightwork Guides

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Shield of Archangel Michael by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

Shield of Archangel Michael

The Shield of Arcangel Michael connects you to the power and energies of Archangel Michael and Archangel Michael's surrounds you with love and protection.

While you do not need an attunement to call on Archangel.

Michael for any reason, this attunement will connect you to HIM in a

Powerful Way and Strengthen any connections to Archangel Michael That

Already you may have.

You will learn how to use the symbol to invoke Archangel Michael's

Quickly and powerfully protection for yourself, others, animals, plants, your home, your finances, and anything else you may want to protect.

You will Also Understand how to shield yourself and others Against any form of negative energies, people, and etc..

You will be guided as to how to release your Fears and embrace the future with confidence.

You do not need to be a Reiki Master to be Attuned to the Shield of

Archangel Michael .

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Snap of the Dragon Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German or in Japanese or in French

EUR 6.99

The attunement to Snap of the Dragon Reiki connects you to the Spirit of the Dragon. This attunement will :
Help you to undergo sudden or rapid changes of spiritual wisdom growth and transformation.
Help add sparkle and light to your life in all areas
Help with being more successful and prosperous
Help you be more vigorous in body, mind, and spirit
Help you be more alert and energized
The Snap of the Dragon Reiki attunement works with the energies of the .
Dragon, and connects you to the heart and soul spirit of the Dragon.

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Sacred Circle Green Money Reiki by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

Sacred Green Money Circle Reiki is a very powerful and energetic reiki system that combines Magick with Reiki. Both Magick and Reiki come from the Creative Source of Spirit by whatever name you choose to use.

This system connects you to Spirit and surrounds you with the vibration of money. It not only empowers you to be more positive about how you think about money, but is also draws money to you in a positive way. These days, all of us can use more money, and I have learned so much about prosperity, abundance, and creating a positive field of energy because of many of the issues I have had to deal with this past year.

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Goddess Aurora Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

The attunement to Goddess Aurora Empowerment connects you to the energies of the Goddess Aurora-Goddess of the Dawn-and also to the energies of the Solar Wind, which is the source of the Aurora Lights. The energies of this attunement help with healing, manifestation, and empowerment. The connection to the Goddess is powerful. You will learn how to connect quickly to the energies of Goddess Aurora, Solar Wing, and the Aurora Lights, and how to use them to enhance your personal power, abilities, and create more success in all areas of your life.

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Full Bloom Manifestation Empowerment


Full Bloom Manifestation Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 6.99

The Full Bloom Manifestation Empowerment attunement connects you to the energies of the Creative Source and helps to open up the channels of energy flow to increase your energies and help you manifest your desires for the highest good quicker.

This is an empowerment system that helps you to focus, clear the path for higher energies, increase your personal power, and achieve your goals.

We all know that everything is energy-your house, your car, your money-you-are all energy.

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St. Germain & Raphael Prosperity by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

St. Germain and Archangel Raphael have come forward to help you overcome the challenges of the economy. This attunement connects you to both St. Germain and Archangel Raphael and strengthens your connection to Spirit in order to bring change and transmutation to a more prosperous life.

You are given 2 symbols to help you raise your vibration so that you are in harmony with prosperity and abundance. St. Germain guide you in transmuting energy into abundant energies of a positive nature, and Archangel Raphael heals situations that need healing in order to bring in great prosperity and increase your cash flow.

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