Dragon Lightworker Trilogy by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German
EUR 7.99
Price $39.95 by Linda Colibert
The Dragon LightWorker Trilogy connects you to the energies of Dragons in three levels of attunement. Each level increases the energies and power of working with all Dragons, although there are three major Dragons you will be strongly connection in body, mind, and spirit.
Level 1
Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs
The Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs guard these waterways and grant wishes to those with a sincere heart. These Dragons work closely with Fairies and live in or near clear running streams, natural springs, and sacred wells.
Level 2
Dragons of Mystical Winds
The Dragons of Mystical Winds are associated with the life breath, and they carry the messages on the wind to and from your Higher Self, and Higher Beings of Light. These Dragons have the power to vaporize negativity with their breath, and the ability to breathe health and positive energies into those who ask for their help. They are great healers, and they are very wise. They will offer you guidance of great wisdom to help you solve problems and they will also carry divine inspiration to you. Creativity is one their gifts.
Level 3
The Dragon of Gaia’s Heart
The Dragon’s of Gaia’s Heart are connected to the heart of the Earth. They live in caves and are the largest of all the Dragons. They are able to shape shift, and they are ancient souls. These Dragon’s love crystals, gems, and stones. Though they are not greedy in any way. They guard the treasures of Mother Earth-Goddess Gaia. These treasures are not necessarily in the form of money value-they are the treasures of beauty, love, nurturing, nature, and all of the natural resources including endangered species of plants, animals, and clean fresh air and water.
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