Oxossi Green Healing Ray by Brigitt - Healing Protection Prosperity and more
EUR 6.99
by Brigitt
Price from founder 25 €
Oxossi (also Oshosi, Ochosi, Ososi, Oxosi, or Osawsi) is both the Orisha of the forest and one of the three warrior orishas referred to as the "Ebora" in the Yoruba religion. He is a hunter, and his role as an often solitary figure in the wilderness lends him another role as a shaman.
He is also connected with all hunter communities, and is often depicted as a friend or ally of both the caboclos and the nature spirits of the forests of Brazil. Oshosi is most important to the people of Brazil in Candomblé (a Latin American religion derived from the traditional spiritual practices of the Yoruba people of West Africa), as the Amazon Rainforest brings this element of him to the fore in Candomblé more than in its cousins, the island religions of Cuban Santeria and HaitianVoudoun.
Oxossi help you with
Protection of Fauna & Flora
Powerful healing
Spiritual enlightenment
Healt ,Strength ,Balance
Love of Arts & Beautiful things
Prosperity ,Abundance and more.
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