by Ramon Martinez Lopez
EUR 400 year 2015
It is an Indian mythological concept, prevalent from ancient times.
The Kalpavriksha is one Of the five trees of Indra's paradise known to fulfill all desires, it is the wishing tree, the tree Of plenty.
Symbolically, the Kalpavriksha is the symbol of one's identity and its potential.
The roots are the deepest spiritual dimensions and the trunk's constitution. The Branches, leaves and fruits represent our constitution, abilities and skills, actions and achievement. Kalpavriksha is a mythological, wish-fulfilling divine tree that is a common trope in Sanskrit literature from the earliest sources onwards. Rig Veda (1.75; 17.26).
Kalpataru is the supreme power or Eternal Force emanated from spiritual waves and Everyone in the surrounding area was engrossed by his divine touch.
There is no gap between the desire and its fulfillment.
There is no gap between a thought And a thing.
You think and immediately it becomes a thing; The thought realizes automatically.
The kalpatarus trees are nothing but symbolic for the mind. Both are creative, Creative with its thoughts. Whatsoever you think, sooner or later it is fulfilled. Sometimes The gap is such that you have completely forgotten that you had wanted it in the first place; Sometimes the gap is of years, or sometimes of several lives. So you can not connect the source. But if you look deeply you will find all your thoughts are creating you and your life. They Create your hell, they create your heaven.
They create the positive. Both are illusory-the Pain and pleasure, the sweet dream and the terrible nightmare, both are illusory. Kalpataru is the supreme power or Eternal Force emanated from spiritual waves and Everyone in the surrounding area was engrossed by his divine touch.
These energies can have transforming effects on the lower brain, middle And higher brain. As the mental energies manifest in our lives most Will stalk from our emotions, survival and will have a much greater Impact on the physical well-being of a creature.
On the energy level, this Is represented as a stronger link between your third eye, solar plexus Chakras and feet.
The higher energies that this attunements give you Access to will facilitate deep healing and transformation within your Higher brain but also within your lower brain, your thought patterns, Beliefs, manifestation power and psychic abilities.
This is represented as A stronger link between your third eye, your higher self and a lot Higher aspect where uniqueness does exist and where the thoughts are Expressed in their simplest form as pure thoughts and intentions.
These symbols can transform your electromagnetic field into different Levels of consciousness. The work like antennas in your energy field:
Tabudo works on celestial energy level and connects your higher brain wishes of total and Infinitive soul connection in radar transmission of shinning complete soul. It is the Union with your soul.
Linshudo Earth being transmission Linshudo activates the energy on your feet to manifest your earthly desires.
Lenshafi Transmitting of being desires. It is The Harmonic transmission and balance of the higher And lower mind desires. Desires coming from the soul and earthly desires. Pushela Pushela is an Infinitive Transmission of Being Power. Peace transmition like an antenna Connecting with the power and identifying your uniqueness of being. Releasing ilusory Higher thought forms.
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