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EUR 100 

For tai massage practitioners

Healing energy of medicine Buddha

It combines tai massage and universal energy healing

Initiation ceremony of the Buddha of medicine and Shivakakomarpaj

Activation and attunement of the four elements

Pathavidatu, earth. Related to the solid parts of the body, skeleton, muscles,nerves, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels. It is linked to stability and the strength and maturity.

Aphodhatu,water. Related with body fluids, blood and secretions. Strength and softness,flexibility.

Tecodhatu,fire, regulates body temperature, digestion and metabolism. It links with theintellect, joy and sexual vigor.

Vayodhatu, air,regulates the body's vitality and the mind. Controls the circulation and respiration, balances the psychosomatic functions and is linked to mood.

Wai Poo activation ceremony

Thailand is considered sacred and meditative practice within the Buddhist environment.

Wai Poo is the ceremony that is a sign of gratitude, respect for the grace of the Buddhas and other deities and the father of Thai massage Shivakakomarpaj.

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OXITOCYN The Ormone of Love Activation by Ramon Martinez Martinez

EUR 25

For Long Relationships

Oxytocin makes it possible for two people wishing to establish a serious relationship based on love and fidelity.

Is released during sex and is responsible for that after sex hugging want to stay and tell your partner how much you want.

At the same time, this hormone motivates men to seek the satisfaction of his partner rather than just comply with it. In short, is the guarantee of a relationship based on monogamy and fidelity.

Promotes a long-term partner and facilitates the start of a romantic love.

Oxytocin is released from the first sexual intercourse between a couple, and enables both have the initiative to start a serious relationship.

As the couple have more sex the stronger the link between the two, since this hormone in turn relieves stress and promotes tenderness, love, trust between two people and the desire for a person to be only yours .

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Skywalker Reiki Azarikilur by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200

Reiki is universal life energy of light, love and consciousness. Reiki energy is not dual, it is yin and yang. It's infinite and universal. It can't causes damage to the physical and subtle bodies.

This Reiki. It is a free expression of reiki received by the beings of light from the stars of our galaxy Ors, Azarikilur. The Stars That expand in many forms and Paths That acquires the levels of love and conscience, either individual or collective.

The images of the mandalas of the cards 1 to 28 show the way forward in the evolution of your soul in this life.

Origin, purpose and possible outcomes. It clears the obstacles and Increases creativity as a foundation for life.

A Reiki practitioner is the person who is consciously tuned into the universal force and Therefore are guided by Their intuitive wisdom. ... This is not so different from the definition of any practitioner of almost any spiritual tradition evolving.

The two-dimensional or three dimensional representation of the mandala is not limited and are interpreted as an interdimensional and multidimensional tool.

Everything in the universe is energy and we can access it if we tunned, resonate and vibrates with it.

The mandala transcends time and space matter and puts us in contact with the energy inherent in it. In this reiki you are attuned to master the subconscious mind with the mandala

. It provides instructions on how to access the energy and convert it into a living instrument of healing.

What is Mandala?

It is a word That comes from Sanskrit and means a circle with center. The mandala is the essence of being. Through symmetrical shapes and colors, we awaken the consciousness of who we are as a whole, and That we are not separate from the entire universe. The mandala on the composition of shapes and colors has a positive impact on personal knowledge. Historically, mandalas are over 5000 years old and is conceived as an instrument for healing and rituals.

The mandalas are found in all, the earth, the stars, or Amerindian symbols, Celts, Mayans, Aztecs, Navajo, Hopi, etc., even the rosettes of the medieval Gothic cathedrals.

The mandala is present in nature in three-dimensional, either in the form of cells, molecules of water, snowflakes, the spider webs, flowers ...

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Aratron empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Aratron empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100     year 2012

Olympic spirits are supernatural beings and can not be controlled.

The magical system of Olympic spirits gives you a way of asking the universe for something they are not about organizing.

You can not threaten them or do anything Which is a usual instrument of magic.

You are getting in touch with one of the first forces in the universe and the most powerful source of magic.

However they act according to Functional Their Own Their Own will and according to Functional plans. In some cases they will not give you want you want, and in other cases they will let you have it even if it is not recommended.

Gods are like that

. Empowerment to the seal of Aratron

You can meditate and use it for clearing your path of abundance and communication between your inner self and higher self and more applications of use. you can be guided.

If the seven rays are the seven archetypal Gods from Which all metaphysics is based, then The Olympic Spirits are remains of the divine union, as we are, and Therefore must be brought` together in the mind of the Magician as part of the journey home.

Remember That the Olympic spirit is the archetype of all Gods and Goddesses Which are part of That ray.

They are there to Provide you with guidance on your life path.

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Amitabha attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Amitabha attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 120    year 2013

Amitabha (Sanskrit:, Amitabha (wordstem), Sanskrit pronunciation: [əmɪt̪aːbʱə ;]) is a celestial buddha described in the scriptures of the Mahayana school of Buddhism.

Amitabha is the principal buddha in the Pure Land sect, a branch of Buddhism Practiced Mainly in East Asia, while in Vajrayana Amitabha is known for His longevity attribute and the aggregate of distinguishing (recognition) and the deep awareness of individualities.

According to These scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merits Resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmakara.

"Amitabha" is translatable as "Infinite Light," Hence Amitabha is Often called "The Buddha of Infinite Light. "

Amitabha is the Buddha of the comprehensive love

Vajrayana Buddhism Amitabha is Also known in Tibet, Mongolia, and other regions where Tibetan Buddhism is Practiced. In the Highest Yoga Tantra class of the Tibetan Vajrayana Amitabha is Considered one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas (together with Akobhya, Amoghasiddhi, Ratnasambhava, and Vairocana), who is associated with the western direction and the skandhas of Sajna, the aggregate of distinguishing (recognition) and the deep awareness of individualities.

His consort is PA aravāsinī. His realm is called either Sukhavati (Sanskrit) or Dewachen (Tibetan).

His two main disciples (just as the Buddha Shakyamuni had two) are the Bodhisattvas Vajrapani and Avalokiteshvara, the former to His left and the latter to His right. In Tibetan Buddhism, there exists a number of famous prayers for taking rebirth in Sukhavati (Dewachen).

One of these was written by Je Tsongkhapa on the request of Manjushri, The Tibetan Panchen Lamas and Shamarpas are Considered to be emanations of Amitabha.

Amitabha is the center of a number of mantras in the Buddhist Vajrayana practices.

it is very protective and powerful energy.

It is useful for Sending energy to the entire planet. it is an universal channel open through you, Your divine presence is auspicious by Amitabha.

Here you will know-discover your divine gifts and your unique personal qualities.

You are attuned to Amithaba energy and the three mantras

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White - magenta kundalini light empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250 

year 2013 - 250 $

Prerequisite requirements Having done turquoise kundalini shakti

level one: White kundalini shakti It Reaches the cosmic plane of kundalini energy.

It manifests as to your spiritual, everlasting soul This is the light That you come from.

Level two:

Magenta kundalini shakti It Reaches the cosmic oversoul of the kundalini energy

You are connected with your oversoul family of light creation, even your light beings That participate on with you in manifesting life force.

Try to take about three days for each level to the integrated energy

This system can be use like reiki

This system can be touch for people with at least 100 master level workshops done on Reiki modalities and / or similar. Otherwise the energy level will be decreased At and could damage the aura.

Through meditation you can find uses of These energies, just feel guided to do substance Practice is very important to develop the energies.

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Turquoise kundalini shakti empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350

yera 2013 - 350 $ 

Turquoise kundalini shakti core

One of the first lights creating the vital energy on the planet is turquoise light

Above it there is only light before creation

These empowerments and attunements are unique and not found any elsewhere in the planet.

Turquoise light awakens your vital energy in different levels never done before

Levels of consciousness First level Black kundalini shakti This shakti balance the earth energy with your entire etheric and physical body

Second level Ultraviolet kundalini shakti This shakti is the first step to heal your soul and integrated its parts as a whole with unconditional love.

Third level Golden kundalini shakti Reinforce the rainbow light of your physical, emotional, mental planes with your soul and glands

Forth level Platinum kundalini shakti Unblocks the combined energies to the consciousness in your heart chakra

Fifth level Pink kundalini shakti Expands the unconditional love, of your cells, earth and cosmic consciousness

Sixth level Turquoise kundalini shakti makes the consciousness of all creation in your cells and the cells of the cosmos like one. Turquoise energy to bring the light of your incarnations, your ancestors light and soul families, That make possible to be here on earth to manifest in a human form

Try to take about three days for each level to the integrated energy

This system can be use like reiki

This system can be touch for people with at least 100 master level workshops done on Reiki modalities and / or similar. Otherwise the energy level will be decreased At and could damage the aura.

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EUR 350     year 2013

To thine self be true on, act secondo who you are and what you believe. If you know and love yourself you will discovery it effortless to be true to yourself.

Just as you can not love anyone else until you love yourself, you can not be true to anyone else until you are true to yourself.

Be who you are! Have the bravery to accept yourself as you really are, not as someone else thinks You Should Be.

Do not take action or make-believe to be someone else for the sake of reaching acceptance.

These energies Increases your existence.

During the empowerments you are wrapped and embedded deeply in the love energies know That All the Things That constrain you, the old arrangements, old coatings, the pressure of everyday life, being in the duality, and are converted liquefied in the gentlest way.

Healing can take place on all levels just as your soul is ready for.

Your energies are stabilized, your strength and your improved trust. With golden-blue-purple-white light, you feel free and full of delightful peace.

The doors of ANKALEA are the doors of origin of life, the most profound secrets of the mother earth are revealed to the purest hearts of light.

The doors of renewal, is an infinitive space with no dark no light in it. You can enter there and ask your That questions for secrets need to be revealed to you; the secrets of creation.

You are a creator and master of your own life.

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Inia araguaiaensis empowerments Araguaian river dolphin by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350

year 2014 Special price limit time

The Araguaian Araguaian river dolphin or boto (araguaian river dolphin) is a South American river dolphin population

It is native to the Araguaia-Tocantins basin of Brazil.

Members of the genus are blue-gray to pink in color

Good for healing emotional issues, astral body and nerve system in general.

You can use this energy to charge water just simply by using the mantra on it.

You can use this mantra like flower therapy and charge the bottle of treatment.

This boto dolphin brings us the platinum-blue-pink frequencies of love to restore the emotional body and release of past memories of humanity and planet earth.

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EUR 150  year 2012

This prayer rite was handed to us by Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany.

He was an eminent Sufi and is Considered to be the saint of all saints.

The prayer has many benefits, among Which is the formation of a magickal shield, protection against danger and calamities, prosperity, etc.

Here you are attuned to Hisbul Autaad and Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany the saint

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BAAL SHEM TOV EMPOWERMENT AND ACTIVATION, discover the name of god by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100     year 2012

A BAAL SHEM is a Master of the name of god, written with the four Hebrew letters.

A BAAL SHEM is someone who knows the pronunciation of the name god, and it could vibrate silently.

BAAL SHEM is a helping spirit.

BAAL SHEM TOV is the good spirit That protects against bad spirits.

The spirit sent to initiate the seeker is the prophet Elijah. Once initiated, the BAAL SHEM is work miracles through the knowledge of the name of four letters, representing the primal sounds used by god to speak to creation.

Also you can lay your hands on others for healing.

BAAL SHEM is especially useful in exorcism, deliver evil spirits out of the living body.

SHOFAR sound of the horm Associated with Judgment Day, invoke the power of god, before whom-opposed Satan can not stand

. Any energy opposing god will it is Dismissed.

The BAAL SHEM helps to heal the people and defend them against devil.

About YHVH Y - YOD letter is the diamond energy of the indestructible and eternal energy of god.

The spark of god H- letter HEH is the illumination and inspiration of god V- VAV letter connects us to divinity here on earth

You can receive many messages from heavens.

Listen Into Your Heart YHVH baal shem Shofar

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DIAMOND ANTHAKARANA- Autmun activation, attunement and empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Diamond light Represents the absolute and indestructible

Your diamond body of light it is protected and purified by your angels, dolphins, Elohim, gods - goddesses, dragons ... crystalline in nature or the crystalline property of the spiritual light.

When you develop spiritually, your guides like angels "polish" your diamond to perfection Your diamond it is your first connection to the spiritual world

Activates your multidimensional being Activates your connection to ancient Lemuria

and Atlantida Activates your micro- macrocosmic energies an universal energies of the diamond in the frequencies of gold, platinum, Uranian light.

Very powerful for the unity of the self nowadays.

Good for better channeling

Restoring your electromagnetic grid Brain balancing Activates your kundalini with These New frequencies DNA repairing multidimensional energies and beyond.

The healing power of platinum: h and healing power of platinum: h and healing power of platinum:

It will reflect the negative energies Their back to source. it exposés the hidden and untrue, I know it is a good 'witness' to energy use in dowsing and kinesiology.

It is good to use in times of stress and stressful situations.

Used to bring alignment to the chakra system and facilitated Divine alignment.

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Cuprite Attunement and Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 25 

Cuprite is a red to brown mineral with high copper content.

That metaphysical lore says it is helpful for reducing worries about things one has no control over, awareness, teaching, and delivering spiritual messages

. Cuprite is associated with kundalini energy as well as opening the flow of the base (root) chakra, spleen chakra, the solar plexus chakra, crown and the heart chakra balancing and basic chakras.

As a root chakra stone, it is Considered very grounding and stabilizing, electromagnetic balance.

It is associated in traditional and mystical lore with will power, security, confidence, sexuality, and masculine energy.

Mystically it is used to recall and examine past life experiences.

it Has Been historically said to help heal one's Relationship With Their father. Traditional folklore and crystal healing lore purport cuprite That is helpful for healing problems with the thymus, heart, blood metabolism (especially imbalances), muscle tissue, skeletal system, oxygenation of the blood, stamina, kidneys, menstrual cramps, vertigo, water retention, vitamin absorption, addictions and alcoholism

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EUR 70    year 2012

Plasma comprises 99.99 percent of the universe.

Plasma is essentially a spell made out of charge.

The matter of stars forms plasma by very high temperatures

Our aura of light forms plasma like angels.

Our soul form the infinitive and eternal being we are.

Our essence has plasma. In other dimensions exist we know we can integrated or fusion to our soul parts.

Then DNA carries the energy of the plasma. We share DNA with angels.

Everything has to Greater Meaning

Find the Miracles in each Day

angelic message You are love see with your heart

There are no limits in the divine will,

your are here to see, enjoy and be who you really are

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Heart Of Reiki Kundalini Empowerment And attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100    year 2012

Your heart shines in White Gold, Pink and Violet energy.

Frequencies of unconditional love, freedom of your being, you You can be who you are.

White gold laser light bean for permeating and penetrating inside and outside your body, it means interdimensional freeing energy.

Well, feel the love in your physical body and the body of Mother Earth.

You can activate the energy of new love to new earth. Everything Has Been created Because of love. Because it happens of you.


It activates the energy uses That means we are perfect in love, regenerate tissues Timeless in matter You are supported by the love of mother earth Spin of energy moves around your physical body

It bolts your new body to the new frequencies of the earth changing

You can activate the energy in objects and places and other uses like Reiki.

Activate the energy in your kidneys for healing.

You are attuned to the ancient earth heart Which is about, 5000 millions old, and so much info-loving energy.

Your hearts mind intelligence has been activated.

You are attuned to the angels of white gold light.

These angels Enhance Your healing power Hundreds of times.

They are very powerful.

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Mitochondrial Dna Shakti Activation and attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

The loss of cellular ATP energy leads to system breakdown, organ malfunctioning to eventual organ atrophy, and death. Conditions Resulting From The Loss of Mitochondrial ATP Energy The Consequence of age-related chronic cellular energy loss includes:


Heart diseases

cerebrovascular Disease






Autoimmune Disorders (Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma and more)

The Color of Universal Harmony & Emotional Balance Magenta is a color of universal harmony and emotional balance. it is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. The magenta color helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Magenta influences our complete personal and spiritual development

DNA SHAKTI Repairs DNA, including the chromosomes and genes, and removes any harmful programs such as Those for disease or negative habits.

The process connects to Life energy and enhances DNA by creating new, positive potentials. Losing one's connection to life energy is the underlying cause of many chronic health problems.

Uses and purpose • For your personal spiritual and physical balance evolution • For healing yourself and other; • healing DNA • Soul level • Physical body, anti-aging effect • Renewing your spiritual heritage • Healing mother earth • Universal and human race love healing • Easy processing physical energies from environment, food, water, breathing ... • Easy Accessing spiritual energies for manifestation
• Healing environments, surroundings from negative EMF • Healing age-related chronic cellular energy loss diseases • Skin disorders, tissue disorders • You can prepare creams, oils, and water remedies . • And much more

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150   year 2012

The Karma Remover Prayer

The prayer clears the stains of karma in one's subconsciousness and book of soul-record (Akash)

It has to be chanted with full sincerity and Chant it once and the Almighty will remove the stains of karma That troubles you. chant it twice, and the cleansing effect would extend to your wife and child; chant it three times, it would remove the karmic stains of your family.

If You Should chant it for 4x, even your parents would be purified and Your ancestors line up to seventh generation would be purified.

Consider your inheritance That Has Been with energy store in your kidneys. it Allows you to be in your physical body and the information of your DNA it is purified also.

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Number phi and Pi the numbers of infinitive manifesting conscience attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 50   year 2012

Number phi and Pi the numbers of infinitive manifesting conscience attunements

We can never truly measure the circumference or the area of a circle Because We can never truly know the value of pi.

Pi is an irrational number, meaning its digits go on forever in a seemingly random sequence.

Pi is the measure of the universe, whatever is spherical, linear or hyperbolic. it means to be in contact to infinitive energy and delimited in its manifestations.

This is a special attunement Because it is not related to light-sound band of energy healing but to a specific numbers, pi equals to 3.14159265 ... ∞ numbers.

It Represents the Infinitive circular consciousness.

Pi it is not affected by dimensions, it influences in them. Dimensions manifest through by time and space related to electromagnetic field, like an attractor of realities and moving in spirals like chakras and DNA.

Golden ratio Describes These spirals in an irrational number 1.6180339 ... Number phi it is a progressive spiral pathway towards union with the circle of infinity That is the all-encompassing consciousness.

You do not need a belief system to activate These energies. uses like reiki and beyond.

You can use this energy on objects, places, situations, animals, plants, crystals, entire planet, group of persons

Very powerful

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THE iahum empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150

year 2012 - 150 $ 

An ultimate healing system Iahum means the dragon breath of god

We completely burn up the garbage we store in the deeper levels of our being

It converts most of the negative energy released in this process into That healing energy heals us

It blows away all the negative energy remaining That we've released.

Spiritually, emotionally and psychologically, we become toxic and Safety our emotions in a negative way through anger or rage, fear or anxiety, sorrow or depression, Resentments, envy, and feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, hopelessness and uselessness.

Spiritually and mentally, we project our own thoughts, feelings and complexes onto others; we criticize them, find Their faults and build ourselves up by tearing them down

Physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, we develop aches and pains for no medical reason and we find it difficult to control our weight and bodily functions.

A healing process requires That we

:Take responsibility for our own mistakes

Stop blaming others

Release our shame

Release our guilt

Accept ourselves

Forgive Ourselves

Love Ourselves So we can choose, peace, courage and happiness

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EUR 50        year 2012 -


It Improves It your Channeling Attuned

You are attuned The Deva of The Flower (ask permission, advice and guidance to the devas for working with you)

you are Attuned To The Dragons Flower

This is Stronger than Flower Lotus Flower For Spiritual Unfoldment

It can be Attained When your energetic system goes to a higher degree. it opens and clarifies your energy channels, Clarifies your mind.

It cools your energy system When You Are channeling energies like hot earth kundalini.

It is Very protective for your aura. and more...

requirements Any advanced energy work

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