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What is White Dragon Magnetic Reiki?

Sometimes people stand at the edge of a picnic table filled with so much good food and wonderful drink that they freeze up.

Cannot make up their minds. Don't know if it is permitted to help themselves to a plate.

Meanwhile other people push them aside and take all the goodies. It's a
shame, isn't it?

This reiki empowerment is about setting up an inner magic and spiritual method for you to get good things from the Universe.

It really does work!

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Whale Spiral song reiki by Stewart Farquharson


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It is known that whales can communicate over hundreds of miles to find companions.

They sing.

They dive down to the denser layers of the ocean where the sound waves are trapped and swept long distances, and they sing.

This reiki taps into that strange phenomenon with the idea that whales are not the only creatures that can do this.

We don’t know what Beings exist in the voids of Space.

If they do, and if they seek love, they also must communicate.

Calling their energy whale song will do.

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Love from your Soul Star by Stewart Farquharson



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(step up to your twelve wheels of light and rock your world)

There have been some changes in the ideas of personal energy hubs that people are wearing these days.

Five new chakras are being felt and seen by the clairvoyant among us.

They are also called “transpersonal” because they do not sit inside our bodies but rather nearby.

They link us to the Universe, to the angels, to helpful star visitors, and to our own eternal selves.

very good manual !

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Water and Stones by Stewart Farquharson


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This empowerment concerns the play of forces which make up our world though we
seldom notice. I mean the light and the dark.

The shadow makes the sunlight possible, the sunlight brings out the beauty of shade.

Water rushes over pebbles bringing out their beauty and the stones bring out the wonder of sound from the stream.

This play of forces is itself a type of energy, and it can be attuned to, and worked with to
bring about healing and exuberant manifestation.

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Ethereal Tattoo Reik by Stewart Farquharson



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In reiki we can use solid things from the real world such as crystals, or intangible versions, such as 'ethereal” crystals.

So why not use ethereal tattoos?

We can infuse reiki healing energy into an imaginary drawing on the skin, and tell it to last for a few weeks.

We can energize real tattoos or designs ,in the manual you can see some tattoo

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 deals with defensive behaviour that people use to deal with fear and pain, as seen from a subtle energy perspective.

There are several different “personality types” but we can all find ourselves in every one.

This attunement owes a debt to ideas in the book Healing Touch by Barbara Brennan, and also to nursing workshops and work with mental health clients the founder has done.


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Light Codes Of Ambrosia Attunementwill help you work with galactiv beings for the good of our planet.

Ambrosia is merely a handy name for a gathering-place in the galactic dimensions. It is shaped by the people who go there. It appears as a place much like our home Earth: oceans and mountains and forests and meadows.

And cities. Such strange places! From the dirt mounds of the intelligent insects called the Mufu, to the airy woodland groves of the star elves, to the palisaded sturdy wooden villages of the Aethiddry.

Extra-terrestrial people who want to help us on Earth to evolve and grow can be found here, along with aliens who are not so friendly. But we are more than a match for any troubles with the help of the angelic Royal Stars.

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by Stewart Farqhuarson    EUR 6.99

They form in the Polar Regions are passages of increasing energy from the ice and snow from the wind "Solar" Strange things happen here.

The magnetic flux of the solar system. Radiation bands wrap around the earth in a Shap silver apple.

The sky is divided into real levels - we are here presented in seven stages:

Earth, Clouds, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the ionosphere, the moon and then the portal to the stars.

Here you are on the legendary land. What lies beyond the Earth?

Such as angels and spirits and ancestral beings will guide you?

You are having come from six Pleiades, Lyra Orion or Sirius?

You have the Royal Flush of terrestrial phenomena to be used after tuning in the meditations and real cultural influences at hand.

Self-Growth and Astral Travel and an 'angel guide.

The spiritual ladder and science in the polar regions of our planet.

in the manual you will find the names of the Angels and their individual peculiarities'

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Lineage Tune-Up by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

This energy works to increase to the presence of a reiki attunement Already inside you by "folding over" long lineages.

If you have a ten or twenty name lineage ahead of your own name, this will make the energy as if you are Within five names of the founder.

Also it repairs broken links Caused by teachers' poor performance at passing energy, and in the case of embedded attunements to a Particular teacher's name, it helps you in homes That teacher has died and left this plane.

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Starseed Energy Bundle by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

This is a selection of seven famous places in the sky where people find mystery and guidance in the New Age phenomenon known as Starseeds.

You can be attuned to each one.

starseeds People who believe they came from a distant star and are not quite "home" here on Earth are known as starseeds.

Their mission?

To help us Achieve peace, wisdom and spiritual growth.

Sirius In ancient Egypt this star marked the start of the new year.

Isis the magic goddess ruled here. She gave Initiations into the deepest mysteries and yet was a tender mother and fierce protector, and a loving widow.

Many people associate this star with canines. The Greeks called it the dog star. Cherokee Indians I knew it as a wolf who guarded the Path of Souls. It is the Orion Hunter's companion dog and chases away the Bull and Scorpion. It is very bright and quite close to us. New Agers think That dolphins whales and souls are linked to it.

Andromeda Andromeda was a captive maiden by the ocean, waiting for a sea monster to devour her, When Perseus flying on a winged horse swept to her rescue. This region is star Associated with an elusive and mysterious teaching presence. Vibrations of love and beauty and sparkle wise change in this energy. This is a spiral galaxy outside our own Milky Way and is approaching us. The Arabs called it the Little Cloud.

The Pleiades If you feel attached to These stars, you will Certainly almost have to deep connection to Nature and a rebellious and very creative natures. Associated with the huntress Artemis and her nymphs, and the hunter god Murugan of Ceylon and his bachelors, the Pleiades are friendly to alternate lifestyles. These stars Also would rule over freedom-loving young demonstrators of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and in the 1960's the famous Hippies. Arcturus Called the Star of the Boat by Indonesians, this orange beacon was used by Polynesians to sail north across uncharted depths and discover the island of Hawaii. Arcturans are rumored to live in a wonderful crystal of great civilization peace and love, and to be the most discreet of star helpers, mostly in the background, and a little reserved, but incredibly powerful if they wish to be.

Vega and Lyra Vega is called by the Arabs al-nasr-to-waqi, alighting the Vulture. In Babylon it was Named Dilgan, the Messenger of Light. It was the pole star in 12000 BC and is in the constellation Lyra where New Agers claim all humans originated. The vibrations here are protective, ancestral, knowledge, family, home, feminine. Long ago around 12,000 BC Stone Age hunters made a circle of stone pillars adorned with the animals of Their Lives: the ox, ass, gazelle, scorpion, viper, and vulture. it is today called Gobekli Tepe, Potbelly Hill, Because the round mound covers the ruins. The old city at Catal Huyuk, Also in Asia Minor, has temples adorned with clay statues of ox heads, leopards and vultures. For this was how These Old people disposed of Their dead. They put the corpses in towers and allowed the birds to strip away the flesh know the bones could be buried near to home. The Vulture was the Guide to the AfterLife. And She was female. A vulture goddess Also protected the pharaohs of Egypt and her wings stretched out in gold jewelry about many a woman's neck. Although of the sky she has connections with the old Mother Earth herself, the Giver of Life and Death and Meaning.

Orion Greeks called this constellation Orion the Hunter and the Egyptians linked it to the husband of Isis, Osiris, the good king dead. New Agers believe this region of the sky had many wars. Refugees are said to have arrived on Earth and mingled with the humans (who had come from Lyra). And later a small gray race of reptilian aliens, The Greys, sneaked down and Began to interfere with human tribes for Their Own Reasons. There is rumored to sono stati a crash of a spaceship in the Grey American town of Roswell in the southwest. The airforce arrived, investigated and quietly removed ... something. There are New Agers who channel something called the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light, who claim That star beings are in opposition to the forces of negativity and conspiracy here on earth: the Greys and the Illuminati. While this can be a challenging vibration, Orion gives strength, courage, and the ability to go it alone. It brings the intoxication of battle and wisdom of Treaties.

The Star Portal When humans left Lyra to come to Earth they are said they used a "star portal" or gateway in space. Whether they used ships or soul travel, they jumped through to magical door somewhere in the Belt Stars of Orion. The giant animal drawings on the Nazca desert in Chile are linked with this mystery, perhaps pointing to a bearing on the horizon where the Portal can be seen, or as a reminder for human descendants. New Agers consider it possible to travel back to this portal in dreams and trances, and to find help and love out in the Reaches of Outer Space.

Why not try it for yourself?

This bundle of energy attunements is intended for reflection and self-growth and to be added to reiki healing energy to Promote wellness.

People Should not substitute it for professional medical care.

As always, use your own judgment and common sense.

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Mithras Smiles by Stewart Farquharson


 Stewart Farquharson  EUR 6.99

Out of the mountain valleys of central Asia came a strange god Whose popularity led to shrines in Roman Britain and worship in Persia and India.

His name is Mithras, or Mithra.

One of His titles is The Friend.

They say he was born from a rock and soon after challenged the Sun to a wrestling contest. The Sun lost to this strong youngster, but the two Became close friends. Mithras wears the Phrygian cap of the Persians and a starry blue cloak. In some carvings he holds a torch and a dagger. In India he has at club to use in battle, and grants protection to warriors. A bull from heaven once made a nuisance of itself and the other gods Mithras asked to slay it. He reluctantly agreed. He struggled with the divine beast and caught its blood, and from it sprang many plants and creatures. And Soma, the mystical initiating and intoxicating drink of the gods.

Due to His friendship and loyalty to the Sun, Mithras Became the god of friendship oaths and contracts. He is Invoked in Treaties carved on ancient stones in Persia.
In India he is the companion of Vayu, the Wind God. His virtues were courage, honor, and generous friendship. and good hunting and the care of mountain pastures for goats

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Coco de Mer Waterfall by Stewart Farqhuarson


by Stewart Farqhuarson  EUR 6.99

Deep in the Seychelles islands off the east coast of Africa are the curious and rare coco de mer palms.

These giants grow from 20 to 30 meters tall, and bear some of the largest seeds in the natural world. The male has giant tree catkin flowers Which are phallic. The female tree has large double-nuts Which resemble female parts. Some scientists thought this was the original tree species Tree of Life from the garden of Eden.

Hindu fishermen valued the nuts as the feminine equivalent to the lingam stones of Shiva.

The Islanders Themselves think the bad tree wanders in the night to the female tree and makes love. But humans who spy on the magic become black parrots! I combine the unashamed expression of the coco de mer with the exuberant beauty of waterfalls to make an energy That flashes alive inside us. A very adult and lively, dancing vibration.

A celebration of humor and sex and wisdom, and yet calm forest shade and smooth pools too.

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m92 by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

What is out there?

Experience the stars in the constellation Hercules. M92 is where it all happens ...

See for yourself.

This energy calls on us to journey out to the stars.

Situated above the head of the constellation Hercules, Messier Object 92 is a star cluster.

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Softly Kundalini by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson    EUR 6.99

Calm your inner energy and clear your channels.

What is Kundalini or gTummo?

Kundalini is an active method to clear the energy channel along your thorns. The myth says there is a firey serpent coiled at the base of your thorns and it can move upward, releasing your energy and Bringing good health and even psychic powers.

More important it can help you concentrated on the empty state of your true mind. GTummo is what Kundalini is called in Tibet.

What does it involve?

Meditators have found That our energy follows our attention. I know in Kundalini you focus on your navel area to gather energy, and then higher Up to Encourage it to flow upwards. It will stimulate a response from your brain. Is it safe? Yes, When You prepare yourself. You Should have a clear conscience, and a calm mood

This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual grow

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The Mystic Climb by Stewart Farquharson


127183954?profile=RESIZE_710xby Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

The Jews invented to guided imagery meditation

.It is known as the Kabbalah.

Ten spheres of influence are linked by paths. You can climb in your imagination, but the energy you will discover be quite real.

This is Also known as the Tree of Life

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Steady there Teddybear by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

  Reiki what is this for? This is a simple reiki energy for children and adult panic attacks - especially the slow episodes where you get confused and want to run, and forget how to breathe.

A panic attack is a rather unpleasant emotional state.

It can be triggered by to smell or sight Which reminds us of a bad experience in our past.

When you are in a panic attack it is difficult to remember how to be calm. this reiki will help you.

This is a very gentle and useful system

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

This energy is for healing the sniffles and sore throat of the common cold.

The color orange is useful for warming you up and breaking up chest congestion

. Blue is good for soothing irritated throats and helping with sleep and coughing.

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Who Am I? Reiki by Stewart Farquharson


by Stewart Farquharson  EUR 6.99

This flavor of Reiki is based on the Teachings of Ramana Maharshi and on personal experience. Ramana Maharshi was a sixteen year old boy living in the south of India When He had what we call today a panic attack. He was afraid of dying. But he was Also very stubborn and wanted to be free of this fear. I know he tried something unusual. Already he ACTED as if he had died. h lay still, tried not to breathe, and kept silent. And he found His point of view of Self changing.

He fled through all His emotions and ideas down to the viewer inside His Head. The part That watched him of ideas and emotions.

And he turned this awareness upon itself. He asked, What is this? Who Am I? And he developed a deep sense of this wordless "That", and held to it in meditation, and discovered a wonderful peace and bliss welling up from His heart.

This experience he called Reality.Or Realization.

Maharshi says we all have this deep inner Self, Which is Spirit and is the only true thing about us.

That we chase after mysterious religious rites and spiritual methods, When All we have to do is ask ourselves Who Am I?

Who is the I Within Me?

When I try to practice this, I do feel an inner thing Which is aware and watching and fills me up, but it is hard to put into words. I also feel at peace and happy. And sort of "expanded" as to who I am. It's as if my "usual" sense of myself is a tight knot, but this "deep self" or "thatness" is a looser field of Being. And it Recognizes something similar in other things.

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

She was a loving and feisty woman heretic in the time of knights and crusades. Hear her story.

This is a story of free thinking people and is a reiki bundle of energies

It Concerns the rise of Christian Cathar heresy as the official church called it, and the people and players in the disputes.

Their influenced has echoed down the centuries. Esclaremonde, the Dove of Foix Snapshot: The south of France on a hot day in the 12 th century. A castle is decked out with people waving from the walls as brave knights ride off to the Crusades. They wear big red crosses on white. "God wills it!" They howl enthusiastically. In Palestine, the infidel Saracens have captured Jerusalem. Europe must reserved respond. Esclaremonde of Foix is a countess. Her brother Raymond who rode with the French king Philippe Augustus and the Inglese king Richard the Lionheart to the holy land in 1191, loves her and backs her up When her brilliant mind and rather fearless tongue gets her into trouble. She in turn is supportive of Raymond's poetic side, fierce fighter That he is, and enjoys the troubadours he entertains at his castle
and more....

With the Grail comes the new philosophy.

To know one's self is to recover one's self. To realize one has the very nature of the High God.

To live by "paratge", the code of true chivalry Compassionate, honorable, loyal, truthful, and just. to live free

This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual growth

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by Stewart Farquharson   EUR 6.99

Reiki is a gentle healing energy Which flows where it does the most good, and is passed by initiation.

It came from Japan to Hawaii and then to the west. Qi Gong is the system of using natural energy to keep personal Force lively and healthy. It Has Been Used in China for millennia. Reiki grandmaster, for levels 5 to 17, an attempt to Combine the two, was thought to be advanced and Reiki originally came from Germany. Students would add new Chinese symbols but the energy did not get much of a write-up.

This manual Aims to correct that.

Gathering Qi Qi is a natural and invisible energy found in nature. Humans can take it into Their bodies by breathing, by walking barefoot on the earth, by soaking in water, by basking in the sunlight, and from food and drink. Trees help Also, as does the moon and the stars of the Big Dipper. Any place will help you enjoy outdoors you get Qi. Exercise and fun and laughter will bring positive Qi. Respectful sex will bring Qi. One way to get Qi is by stepping into postures, almost like a graceful dance for one person. standing Meditation This is a very good thing to do. It relaxes you and lets your qi move correctly.

manual very good

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